import re
import os
import platform
from glob import glob, escape
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union
from import Generator, Sequence
from typing_extensions import Literal, TypedDict
import warnings
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from numba.typed import List as NumbaList
import numba
import psutil
import numpy as np
from libertem.common.math import prod, make_2D_square, flat_nonzero
from libertem.common import Shape
from import OffsetsSizes
from libertem.common.messageconverter import MessageConverter
from .base import (
DataSet, DataSetException, DataSetMeta,
BasePartition, FileSet, File, make_get_read_ranges,
Decoder, TilingScheme, default_get_read_ranges,
DtypeConversionDecoder, IOBackend,
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import numpy.typing as nt
class MIBDatasetParams(MessageConverter):
"$schema": "",
"$id": "",
"title": "MIBDatasetParams",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"type": {"const": "MIB"},
"path": {"type": "string"},
"nav_shape": {
"type": "array",
"items": {"type": "number", "minimum": 1},
"minItems": 2,
"maxItems": 2
"sig_shape": {
"type": "array",
"items": {"type": "number", "minimum": 1},
"minItems": 2,
"maxItems": 2
"sync_offset": {"type": "number"},
"io_backend": {
"enum": IOBackend.get_supported(),
"required": ["type", "path"],
def convert_to_python(self, raw_data):
data = {
k: raw_data[k]
for k in ["path"]
if "nav_shape" in raw_data:
data["nav_shape"] = tuple(raw_data["nav_shape"])
if "sig_shape" in raw_data:
data["sig_shape"] = tuple(raw_data["sig_shape"])
if "sync_offset" in raw_data:
data["sync_offset"] = raw_data["sync_offset"]
return data
def read_hdr_file(path):
result = {}
# FIXME: do this open via the io backend!
with open(path, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith("HDR") or line.startswith("End\t"):
k, v = line.split("\t", 1)
k = k.rstrip(':')
v = v.rstrip("\n")
result[k] = v
return result
def is_valid_hdr(path):
# FIXME: do this open via the io backend!
with open(path, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f:
line = next(f)
return line.startswith("HDR")
def nav_shape_from_hdr(hdr):
if 'ScanX' in hdr and 'ScanY' in hdr:
return (int(hdr['ScanY']), int(hdr['ScanX']))
num_frames, scan_x = (
int(hdr['Frames in Acquisition (Number)']),
int(hdr['Frames per Trigger (Number)'])
nav_shape = (num_frames // scan_x, scan_x)
return nav_shape
def _pattern(path: str) -> str:
path, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
ext = ext.lower()
if ext == '.mib':
pattern = "%s*.mib" % (
re.sub(r'[0-9]+$', '', escape(path))
elif ext == '.hdr':
pattern = "%s*.mib" % escape(path)
raise DataSetException("unknown extension")
return pattern
def get_filenames(path: str, disable_glob=False) -> list[str]:
if disable_glob:
return [path]
return glob(_pattern(path))
def _get_sequence(f: "MIBHeaderReader"):
return f.fields['sequence_first_image']
def get_image_count_and_sig_shape(
path: str,
disable_glob: bool = False,
) -> tuple[int, tuple[int, int]]:
fns = get_filenames(path, disable_glob=disable_glob)
headers = MIBDataSet._preread_headers(fns)
count = 0
files = []
for path, fields in headers.items():
f = MIBHeaderReader(path, fields=fields)
count += f.fields['num_images']
first_file = list(sorted(files, key=_get_sequence))[0]
sig_shape = first_file.fields['image_size']
return count, sig_shape
except IndexError:
raise DataSetException("no files found")
