Source code for

from enum import IntEnum
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional, Union
from typing_extensions import Literal

import numpy as np
from sparseconverter import CUPY_BACKENDS

from libertem import masks
from libertem.corrections import coordinates
from libertem.udf.masks import ApplyMasksEngine
from libertem.common.container import MaskContainer
from libertem.common.math import prod
from libertem.udf.base import UDF

[docs] class RegressionOptions(IntEnum): """ Possible values of the regression functionality implemented in :class:`` """ NO_REGRESSION = -1 SUBTRACT_MEAN = 0 SUBTRACT_LINEAR = 1
# Needed because poor enum support in mypy? RegressionOptionsT = Union[np.ndarray, Literal[-1, 0, 1]]
[docs] class CoMParams(NamedTuple): """ Used to instantiate :class:``. See :meth:`` for descriptions of each parameter. In most cases use this method rather than instantiating this class directly. """ cy: Optional[float] = None cx: Optional[float] = None r: float = float('inf') ri: Union[float, None] = 0. scan_rotation: float = 0. flip_y: bool = False regression: RegressionOptionsT = RegressionOptions.NO_REGRESSION
def com_masks_factory(detector_y, detector_x, cy, cx, r): def disk_mask(): return masks.circular( centerX=cx, centerY=cy, imageSizeX=detector_x, imageSizeY=detector_y, radius=r, ) return [ disk_mask, lambda: masks.gradient_y( imageSizeX=detector_x, imageSizeY=detector_y, ) * disk_mask(), lambda: masks.gradient_x( imageSizeX=detector_x, imageSizeY=detector_y, ) * disk_mask(), ] def com_masks_generic(detector_y, detector_x, base_mask_factory): """ Create a CoM mask stack with a generic selection mask factory Parameters ---------- detector_y : int The detector height detector_x : int The detector width base_mask_factory : () -> np.array A factory function for creating the selection mask Returns ------- List[Function] The mask stack as a list of factory functions """ return [ base_mask_factory, lambda: masks.gradient_y( imageSizeX=detector_x, imageSizeY=detector_y, ) * base_mask_factory(), lambda: masks.gradient_x( imageSizeX=detector_x, imageSizeY=detector_y, ) * base_mask_factory(), ] def center_shifts(img_sum, img_y, img_x, ref_y, ref_x): x_centers = np.divide(img_x, img_sum, where=img_sum != 0) y_centers = np.divide(img_y, img_sum, where=img_sum != 0) x_centers[img_sum == 0] = ref_x y_centers[img_sum == 0] = ref_y x_centers -= ref_x y_centers -= ref_y return (y_centers, x_centers) def apply_correction( y_centers, x_centers, scan_rotation, flip_y, forward=True, ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: shape = y_centers.shape if flip_y: transform = coordinates.flip_y() else: transform = coordinates.identity() # Transformations are applied right to left transform = coordinates.rotate_deg(scan_rotation) @ transform y_centers = y_centers.reshape(-1) x_centers = x_centers.reshape(-1) if not forward: transform = np.linalg.inv(transform) y_transformed, x_transformed = transform @ (y_centers, x_centers) y_transformed = y_transformed.reshape(shape) x_transformed = x_transformed.reshape(shape) return (y_transformed, x_transformed) def divergence(y_centers, x_centers): return np.gradient(y_centers, axis=0) + np.gradient(x_centers, axis=1) def curl_2d(y_centers, x_centers): # # DFy/dx - dFx/dy # axis 0 is y, axis 1 is x return np.gradient(y_centers, axis=1) - np.gradient(x_centers, axis=0) def magnitude(y_centers, x_centers): return np.sqrt(y_centers**2 + x_centers**2) def coordinate_check(y_centers, x_centers, roi=None): ''' Calculate the RMS curl as a function of :code:`scan_rotation` and :code:`flip_y`. The curl for a purely electrostatic field is zero. That means the correct settings for :code:`scan_rotation` and :code:`flip_y` should minimize the RMS curl for atomic resolution STEM of non-magnetic specimens along a high-symmetry zone axis. Parameters ---------- y_centers, x_centers : numpy.ndarray 2D arrays with y and x component of the center of mass shift for each scan position, as returned by :meth:`center_shifts` or :meth:`apply_correction` roi : Optional[numpy.ndarray] Selector for values to consider in the statistics, compatible with indexing an array with the shape of y_centers and x_centers. By default, everything except the last row and last column are used since these contain artefacts. Returns ------- (straight, flipped) Root mean square of the curl as a function of :code:`scan_rotation` from 0 to 359 degrees in steps of one, with :code:`flip_y=False` (straight) and code:`flip_y=True` (flipped). ''' straight = np.zeros(360) flipped = np.zeros(360) if roi is None: # The last row and column contain artifacts roi = (slice(0, -1), slice(0, -1)) for angle in range(360): for flip_y in (True, False): y_transformed, x_transformed = apply_correction( y_centers, x_centers, scan_rotation=angle, flip_y=flip_y ) curl = curl_2d(y_transformed, x_transformed) result = np.sqrt(np.mean(curl[roi]**2)) if flip_y: flipped[angle] = result else: straight[angle] = result return (straight, flipped)
[docs] class GuessResult(NamedTuple): """ Container for CoM parameters inferred from results, which can be passed to :meth:`` to create a new :class:`` better-adapted to the data. Return type of :func:`` """ scan_rotation: int flip_y: bool cy: float cx: float
[docs] def guess_corrections( y_centers: np.ndarray, x_centers: np.ndarray, roi: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, tuple[slice, ...]]] = None, ) -> GuessResult: ''' Guess values for center offset (:code:`(cy, cx)`), :code:`scan_rotation` and :code:`flip_y` from existing CoM data. This function can generate a CoM parameter guess for atomic resolution 4D STEM data by using the following assumptions: * The field is purely electrostatic, i.e. the RMS curl should be minimized * There is no net field over the field of view and no descan error, i.e. the mean deflection is zero. * Atomic resolution STEM means that the divergence will be negative at atom columns and consequently the histogram of divergence will have a stronger tail towards negative values than towards positive values. If any corrections were applied when generating the input data please note that the new parameters should be applied relative to these previous values. In particular, the values for :code:`(cy, cx)` returned by this function are the means of the inputs :code:`y_centers` and :code:`x_centers`. If these inputs are CoM-shifts relative to a given position, then the guessed correction will also be relative to this same position. Parameters ---------- y_centers, x_centers : numpy.ndarray 2D arrays with y and x component of the center of mass for each scan position roi : Optional[numpy.ndarray] Selector for values to consider in the statistics, compatible with indexing an array with the shape of y_centers and x_centers. By default, everything except the last row and last column are used since these contain artefacts. Examples -------- >>> # Perform default, whole-frame CoM on a dataset >>> udf = CoMUDF() >>> result = ctx.run_udf(dataset=dataset, udf=udf) >>> # Pass the `raw_com` result to this function >>> y_centers = result['raw_com'].data[..., 0] >>> x_centers = result['raw_com'].data[..., 1] >>> guess_result = guess_corrections(y_centers, x_centers) >>> # Create a new CoMUDF with the guessed parameters >>> param_udf = CoMUDF.with_params(**guess_result._asdict()) >>> result_corrected = ctx.run_udf(dataset=dataset, udf=param_udf) Returns ------- GuessResult : computed corrections ''' if roi is None: # The last row and column contain artefacts roi = (slice(0, -1), slice(0, -1)) straight, flipped = coordinate_check(y_centers, x_centers, roi=roi) # The one with lower minima is the correct one flip_y = bool(np.min(flipped) < np.min(straight)) if flip_y: angle = np.argmin(flipped) else: angle = np.argmin(straight) corrected_y, corrected_x = apply_correction( y_centers, x_centers, scan_rotation=angle, flip_y=flip_y ) # There are two equivalent angles that minimize RMS curl since a 180° # rotation inverts the coordinates and just flips the sign for divergence # and curl. To distinguish the two, the distribution of the divergence is # analyzed. With negative electrons and positive nuclei, the beam is # deflected towards the nuclei and the divergence is negative there. Since # the beam is deflected most strongly near the nuclei, the histogram should # have more values at the negative end of the range than at the positive # end. div = divergence(corrected_y, corrected_x)[roi] all_range = np.maximum(-np.min(div), np.max(div)) hist, bins = np.histogram(div, range=(-all_range, all_range), bins=5) polarity_off = np.sum(hist[:1]) < np.sum(hist[-1:]) if polarity_off: angle += 180 if angle > 180: angle -= 360 return GuessResult( scan_rotation=int(angle), flip_y=flip_y, cy=np.mean(y_centers[roi]), cx=np.mean(x_centers[roi]) )
