
The features described below are experimental and under development.

Dask integration

New in version 0.9.0.

Since version 0.9, LiberTEM supports seamless integration with workflows that are based on Dask arrays. That means Dask arrays can serve as input for LiberTEM, and UDF computations can produce Dask arrays. Additionally, make_dask_array() can create Dask arrays from LiberTEM datasets.

Linking with HyperSpy Lazy Signals

LiberTEM’s Dask integration features can be used to combine features from HyperSpy and LiberTEM in a single analysis workflow:


LiberTEM uses Dask.distributed as the default method to execute tasks. Unless instructed otherwise, LiberTEM keeps the default Dask scheduler as-is and only uses the Dask Client internally to make sure existing workflows keep running as before. However, for a closer integration it can be beneficial to use the same scheduler for both LiberTEM and other Dask computations. There are several options for that:

  • Set the LiberTEM Dask cluster as default Dask scheduler:

  • Use an existing Dask scheduler:

    • Use Context.make_with('dask-integration') to start an executor that is compatible with the current Dask scheduler.

  • Use dask.delayed:

Load datasets as Dask arrays

The make_dask_array() function can generate a distributed Dask array from a DataSet using its partitions as blocks. The typical LiberTEM partition size is close to the optimum size for Dask array blocks under most circumstances. The dask array is accompanied with a map of optimal workers. This map should be passed to the compute() method in order to construct the blocks on the workers that have them in local storage.

from libertem.contrib.daskadapter import make_dask_array

# Construct a Dask array from the dataset
# The second return value contains information
# on workers that hold parts of a dataset in local
# storage to ensure optimal data locality
dask_array, workers = make_dask_array(dataset)

result = dask_array.sum(axis=(-1, -2)).compute(workers=workers)

Load Dask arrays as datasets

LiberTEM datasets can be created from Dask arrays by using libertem.api.Context.load() with filetype 'dask'. See Dask for details. The performance can vary and depends on chunking, executor, I/O method and Dask array creation method. Please contact us or create an Issue for questions, bug reports and other feedback!

This basic example shows running a UDF on a Dask array:

import dask.array as da
from libertem.udf.sum import SumUDF

# Create a Context that integrates well with
# the current Dask scheduler
ctx = Context.make_with('dask-integration')

a = da.random.random((23, 42, 17, 19))

ds = ctx.load('dask', a, sig_dims=2)
res = ctx.run_udf(dataset=ds, udf=SumUDF())

assert np.allclose(
    a.sum(axis=(0, 1)).compute(),

See also Executors on how to set up compatible schedulers for both Dask and LiberTEM.

Create Dask arrays with UDFs

Using a DelayedJobExecutor with a Context lets run_udf return results as Dask arrays. In addition to the usual data and raw_data properties, which provide results as numpy arrays eagerly, the results are made available as dask arrays using the attributes delayed_data and delayed_raw_data. The computation is only performed when the compute() method is called on a Dask array result.

from libertem.api import Context
from libertem.executor.delayed import DelayedJobExecutor

from libertem.udf.sumsigudf import SumSigUDF

ctx = Context(executor=DelayedJobExecutor())
res = ctx.run_udf(dataset=dataset, udf=SumSigUDF())

dask.array<reshape, shape=(16, 16), dtype=float32, chunksize=(..., ...), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>

This method allows to create large intermediate results of kind='nav' efficiently in the form of Dask arrays. The partial results can stay as ephemeral array chunks on the workers only while they are needed for downstream calculations instead of transporting them through the cluster and instantiating the full result on the main node.

For calls to run_udf which run multiple UDFs or have with UDFs which return multiple results, it is strongly recommended to compute results with a single call to compute(), in order to re-use computation over the dataset. By default, Dask does not cache intermediate results from prior runs, so individual calls to compute() require a complete re-run of the UDFs that were passed to run_udf.

Merge function for Dask array results


See One-step merge (merge_all) for more information.

LiberTEM already uses an efficient default merging method to create Dask arrays for UDFs that only use kind='nav' buffers and don’t specify their own merge().

For all UDFs that define their own merge(), DelayedJobExecutor will use this existing udf.merge() function to assemble the final results, in the same way it is used to assemble partial results in each partition. This is carried out by wrapping the udf.merge() in dask.delayed calls.

However, the user can also specify a merge_all() method on their UDF that combines all partial results from the workers to the complete result in a single step. This allows the DelayedJobExecutor to produce a streamlined task tree, which then gives Dask greater scope to parallelise the merge step and reduce data transfers.

This example shows the task tree first with the built-in wrapper for udf.merge() and then the stramlined one after defining merge_all(). In tests the streamlined variant was twice as fast as the built-in wrapper.

class MySumUDF(UDF):
    def get_result_buffers(self):
        return {
            'intensity': self.buffer(kind='sig', dtype=self.meta.input_dtype)

    def process_tile(self, tile):
        self.results.intensity[:] += np.sum(tile, axis=0)

    def merge(self, dest, src):
        dest.intensity[:] += src.intensity

ctx = Context(executor=DelayedJobExecutor())
result = ctx.run_udf(udf=MySumUDF(), dataset=dataset)

Task tree with wrapper for standard merge.
class MySumMergeUDF(MySumUDF):
    # Define the merge_all() method for the UDF above
    def merge_all(self, ordered_results):
        # List and not generator for NumPy dispatch to work
        chunks = [b.intensity for b in ordered_results.values()]
        # NumPy will dispatch the stacking to the appropriate method
        # for the chunks.
        # See also
        stack = np.stack(chunks)
        # Perform computation on the stacked chunks
        # equivalent to the normal merge()
        intensity = stack.sum(axis=0)

        # Return a dictionary mapping buffer name to new content
        return {'intensity': intensity}

result2 = ctx.run_udf(udf=MySumMergeUDF(), dataset=dataset)

Task tree with :code:`merge_all()`.

The argument ordered_results is a dictionary of partial results results for that UDF. The dictionary is keyed by Slice objects, one for each partition processed, and is ordered in the flat navigation dimension. Each partial result is itself a dictionary with a key for each result declared in udf.get_result_buffers(). The ordered_results dictionary is created such that the merge_all method can safely concatenate the elements in the case of 'nav'-shaped results. Any applied ROI is automatically taken into account after the call to merge_all.

The return value from the function must be a dictionary of merged result arrays with the keys matching the declared result buffers. There is, however, no requirement to return merged results for all existing buffers, though any that are missing will not contain results from the computation and are likely to be filled with zeros.

CUDA and scheduling

A native LiberTEM Dask cluster uses resource tags to schedule work on CPUs or CUDA devices based on an UDF’s capability. For Dask integration a fallback was implemented that allows running computations that can run on a CPU on a native LiberTEM Dask cluster without requiring resource tags. However, CUDA-only computations will require passing the appropriate tags as resources argument to compute().

libertem.executor.delayed.DelayedJobExecutor.get_resources_from_udfs() returns the appropriate resources for a given set of UDFs based on their capabilities.


At this time the combination of CUDA-requiring UDFs and DelayedJobExecutor is not well-tested. At a minimum, the merge process carried out on the main node will not take place with GPU-backed Dask arrays, though this is under consideration for the future.