# These encoders takes 2D input/output data - this means we can use
# strides to do slicing and reversing. 2D input data means one output
# row (of bytes) corresponds to one input row (of pixels).
def encode_u1(inp, out):
for y in range(out.shape[0]):
out[y] = inp[y]
def encode_u2(inp, out):
for y in range(out.shape[0]):
row_out = out[y]
row_in = inp[y]
for i in range(row_in.shape[0]):
in_value = row_in[i]
row_out[i * 2] = (0xFF00 & np.uint16(in_value)) >> 8
row_out[i * 2 + 1] = 0xFF & np.uint16(in_value)
def encode_r1(inp, out):
for y in range(out.shape[0]):
row_out = out[y]
row_in = inp[y]
for stripe in range(row_out.shape[0] // 8):
for byte in range(8):
out_byte = 0
for bitpos in range(8):
value = row_in[64 * stripe + 8 * byte + bitpos] & 1
out_byte |= (np.uint64(value) << bitpos)
row_out[(stripe + 1) * 8 - (byte + 1)] = out_byte
def encode_r6(inp, out):
for y in range(out.shape[0]):
row_out = out[y]
row_in = inp[y]
for i in range(row_out.shape[0]):
col = i % 8
pos = i // 8
in_pos = (pos + 1) * 8 - col - 1
row_out[i] = row_in[in_pos]
def encode_r12(inp, out):
for y in range(out.shape[0]):
row_out = out[y]
row_in = inp[y]
for i in range(row_in.shape[0]):
col = i % 4
pos = i // 4
in_pos = (pos + 1) * 4 - col - 1
in_value = row_in[in_pos]
row_out[i * 2] = (0xFF00 & in_value) >> 8
row_out[i * 2 + 1] = 0xFF & in_value
@numba.njit(inline='always', cache=True)
def _get_row_start_stop(offset_global, offset_local, stride, row_idx, row_length):
start = offset_global + offset_local + row_idx * stride
stop = start + row_length
return start, stop
@numba.njit(inline='always', cache=True)
def _mib_r24_px_to_bytes(
bpp, frame_in_file_idx, slice_sig_size, sig_size, sig_origin,
frame_footer_bytes, frame_header_bytes, file_header_bytes,
file_idx, read_ranges,
# we are reading a part of a single frame, so we first need to find
# the offset caused by headers and footers:
footer_offset = frame_footer_bytes * frame_in_file_idx
header_offset = frame_header_bytes * (frame_in_file_idx + 1)
byte_offset = footer_offset + header_offset
# now let's figure in the current frame index:
# (go down into the file by full frames; `sig_size`)
offset = file_header_bytes + byte_offset + frame_in_file_idx * sig_size * bpp // 8
# offset in px in the current frame:
sig_origin_bytes = sig_origin * bpp // 8
start = offset + sig_origin_bytes
# size of the sig part of the slice:
sig_size_bytes = slice_sig_size * bpp // 8
stop = start + sig_size_bytes
read_ranges.append((file_idx, start, stop))
# this is the addition for medipix 24bit raw:
# we read the part from the "second 12bit frame"
second_frame_offset = sig_size * bpp // 8
read_ranges.append((file_idx, start + second_frame_offset, stop + second_frame_offset))
mib_r24_get_read_ranges = make_get_read_ranges(px_to_bytes=_mib_r24_px_to_bytes)
@numba.njit(inline="always", cache=True)
def _mib_2x2_tile_block(
slices_arr, fileset_arr, slice_sig_sizes, sig_origins,
inner_indices_start, inner_indices_stop, frame_indices, sig_size,
px_to_bytes, bpp, frame_header_bytes, frame_footer_bytes, file_idxs,
slice_offset, extra, sig_shape,
Generate read ranges for 2x2 Merlin Quad raw data.
The arrangement means that reading a contiguous block of data from the file,
we get data from all four quadrants. The arrangement, and thus resulting
array, looks like this:
| 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 4 |
with the original data layed out like this:
[4 | 3 | 2 | 1]
(note that quadrants 3 and 4 are also flipped in x and y direction in the
resulting array, compared to the original data)
So if we read one row of raw data, we first get the bottom-most rows from 4
and 3 first, then the top-most rows from 2 and 1.