[docs] class CoMUDF(UDF): """ Perform centre-of-mass analysis on the dataset To parametrise the CoM calculation, use the constructor :meth:`CoMUDF.with_params`. This replicates the functionality of :func:`~libertem.api.Context.create_com_analysis` but in UDF form, making it compatible with live processing and more easily sub-classable. .. versionadded:: 0.12.0 The result buffers of this UDF, all of type 'nav', are as follows: * raw_com, coordinate (y, x) The centre-of-mass in the pixel coordinate system of the frame, subject to the mask defined by the parameters, if any. * raw_shifts, vector (dy, dx) The raw shift in centre-of-mass in axis-aligned pixels, relative to the parameters cy and cx, either as-supplied or from the frame centre, by default. * field, vector (2,) The transformed shift in the centre-of-mass in pixels, subject to any corrections (scan rotation, detector flip) * field_y, scalar y-component of field, as given above. * field_x, scalar x-component of field, as given above. * magnitude, scalar The magnitude of the field buffer, equivalent to ||raw_shifts||_2 * divergence, scalar The discrete divergence of the field buffer * curl, scalar The discrete curl of the field buffer * regression, (3, 2) matrix The regression parameters used to flatten the field: ((y, x), (dy/dy, dx/dy), (dy/dx, dx/dx)) .. note:: The implementation of the results 'divergence' and 'curl' differ slightly from :code:`COMAnalysis` in that here results for pixels outside of an ROI will always be NaN. The :code:`COMAnalysis` implementation could provide non-NaN values even in :code:`ROI == False` pixels due to the behaviour of :code:`np.gradient`. Parameters ---------- com_params : CoMParams A :class:`CoMParams` instance containing the parameters for this UDF. By default a :code:`CoMParams` instance is created which performs whole-frame CoM giving shifts relative to the frame centre with no corrections. Examples -------- >>> # CoM in a disk r=4. centred on (7.2, 6.8) >>> udf = CoMUDF.with_params(cy=7.2, cx=6.8, r=4.) >>> result = ctx.run_udf(dataset=dataset, udf=udf) >>> result["raw_shifts"].data.shape (16, 16, 2) >>> # Whole-frame CoM corrected to have zero-mean shift >>> udf = CoMUDF.with_params(regression=0) >>> result = ctx.run_udf(dataset=dataset, udf=udf) >>> result["raw_shifts"].data.shape (16, 16, 2) """ def __init__(self, com_params: CoMParams = CoMParams()): super().__init__(com_params=com_params)
[docs] @classmethod def with_params( cls, *, cy: Optional[float] = None, cx: Optional[float] = None, r: float = float('inf'), ri: float = 0., scan_rotation: float = 0., flip_y: bool = False, regression: RegressionOptionsT = RegressionOptions.NO_REGRESSION, ): """ Returns an instantiated CoMUDF with a given set of parameters Parameters ---------- cy : Optional[float], by default None Vertical-Centre of the mask applied to the frame, if any, and the reference point from which vertical CoM-shifts are calculated. If None, cy is set to the frame centre at runtime. cx : Optional[float], by default None Horizontal-Centre of the mask applied to the frame, if any, and the reference point from which horizontal CoM-shifts are calculated. If None, cx is set to the frame centre at runtime. r : float, by default :code:`float('inf')` (Outer) Radius of the disk mask around cy/cx to restrict the CoM calculation. The default value is :code:`float('inf')` which is equivalent to performing whole-frame CoM with the given origin cy/cx. ri : float, by default 0. (Inner) Radius of the ring mask around cy/cx to exclude from the CoM calculation. If left as 0., no inner disk is excluded and the CoM is calculated within a complete disk of radius r. scan_rotation : float, by default 0. Scan rotation in degrees. The optics of an electron microscope can rotate the image. Furthermore, scan generators may allow scanning in arbitrary directions. This means that the x and y coordinates of the detector image are usually not parallel to the x and y scan coordinates. For interpretation of center of mass shifts, however, the shift vector in detector coordinates has to be put in relation to the position on