from collections import defaultdict
import functools
import numpy as np
import numba
from libertem.udf import UDF
from libertem.common.buffers import reshaped_view
@numba.njit(fastmath=True, cache=True, nogil=True)
def merge_single(n, n_0, sum_0, varsum_0, n_1, sum_1, varsum_1, mean_1):
Basic function to perform numerically stable merge.
This function is designed to be inlined in a loop over all pixels in a frame
to merge an individual pixel, with some parts pre-calculated.
Based on :cite:`Schubert2018`.
n : int
Total number of frames, assumed n == n_0 + n_1
Pre-calculated since equal for all pixels.
n_0 : int
Number of frames aggregated in sum_0 and varsum_0, n_0 > 0.
The case n_0 == 0 is handled separately in the calling function.
sum_0, varsum_0 : float
Aggregate sum and sum of variances
n_1 : int
Number of frames to merge from minibatch, n_1 > 0
sum_1, varsum_1, mean_1 : float
Minibatch sum, sum of variances and mean. The mean is
available from the previous minibatch calculation in the innermost
aggregation loop as a "hot" value.samples
sum, varsum : float
New aggregate sum and sum of variances
# compute mean for each partitions
mean_0 = sum_0 / n_0
# compute mean for joint samples
delta = mean_1 - mean_0
mean = mean_0 + (n_1 * delta) / n
# compute sum of images for joint samples
sumsum = sum_0 + sum_1
# compute sum of variances for joint samples
partial_delta = mean_1 - mean
# The original version had delta * partial_delta, which gave wrong results
# for complex numbers. Taking the absolute seems to fix this for complex.
# For real values it is equivalent since delta and partial_delta always have
# the same sign: inserting mean from above yields
# partial_delta = delta + (n_1 * delta) / n
# n_1 and n are natural numbers.
# For complex values it is plausible since the variance
# sum of the total is a real number. If the mean of both subsets is equal,
# the total is varsum_0 + varsum_1, since both delta and partial_delta are
# zero. If the mean of the subsets is different, the total variance sum
# must always be larger than the variance sums of the
# subsets. Taking the absolute of both is the only plausible way I can see
# to make sure the calculation is equivalent for real values and at the same time always
# a positive real value for complex numbers.
# FIXME proper validation and proof for complex
varsum = varsum_0 + varsum_1 + (n_1 * np.abs(delta) * np.abs(partial_delta))
return sumsum, varsum
def merge(dest_n, dest_sum, dest_varsum, src_n, src_sum, src_varsum, src_mean):
Given two sets of buffers, with sum of frames
and sum of variances, aggregate joint sum of frames
and sum of variances in destination buffers using one pass
This is ther numerical workhorse for :meth:`StdDevUDF.merge`.
Based on :cite:`Schubert2018`.
dest_n : int
Number of frames aggregated in dest_sum and dest_varsum
The case :code:`dest_N == 0` is handled correctly.
dest_sum, dest_varsum : one-dimensional numpy.ndarray
Aggregation buffers, will be updated: sum of pixels, sum of variances
src_n : int
Number of frames aggregated in src_sum and src_varsum
src_sum, src_varsum : one-dimensional numpy.ndarray
Source buffers to merge: sum of pixels, sum of variances
New number of frames aggregated in aggregation buffer
if dest_n == 0:
dest_sum[:] = src_sum
dest_varsum[:] = src_varsum
return src_n
elif src_n == 0:
# Can happen from empty partitions due to sync offset
return dest_n
n = dest_n + src_n
for pixel in range(len(dest_sum)):
dest_sum[pixel], dest_varsum[pixel] = merge_single(
dest_n, dest_sum[pixel], dest_varsum[pixel],
src_n, src_sum[pixel], src_varsum[pixel], src_mean[pixel]
return n
@numba.njit(fastmath=True, nogil=True)
def process_tile(tile, n_0, sum_inout, varsum_inout):
Compute sum and variance of :code:`tile` along navigation axis
and merge into aggregation buffers. Numerical "workhorse" for
tile : 2-dimensional numpy.ndarray
Tile with flattened signal dimension
n_0 : int
Number of frames already aggegated in sum_inout, varsum_inout
Cannot be 0 -- the initial case is handled in :meth:`StdDevUDF.process_tile`
For unknown reasons, handling the case N0 == 0 in this function degraded performance
significantly. Re-check with a newer compiler version!