This is similar to how FRMS6 works, and we generate the read ranges in a
similar way here. In addition to the cut-and-flip from FRMS6, we also have
the split in x direction in quadrants.
result = NumbaList()
# positions in the signal dimensions:
for slice_idx in range(slices_arr.shape[0]):
# (offset, size) arrays defining what data to read (in pixels)
# NOTE: assumes contiguous tiling scheme
# (i.e. a shape like (1, 1, ..., 1, X1, ..., XN))
# where X1 is <= the dataset shape at that index, and X2, ..., XN are
# equal to the dataset shape at that index
slice_origin = slices_arr[slice_idx][0]
slice_shape = slices_arr[slice_idx][1]
read_ranges = NumbaList()
x_shape = slice_shape[1]
x_size = x_shape * bpp // 8 # back in bytes
x_size_half = x_size // 2
stride = x_size_half * 4
sig_size_bytes = sig_size * bpp // 8
y_start = slice_origin[0]
y_stop = slice_origin[0] + slice_shape[0]
y_size_half = sig_shape[0] // 2
y_size = sig_shape[0]
# inner "depth" loop along the (flat) navigation axis of a tile:
for i, inner_frame_idx in enumerate(range(inner_indices_start, inner_indices_stop)):
inner_frame = frame_indices[inner_frame_idx]
file_idx = file_idxs[i]
f = fileset_arr[file_idx]
frame_in_file_idx = inner_frame - f[0]
file_header_bytes = f[3]
# we are reading a part of a single frame, so we first need to find
# the offset caused by headers:
header_offset = file_header_bytes + frame_header_bytes * (frame_in_file_idx + 1)
# now let's figure in the current frame index:
# (go down into the file by full frames; `sig_size`)
offset = header_offset + frame_in_file_idx * sig_size_bytes
# in total, we generate depth * 2 * (y_stop - y_start) read ranges per tile
for y in range(y_start, y_stop):
if y < y_size_half:
# top: no y-flip, no x-flip
flip = 0
# quadrant 1, left part of the result: we have the three other blocks
# in the original data in front of us
start, stop = _get_row_start_stop(
offset, 3 * x_size_half, stride, y, x_size_half
# quadrant 2, right part of the result: we have the two other blocks
# in the original data in front of us
start, stop = _get_row_start_stop(
offset, 2 * x_size_half, stride, y, x_size_half
# bottom: both x and y flip
flip = 1
y = y_size - y - 1
# quadrant 3, left part of the result: we have the one other block
# in the original data in front of us
start, stop = _get_row_start_stop(
offset, 1 * x_size_half, stride, y, x_size_half
# quadrant 4, right part of the result: we have the no other blocks
# in the original data in front of us
start, stop = _get_row_start_stop(offset, 0, stride, y, x_size_half)
# the indices are compressed to the selected frames
compressed_slice = np.array([
[slice_offset + inner_indices_start] + [i for i in slice_origin],
[inner_indices_stop - inner_indices_start] + [i for i in slice_shape],
result.append((slice_idx, compressed_slice, read_ranges))
return result
@numba.njit(inline='always', cache=True, boundscheck=True)
def decode_r1_swap_2x2(inp, out, idx, native_dtype, rr, origin, shape, ds_shape):
RAW 1bit format: each pixel is actually saved as a single bit. 64 bits
need to be unpacked together. This is the quad variant.
inp : np.ndarray
out : np.ndarray
The output buffer, with the signal dimensions flattened
idx : int
The index in the read ranges array
native_dtype : nt.DtypeLike
The "native" dtype (format-specific)