the sample. The :code:`scan_rotation` parameter can be used to rotate the detector coordinates to match the scan coordinate system. A positive value rotates the displacement vector clock-wise. That means if the detector seems rotated to the right relative to the scan, this value should be negative to counteract this rotation. flip_y : bool, by default False Flip the Y coordinate. Some detectors, namely Quantum Detectors Merlin, may have pixel (0, 0) at the lower left corner. This has to be corrected to get the sign of the y shift as well as curl and divergence right. regression : Union[np.ndarray, Literal[-1, 0, 1]], by default -1 Regression to a background CoM field used to flatten the results Can be an ndarray with shape (3, 2) which specifies a correction to subtract in the form: :code:`[[y, x], [dy/dy, dx/dy], [dy/dx, dx/dx]]`. Otherwise a member of the :class:`` enum or an integer in :code:`(-1, 0, 1)`. This specifies the regression order to calculate and apply to the results. With the following effects: - :code:`RegressionOptions.NO_REGRESSION` or :code:`-1`: No regression - :code:`RegressionOptions.SUBTRACT_MEAN` or :code:`0`: Subtract the mean to compensate for center offset. - :code:`RegressionOptions.SUBTRACT_LINEAR` or :code:`1`: Subtract the mean and a linear regression, to compensate for center offset and descan error. The regression that was used is available in the :code:`'regression'` result buffer. Returns ------- CoMUDF : the UDF with the provided parameters .. note:: Using a regression correction calculated on the data itself may distort valid results, such as the effect of long-range fields. Furthermore, it may yield erronerous results due to aliasing on periodic structures or boundary effects. Subtracting a reference measurement or regression on a reference measurement instead of a regression on the data may give more reliable results. """ if ri >= r: raise ValueError('Inner radius must be less than outer radius for annular CoM') return cls( com_params=CoMParams( cy=cy, cx=cx, r=r, ri=ri, scan_rotation=scan_rotation, flip_y=flip_y, regression=regression, ) )
def get_backends(self): return self.BACKEND_ALL def get_result_buffers(self): dtype = np.result_type(self.meta.input_dtype, np.float32) return { 'raw_mask_result': self.buffer( kind='nav', dtype=dtype, extra_shape=(3, ), where='device', use='private' ), 'raw_com': self.buffer( kind='nav', dtype=dtype, extra_shape=(2, ), use='result_only' ), 'raw_shifts': self.buffer( kind='nav', dtype=dtype, extra_shape=(2, ), use='result_only' ), 'field': self.buffer( kind='nav', dtype=dtype, extra_shape=(2, ), use='result_only' ), 'field_y': self.buffer( kind='nav', dtype=dtype, use='result_only' ), 'field_x': self.buffer( kind='nav', dtype=dtype, use='result_only' ), 'magnitude': self.buffer( kind='nav', dtype=dtype, use='result_only' ), 'divergence': self.buffer( kind='nav', dtype=dtype, use='result_only' ), 'curl': self.buffer( kind='nav', dtype=dtype, use='result_only' ), 'regression': self.buffer( kind='single', extra_shape=(3, 2), dtype=np.float64, use='result_only' ), } def get_params(self) -> CoMParams: sig_shape = tuple(self.meta.dataset_shape.sig) cy = if cy is None: cy = sig_shape[0] // 2 cx = if cx is None: cx = sig_shape[1] // 2 r = self.params.com_params.r ri = self.params.com_params.ri scan_rotation = self.params.com_params.scan_rotation flip_y = self.params.com_params.flip_y regression = self.params.com_params.regression cp = CoMParams( cy=cy, cx=cx, r=r, ri=ri, scan_rotation=scan_rotation, flip_y=flip_y, regression=regression, ) return cp def get_task_data(self): sig_shape = tuple(self.meta.dataset_shape.sig) com_params = self.get_params() if len(sig_shape) != 2: raise ValueError('CoMUDF only works with 2D sig shape.') if len(self.meta.dataset_shape.nav) != 2: raise ValueError('CoMUDF only works with 2D nav shape.') if com_params.ri is None or np.isclose(com_params.ri, 0.): mask_factory = com_masks_factory( detector_y=sig_shape[0], detector_x=sig_shape[1],,, r=com_params.r, ) else: mask_factory = com_masks_generic( detector_y=sig_shape[0], detector_x=sig_shape[1], base_mask_factory=lambda: masks.ring( imageSizeY=sig_shape[0], imageSizeX=sig_shape[1],,, radius=com_params.r, radius_inner=com_params.ri, ) ) if self.meta.array_backend in CUPY_BACKENDS: backend = self.BACKEND_CUPY else: backend = self.BACKEND_NUMPY masks_container = MaskContainer( mask_factories=mask_factory, dtype=np.float32, use_sparse=False, count=3, backend=backend ) return { 'com_params': com_params, 'engine': ApplyMasksEngine(masks=masks_container, meta=self.meta, use_torch=True) } def process_tile(self, tile): engine: ApplyMasksEngine = self.task_data.engine raw_result = engine.process_tile(tile) self.results.raw_mask_result[:] += self.forbuf( raw_result, self.results.raw_mask_result ) def get_field_results(self, field_y, field_x): ''' To be overwritten in subclasses, such as for iCoM results in ''' mag = magnitude( y_centers=field_y, x_centers=field_x ) div = divergence(y_centers=field_y, x_centers=field_x) curl = curl_2d(y_centers=field_y, x_centers=field_x) return { 'magnitude': mag, 'divergence': div, 'curl': curl, } def get_regression(self, field: np.ndarray, valid_mask: np.ndarray): inp = None result = np.zeros((3, 2)) com_params = self.get_params() def get_inp(): inp = np.ones(field.shape[:-1] + (3, )) y, x = np.ogrid[:field.shape[0], :field.shape[1]] inp[..., 1] = y inp[..., 2] = x return inp if isinstance(com_params.regression, int): if com_params.regression == -1: pass elif com_params.regression == 0: valid_field = field[valid_mask] result[0] = np.mean(valid_field, axis=0) elif com_params.regression == 1: inp = get_inp() valid_field = field[valid_mask] res = np.linalg.lstsq(inp[valid_mask], valid_field, rcond=None) result[:] = res[0] else: raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized regression option {com_params.regression}') else: regression = np.array(com_params.regression) if regression.shape != (3, 2): raise ValueError( f"Regression parameter {com_params.regression} " "doesn't have required shape (3, 2)." ) result[:] = regression has_lin_regression = not np.allclose(result[1:], 0) if has_lin_regression and inp is None: inp = get_inp() if not has_lin_regression: inp = None return result, inp def apply_mean_regression(self, regression, field_inout, valid_mask): field_inout[valid_mask] -= regression[0] def apply_lin_regression(self, regression, inp, field_inout, valid_mask): valid_inp = inp[valid_mask] # fancy indexing flattens the nav shape, so it fits corr = valid_inp @ regression field_inout[valid_mask] -= corr def get_results(self): com_params = self.get_params() raw_mask_result = self.results.get_buffer('raw_mask_result') raw_shifts = center_shifts([..., 0],[..., 1],[..., 2],,, ) # CoM in the coordinate system of the frame # Ideally should calculate this first then shift # the centre by cy/cx, this is done just for backwards # compatibility of center_shifts raw_com = ( raw_shifts[0].copy() +, raw_shifts[1].copy() +, ) field = apply_correction( y_centers=raw_shifts[0], x_centers=raw_shifts[1], scan_rotation=com_params.scan_rotation, flip_y=com_params.flip_y, ) roi = self.meta.roi raw_shifts = np.moveaxis(np.array(raw_shifts), 0, -1) raw_com = np.moveaxis(np.array(raw_com), 0, -1) field = np.moveaxis(np.array(field), 0, -1) nav_size = prod(self.meta.dataset_shape.nav) # Only apply the regression to the valid # part of the results: valid_mask = self.meta.get_valid_nav_mask(full_nav=True).reshape( tuple(self.meta.dataset_shape.nav) ) regression, inp = self.get_regression(field, valid_mask=valid_mask) # inp not None indicates that we should apply a linear regression if inp is not None: self.apply_lin_regression(regression, inp, field, valid_mask) elif not np.allclose(regression[0], 0): self.apply_mean_regression(regression, field, valid_mask) results = { 'raw_shifts': raw_shifts, 'raw_com': raw_com, 'field': field, 'field_y': field[..., 0], 'field_x': field[..., 1], 'regression': regression.astype(np.float64), } results.update(self.get_field_results(field_y=field[..., 0], field_x=field[..., 1])) # Since we have circumvented the ROI mechanism by getting a raw buffer # so that we can calculate gradients, we have to filter and reshape the # results manually to bring them into the expected format. buffers = self.get_result_buffers() if self.meta.roi is not None: for key, buf in buffers.items(): if buf.kind == 'nav' and key in results: results[key] = results[key][roi] else: for key, buf in buffers.items(): if buf.kind == 'nav' and key in results: results[key] = results[key].reshape((nav_size, -1)) return results