sum_inout, varsum_inout : numpy.ndarray
Aggregation buffers (1D) with length matching the flattened signal dimension
of the tile. The tile will be merged into these buffers (call by reference)
n : int
New number of frames in aggregation buffer
n_frames = tile.shape[0]
n_pixels = tile.shape[1]
n = n_0 + n_frames
n_blocks = n_pixels // BLOCKSIZE
sumsum = np.zeros(BLOCKSIZE, dtype=sum_inout.dtype)
varsum = np.zeros(BLOCKSIZE, dtype=varsum_inout.dtype)
for block in range(n_blocks):
pixel_offset = block*BLOCKSIZE
sumsum[:] = 0
for frame in range(n_frames):
for i in range(BLOCKSIZE):
sumsum[i] += tile[frame, pixel_offset + i]
mean = sumsum / n_frames
varsum[:] = 0
for frame in range(n_frames):
for i in range(BLOCKSIZE):
varsum[i] += np.abs(tile[frame, pixel_offset + i] - mean[i])**2
for i in range(BLOCKSIZE):
sum_inout[pixel_offset + i], varsum_inout[pixel_offset + i] = merge_single(
n_0, sum_inout[pixel_offset + i], varsum_inout[pixel_offset + i],
n_frames, sumsum[i], varsum[i], mean[i]
for pixel in range(n_blocks*BLOCKSIZE, n_pixels):
sumsum_rest = 0.
for frame in range(n_frames):
sumsum_rest += tile[frame, pixel]
mean_rest = sumsum_rest / n_frames
varsum_rest = 0.
for frame in range(n_frames):
varsum_rest += np.abs(tile[frame, pixel] - mean_rest)**2
sum_inout[pixel], varsum_inout[pixel] = merge_single(
n_0, sum_inout[pixel], varsum_inout[pixel],
n_frames, sumsum_rest, varsum_rest, mean_rest
return n
def merge_ndarray(dest_n, dest_sum, dest_varsum, src_n, src_sum, src_varsum, src_mean, forbuf):
Version of :func:`merge` that only uses ndarray routines
for CuPy and sparse input data
if dest_n == 0:
dest_sum[:] = forbuf(src_sum, dest_sum)
dest_varsum[:] = forbuf(src_varsum, dest_varsum)
return src_n
elif src_n == 0:
return dest_n
n = dest_n + src_n
# compute mean for each partitions
mean_0 = dest_sum / dest_n
mean_1 = src_mean
# compute mean for joint samples
delta = mean_1 - mean_0
mean = mean_0 + (src_n * delta) / n
# compute sum of images for joint samples
dest_sum += forbuf(src_sum, dest_sum)
# compute sum of variances for joint samples
partial_delta = mean_1 - mean
dest_varsum += forbuf(
# Use multiply for compatibility with matrix interface (scipy.sparse)
src_varsum + (np.multiply(np.multiply(src_n, np.abs(delta)), np.abs(partial_delta))),
return n
def process_tile_ndarray(tile, n_0, sum_inout, varsum_inout, forbuf):
Version of :func:`process_tile` that only uses ndarray routines
for CuPy and sparse input data
n_frames = tile.shape[0]
n = n_0 + n_frames
sumsum = np.sum(tile, axis=0)
mean = sumsum / n_frames
delta = np.abs(tile - mean)
varsum = np.sum(np.multiply(delta, delta), axis=0)
n_0, sum_inout, varsum_inout,
n_frames, sumsum, varsum, mean,
return n
# Helper function to make sure the frame count
# is consistent at the merge stage
def _validate_n(num_frame):
if len(num_frame) == 0:
return 0
values = tuple(num_frame.values())
assert np.all(np.equal(values, values[0]))
return values[0]
class StdDevUDF(UDF):
Compute sum of variances and sum of pixels from the given dataset
The one-pass algorithm used in this code is taken from the following
paper: :cite:`Schubert2018`.