rr : np.ndarray
A single entry from the read ranges array
origin : np.ndarray
The 3D origin of the tile, for example :code:`np.array([2, 0, 0])`
shape : np.ndarray
The 3D tileshape, for example :code:`np.array([2, 512, 512])`
ds_shape : np.ndarray
The complete ND dataset shape, for example :code:`np.array([32, 32, 512, 512])`
# in case of 2x2 quad, the index into `out` is not straight `idx`, but
# we have `2 * shape[1]` read ranges generated for one depth.
num_rows_tile = shape[1]
out_3d = out.reshape(out.shape[0], -1, shape[-1])
# each line in the output array generates two entries in the
# read ranges. so `(idx // 2) % num_rows_tile` is the correct
# out_y:
out_y = (idx // 2) % num_rows_tile
out_x_start = (idx % 2) * (shape[-1] // 2)
depth = idx // (num_rows_tile * 2)
flip = rr[3]
if flip == 0:
for stripe in range(inp.shape[0] // 8):
for byte in range(8):
inp_byte = inp[(stripe + 1) * 8 - (byte + 1)]
for bitpos in range(8):
out_x = 64 * stripe + 8 * byte + bitpos
out_x += out_x_start
out_3d[depth, out_y, out_x] = (inp_byte >> bitpos) & 1
# flip in x direction:
x_shape = shape[2]
x_shape_half = x_shape // 2
for stripe in range(inp.shape[0] // 8):
for byte in range(8):
inp_byte = inp[(stripe + 1) * 8 - (byte + 1)]
for bitpos in range(8):
out_x = out_x_start + x_shape_half - 1 - (64 * stripe + 8 * byte + bitpos)
out_3d[depth, out_y, out_x] = (inp_byte >> bitpos) & 1
@numba.njit(inline='always', cache=True, boundscheck=True)
def decode_r6_swap_2x2(inp, out, idx, native_dtype, rr, origin, shape, ds_shape):
RAW 6bit format: the pixels need to be re-ordered in groups of 8. `inp`
should have dtype uint8. This is the quad variant.
inp : np.ndarray
out : np.ndarray
The output buffer, with the signal dimensions flattened
idx : int
The index in the read ranges array
native_dtype : nt.DtypeLike
The "native" dtype (format-specific)
rr : np.ndarray
A single entry from the read ranges array
origin : np.ndarray
The 3D origin of the tile, for example :code:`np.array([2, 0, 0])`
shape : np.ndarray
The 3D tileshape, for example :code:`np.array([2, 512, 512])`
ds_shape : np.ndarray
The complete ND dataset shape, for example :code:`np.array([32, 32, 512, 512])`
# in case of 2x2 quad, the index into `out` is not straight `idx`, but
# we have `2 * shape[1]` read ranges generated for one depth.
num_rows_tile = shape[1]
out_3d = out.reshape(out.shape[0], -1, shape[-1])
# each line in the output array generates two entries in the
# read ranges. so `(idx // 2) % num_rows_tile` is the correct
# out_y:
out_y = (idx // 2) % num_rows_tile
out_x_start = (idx % 2) * (shape[-1] // 2)
depth = idx // (num_rows_tile * 2)
flip = rr[3]
out_cut = out_3d[depth, out_y, out_x_start:out_x_start + out_3d.shape[2] // 2]
if flip == 0:
for i in range(out_cut.shape[0]):
col = i % 8
pos = i // 8
out_pos = (pos + 1) * 8 - col - 1
out_cut[out_pos] = inp[i]
# flip in x direction:
for i in range(out_cut.shape[0]):
col = i % 8
pos = i // 8
out_pos = (pos + 1) * 8 - col - 1
out_cut[out_cut.shape[0] - out_pos - 1] = inp[i]
@numba.njit(inline='always', cache=True, boundscheck=True)
def decode_r12_swap_2x2(inp, out, idx, native_dtype, rr, origin, shape, ds_shape):
RAW 12bit format: the pixels need to be re-ordered in groups of 4. `inp`
should be an uint8 view on padded big endian 12bit data (">u2").
This is the quad variant.
inp : np.ndarray
out : np.ndarray
The output buffer, with the signal dimensions flattened
idx : int
The index in the read ranges array
native_dtype : nt.DtypeLike
The "native" dtype (format-specific)
rr : np.ndarray
A single entry from the read ranges array
origin : np.ndarray
The 3D origin of the tile, for example :code:`np.array([2, 0, 0])`
shape : np.ndarray
The 3D tileshape, for example :code:`np.array([2, 512, 512])`
ds_shape : np.ndarray
The complete ND dataset shape, for example :code:`np.array([32, 32, 512, 512])`
# in case of 2x2 quad, the index into `out` is not straight `idx`, but
# we have `2 * shape[1]` read ranges generated for one depth.
num_rows_tile = shape[1]
out_3d = out.reshape(out.shape[0], -1, shape[-1])
# each line in the output array generates two entries in the
# read ranges. so `(idx // 2) % num_rows_tile` is the correct
# out_y:
out_y = (idx // 2) % num_rows_tile
out_x_start = (idx % 2) * (shape[-1] // 2)
depth = idx // (num_rows_tile * 2)
flip = rr[3]
out_cut = out_3d[depth, out_y, out_x_start:out_x_start + out_3d.shape[2] // 2]
if flip == 0:
for i in range(out_cut.shape[0]):
col = i % 4
pos = i // 4
out_pos = (pos + 1) * 4 - col - 1
out_cut[out_pos] = (np.uint16(inp[i * 2]) << 8) + (inp[i * 2 + 1] << 0)
# flip in x direction:
for i in range(out_cut.shape[0]):
col = i % 4
pos = i // 4
out_pos = (pos + 1) * 4 - col - 1
out_cut[out_cut.shape[0] - out_pos - 1] = (
(np.uint16(inp[i * 2]) << 8) + (inp[i * 2 + 1] << 0)
# reference non-quad impl:
# for i in range(out.shape[1]):
# col = i % 4
# pos = i // 4
# out_pos = (pos + 1) * 4 - col - 1
# out[idx, out_pos] = (inp[i * 2] << 8) + (inp[i * 2 + 1] << 0)
mib_2x2_get_read_ranges = make_get_read_ranges(
@numba.njit(inline='always', cache=True)
def decode_r1_swap(inp, out, idx, native_dtype, rr, origin, shape, ds_shape):
RAW 1bit format: each pixel is actually saved as a single bit. 64 bits
need to be unpacked together.
for stripe in range(inp.shape[0] // 8):
for byte in range(8):
inp_byte = inp[(stripe + 1) * 8 - (byte + 1)]
for bitpos in range(8):
out[idx, 64 * stripe + 8 * byte + bitpos] = (inp_byte >> bitpos) & 1
@numba.njit(inline='always', cache=True)
def decode_r6_swap(inp, out, idx, native_dtype, rr, origin, shape, ds_shape):
RAW 6bit format: the pixels need to be re-ordered in groups of 8. `inp`
should have dtype uint8.
for i in range(out.shape[1]):
col = i % 8
pos = i // 8
out_pos = (pos + 1) * 8 - col - 1
out[idx, out_pos] = inp[i]
@numba.njit(inline='always', cache=True)
def decode_r12_swap(inp, out, idx, native_dtype, rr, origin, shape, ds_shape):
RAW 12bit format: the pixels need to be re-ordered in groups of 4. `inp`
should be an uint8 view on big endian 12bit data (">u2")
for i in range(out.shape[1]):
col = i % 4
pos = i // 4
out_pos = (pos + 1) * 4 - col - 1
out[idx, out_pos] = (np.uint16(inp[i * 2]) << 8) + (np.uint16(inp[i * 2 + 1]) << 0)
@numba.njit(inline='always', cache=True)
def decode_r24_swap(inp, out, idx, native_dtype, rr, origin, shape, ds_shape):
RAW 24bit format: a single 24bit consists of two frames that are encoded
like the RAW 12bit format, the first contains the most significant bits.
So after a frame header, there are (512, 256) >u2 values, which then
need to be shuffled like in `decode_r12_swap`.
This decoder function only works together with mib_r24_get_read_ranges
which generates twice as many read ranges than normally.
for i in range(out.shape[1]):
col = i % 4
pos = i // 4
out_pos = (pos + 1) * 4 - col - 1
out_val = np.uint32((np.uint32(inp[i * 2]) << 8) + (np.uint32(inp[i * 2 + 1]) << 0))
if idx % 2 == 0: # from first frame: most significant bits
out_val = out_val << 12
out[idx // 2, out_pos] += out_val
class MIBDecoder(Decoder):
def __init__(self, header: "HeaderDict"):
self._kind = header['mib_kind']
self._dtype = header['dtype']
self._bit_depth = header['bits_per_pixel']
self._header = header
def do_clear(self):
In case of 24bit raw data, the output buffer needs to be cleared
before writing, as we can't decode the whole frame in a single call of the decoder.