.. versionchanged:: 0.5.0
Result buffers have been renamed
.. versionchanged:: 0.7.0
:code:`var`, :code:`mean`, and :code:`std` are now returned directly
from the UDF via :code:`get_results`.
.. versionchanged:: 0.11
added dtype and use_numba parameters, added support for sparse input.
Base dtype to determine numerical precision.
use_numba : bool
Use the Numba-accelerated version if input array format and backend allow.
>>> udf = StdDevUDF()
>>> result = ctx.run_udf(dataset=dataset, udf=udf)
>>> np.array(result["varsum"]) # variance times number of frames
>>> np.array(result["num_frames"]) # number of frames for each tile
>>> np.array(result["sum"]) # sum of all frames
>>> np.array(result["var"])
>>> np.array(result["mean"])
>>> np.array(result["std"])
def __init__(self, dtype=None, use_numba=True) -> None:
super().__init__(dtype=dtype, use_numba=use_numba)
def get_backends(self):
# TODO supporting sparse backends efficiently requires a dedicated implementation
# since the generic one calculates the difference from a mean value,
# which can densify a sparse array.
return tuple(b for b in self.BACKEND_ALL if b not in self.SPARSE_BACKENDS)
def get_result_buffers(self):
base_dtype = self.params.dtype
if base_dtype is None:
base_dtype = np.float64
dtype = np.result_type(self.meta.input_dtype, base_dtype)
return {
'varsum': self.buffer(
kind='sig', dtype=base_dtype, where='device'
'num_frames': self.buffer(
kind='single', dtype='int64'
'sum': self.buffer(
kind='sig', dtype=dtype, where='device'
'var': self.buffer(
kind='sig', dtype=base_dtype, use='result_only',
'std': self.buffer(
kind='sig', dtype=base_dtype, use='result_only',
'mean': self.buffer(
kind='sig', dtype=dtype, use='result_only',
def get_task_data(self):
return {
'num_frames': defaultdict(int)
def postprocess(self):
self.results.num_frames[:] = _validate_n(self.task_data.num_frames)
def merge(self, dest, src):
# Given destination and source buffers that contain sum of variances, sum of frames,
# and the number of frames used in each of the buffers, merge the source
# buffers into the destination buffers by computing the joint sum of variances and
# sum of frames over all frames used
# Parameters
# ----------
# dest
# Aggregation bufer that contains sum of variances, sum of frames, and the
# number of frames
# src
# Partial results that contains sum of variances, sum of frames, and the
# number of frames of a partition to be merged into the aggregation buffers
dest_n = dest.num_frames[0]
src_n = src.num_frames[0]
if self.params.use_numba:
my_merge = merge
my_merge = functools.partial(merge_ndarray, forbuf=self.forbuf)
n = my_merge(
dest_sum=reshaped_view(dest.sum, (-1,)),
dest_varsum=reshaped_view(dest.varsum, (-1,)),
src_sum=reshaped_view(src.sum, (-1,)),
src_varsum=reshaped_view(src.varsum, (-1,)),
src_mean=reshaped_view(src.sum, (-1,)) / src_n,
dest.num_frames[:] = n
def merge_all(self, ordered_results):
n_frames = np.stack([b.num_frames[0] for b in ordered_results.values()])
pixel_sums = np.stack([b.sum for b in ordered_results.values()])
pixel_varsums = np.stack([b.varsum for b in ordered_results.values()])
# Expand n_frames to be broadcastable
extra_dims = pixel_sums.ndim - n_frames.ndim
n_frames = n_frames.reshape(n_frames.shape + (1,) * extra_dims)
cumulative_frames = np.cumsum(n_frames, axis=0)
cumulative_sum = np.cumsum(pixel_sums, axis=0)
sumsum = cumulative_sum[-1, ...]