The `decode_r24_swap` function needs to be able to add to the output
buffer, so at the beginning, it needs to be cleared.
if self._kind == 'r' and self._bit_depth == 24:
return True
return False
def _get_decode_r(self):
bit_depth = self._bit_depth
layout = self._header['sensor_layout']
num_chips = self._header['num_chips']
if layout == (2, 2) and num_chips == 4:
if bit_depth == 1:
return decode_r1_swap_2x2
elif bit_depth == 6:
return decode_r6_swap_2x2
elif bit_depth == 12:
return decode_r12_swap_2x2
raise NotImplementedError(
f"bit depth {bit_depth} not implemented for layout {layout}"
if bit_depth == 1:
return decode_r1_swap
elif bit_depth == 6:
return decode_r6_swap
elif bit_depth == 12:
return decode_r12_swap
elif bit_depth == 24:
return decode_r24_swap
raise ValueError("unknown raw bitdepth")
def get_decode(self, native_dtype, read_dtype):
kind = self._kind
if kind == "u":
return DtypeConversionDecoder().get_decode(
elif kind == "r":
# FIXME: on big endian systems, these need to be implemented without byteswapping
return self._get_decode_r()
raise RuntimeError("unknown type of MIB file")
def get_native_dtype(self, inp_native_dtype, read_dtype):
if self._kind == "u":
# drop the byteswap from the dtype, if it is there
return inp_native_dtype.newbyteorder('N')
# decode byte-by-byte
return np.dtype("u1")
MIBKind = Literal['u', 'r']
class HeaderDict(TypedDict):
header_size_bytes: int
dtype: "nt.DTypeLike"
mib_dtype: str
mib_kind: MIBKind
bits_per_pixel: int
image_size: tuple[int, int]
image_size_bytes: int
sequence_first_image: int
filesize: int
num_images: int
num_chips: int
sensor_layout: tuple[int, int]
class MIBHeaderReader:
def __init__(
path: str,
fields: Optional[HeaderDict] = None,
sequence_start: int = 0,
self.path = path
if fields is None:
self._fields = None
self._fields = fields
self._sequence_start = sequence_start
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "<MIBHeaderReader: %s>" % self.path
def _get_np_dtype(dtype: str, bit_depth: int) -> "nt.DTypeLike":
dtype = dtype.lower()
num_bits = int(dtype[1:])
if dtype[0] == "u":
num_bytes = num_bits // 8
return np.dtype(">u%d" % num_bytes)
elif dtype[0] == "r":
if bit_depth == 1:
return np.dtype("uint64")
elif bit_depth == 6:
return np.dtype("uint8")
elif bit_depth in (12, 24): # 24bit raw is two 12bit images after another
return np.dtype("uint16")
raise NotImplementedError("unknown bit depth: %s" % bit_depth)
raise NotImplementedError(f"unknown dtype: {dtype}")
def read_header(self) -> HeaderDict:
header, filesize = self._read_header_bytes(self.path)
self._fields = self._parse_header_bytes(header, filesize)
return self._fields
def _read_header_bytes(path) -> tuple[bytes, int]:
# FIXME: do this read via the IO backend!
with open(file=path, mode='rb') as f:
filesize = os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_size
return, filesize
def _parse_header_bytes(header: bytes, filesize: int) -> HeaderDict:
header: str = header.decode(encoding='ascii', errors='ignore')
parts = header.split(",")
header_size_bytes = int(parts[2])
parts = [p
for p in header[:header_size_bytes].split(",")
if '\x00' not in p]
dtype = parts[6].lower()
mib_kind: Literal['u', 'r']
# To make mypy Literal check happy...
if dtype[0] == "r":
mib_kind = "r"
elif dtype[0] == "u":
mib_kind = "u"
raise ValueError("unknown kind: %s" % dtype[0])
image_size = (int(parts[5]), int(parts[4]))