total_frames = cumulative_frames[-1, 0]
mean_0 = cumulative_sum / cumulative_frames
# Handle the fact that mean_0 is indexed to results from
# up-to the partition before. We shift everything one to
# the right, and we don't care about result 0 because it
# is by definiition replaced with varsum[0, ...]
mean_0 = np.roll(mean_0, 1, axis=0)
mean_1 = pixel_sums / n_frames
delta = mean_1 - mean_0
mean = mean_0 + (n_frames * delta) / cumulative_frames
partial_delta = mean_1 - mean
varsum = pixel_varsums + (n_frames * np.abs(delta) * np.abs(partial_delta))
varsum_total = np.sum(varsum, axis=0)
return {
'sum': sumsum,
'varsum': varsum_total,
'num_frames': total_frames
def _adjust_dtype(self, input):
base_dtype = self.params.dtype
if base_dtype is None:
base_dtype = np.float64
dtype = np.result_type(input.dtype, base_dtype)
if input.dtype != dtype:
return input.astype(dtype)
return input
def process_tile(self, tile):
# Calculate a sum and variance minibatch for the tile and update partition buffers
# with it.
key = self.meta.tiling_scheme_idx
n_0 = self.task_data.num_frames[key]
n_1 = tile.shape[0]
if n_0 == 0:
# Make sure we calculate with full precision
tile = self._adjust_dtype(tile)
self.results.sum[:] = self.forbuf(tile.sum(axis=0), self.results.sum)
# Done this way to support the various array libraries
delta = np.abs(tile - tile.mean(axis=0))
self.results.varsum[:] = self.forbuf(
np.sum(np.multiply(delta, delta), axis=0).real,
self.task_data.num_frames[key] = n_1
if isinstance(tile, np.ndarray) and self.params.use_numba:
my_process_tile = process_tile
# Make sure we calculate with full precision
tile = self._adjust_dtype(tile)
my_process_tile = functools.partial(process_tile_ndarray, forbuf=self.forbuf)
self.task_data.num_frames[key] = my_process_tile(
tile=tile.reshape((n_1, -1)),
sum_inout=reshaped_view(self.results.sum, (-1, )),
varsum_inout=reshaped_view(self.results.varsum, (-1, )),
def get_results(self):
# Calculate variance, mean and standard deviation from raw UDF results
num_frames = self.results.num_frames[0]
var = self.results.varsum / num_frames
return {
'var': var,
'std': np.sqrt(var),
'mean': self.results.sum / num_frames,
def consolidate_result(udf_result):
Calculate variance, mean and standard deviation
from raw UDF results and consolidate the per-tile frame counter
into a single value. Convert all result arrays to `ndarray`.
This is mostly here for backwards-compatability - nowadays, 'var', 'std',
and 'mean' are already calculated in :meth:`StdDevUDF.get_results`.
udf_result : Dict[str, BufferWrapper]
UDF result with keys 'sum', 'varsum', 'num_frames', 'var', 'std', 'mean'
pass_results : Dict[str, Union[numpy.ndarray, int]]
Result dictionary with keys :code:`'sum', 'varsum', 'var', 'std', 'mean'` as
:class:`numpy.ndarray`, and :code:`'num_frames'` as :code:`int`
return {
'num_frames': udf_result['num_frames'].data[0],
'varsum': udf_result['varsum'].data,
'sum': udf_result['sum'].data,
'var': udf_result['var'].data,
'std': udf_result['std'].data,
'mean': udf_result['mean'].data,
def run_stddev(ctx, dataset, roi=None, progress=False, use_numba=True):
Compute sum of variances and sum of pixels from the given dataset
One-pass algorithm used in this code is taken from the following paper:
.. versionchanged:: 0.5.0
Result buffers have been renamed
.. versionchanged:: 0.5.0
Added :code:`progress` parameter for progress bar
ctx : libertem.api.Context
dataset :
dataset to work on
roi : numpy.ndarray
Region of interest, see :ref:`udf roi` for more information.
progress : bool, optional
Show progress bar. Default is :code:`False`.
use_numba : bool
Use the Numba backend if available, otherwise use ndarray based implementation
A dictionary of narrays that contains sum of variances, sum of pixels,
and number of frames used to compute the above statistic
To retrieve statistic, using the following commands:
variance : :code:`pass_results['var']`
standard deviation : :code:`pass_results['std']`
sum of pixels : :code:`pass_results['sum']`
mean : :code:`pass_results['mean']`
number of frames : :code:`pass_results['num_frames']`
stddev_udf = StdDevUDF(use_numba=use_numba)
pass_results = ctx.run_udf(
dataset=dataset, udf=stddev_udf, roi=roi, progress=progress
return consolidate_result(pass_results)