# FIXME: There can either be threshold values for all chips, or maybe also
# none. For now, we just make use of the fact that the bit depth is
# supposed to be the last value.
bits_per_pixel_raw = int(parts[-1])
if mib_kind == "u":
bytes_per_pixel = int(parts[6][1:]) // 8
image_size_bytes = image_size[0] * image_size[1] * bytes_per_pixel
num_images = filesize // (
image_size_bytes + header_size_bytes
elif mib_kind == "r":
size_factor = {
1: 1/8,
6: 1,
12: 2,
24: 4,
if bits_per_pixel_raw == 24:
image_size = (image_size[0], image_size[1] // 2)
image_size_bytes = int(image_size[0] * image_size[1] * size_factor)
num_images = filesize // (
image_size_bytes + header_size_bytes
num_chips = int(parts[3])
# 2x2, Nx1, 2x2G, Nx1G -> strip off the 'G' suffix for now:
# Assumption: layout is width x height
# We currently only support 1x1 and 2x2 layouts, and support for raw
# files with 2x2 layout is limited to 1, 6 or 12 bits. Support for 24bit TBD.
# We don't yet support general Nx1 layouts, or arbitrary "chip select"
# values (2x2 layout, but only a subset of them is enabled).
sensor_layout_str = parts[7].replace('G', '').split('x')
sensor_layout = (
if mib_kind == "r":
# in raw data, the layout information is not decoded yet - we just get
# rows from different sensors after one another. The image size is
# accordingly also different.
# NOTE: this is still a bit hacky - individual sensors in a layout
# can be enabled or disabled; because we only support 1x1 and 2x2
# layouts for now, we just do the "layout based reshaping" only
# in the 2x2 case:
if num_chips > 1:
px_length = image_size[0]
image_size_orig = image_size
image_size = (
px_length * sensor_layout[1],
px_length * sensor_layout[0],
if prod(image_size_orig) != prod(image_size):
raise ValueError(
f"invalid sensor layout {sensor_layout} "
f"(original image size: {image_size_orig})"
return {
'header_size_bytes': header_size_bytes,
'dtype': MIBHeaderReader._get_np_dtype(parts[6], bits_per_pixel_raw),
'mib_dtype': dtype,
'mib_kind': mib_kind,
'bits_per_pixel': bits_per_pixel_raw,
'image_size': image_size,
'image_size_bytes': image_size_bytes,
'sequence_first_image': int(parts[1]),
'filesize': filesize,
'num_images': num_images,
'num_chips': num_chips,
'sensor_layout': sensor_layout,
def num_frames(self) -> int:
return self.fields['num_images']
def start_idx(self) -> int:
return self.fields['sequence_first_image'] - self.sequence_start
def sequence_start(self) -> Optional[int]:
return self._sequence_start
def sequence_start(self, val: int):
self._sequence_start = val
def fields(self) -> HeaderDict:
if self._fields is None:
self._fields = self.read_header()
return self._fields
class MIBFile(File):
def __init__(self, header, *args, **kwargs):
self._header = header
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def get_array_from_memview(self, mem: memoryview, slicing: OffsetsSizes):
mem = mem[slicing.file_offset:-slicing.skip_end]
res = np.frombuffer(mem, dtype="uint8")
cutoff = self._header['num_images'] * (
self._header['image_size_bytes'] + self._header['header_size_bytes']
res = res[:cutoff]
return res.view(dtype=self._native_dtype).reshape(
(self.num_frames, -1)
)[:, slicing.frame_offset:slicing.frame_offset + slicing.frame_size]
class MIBFileSet(FileSet):
def __init__(
header: HeaderDict,
*args, **kwargs
self._header = header
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _clone(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.__class__(header=self._header, *args, **kwargs)
def get_read_ranges(
self, start_at_frame: int, stop_before_frame: int,
dtype, tiling_scheme: TilingScheme, sync_offset: int = 0,
roi: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None,
fileset_arr = self.get_as_arr()
bit_depth = self._header['bits_per_pixel']
kind = self._header['mib_kind']
layout = self._header['sensor_layout']
if kind == "r" and bit_depth == 1:
# special case for bit-packed 1-bit format:
bpp = 1
bpp = np.dtype(dtype).itemsize * 8
roi_nonzero = None
if roi is not None:
roi_nonzero = flat_nonzero(roi).astype(np.int64)
kwargs = dict(
if layout == (1, 1) or self._header['num_chips'] == 1:
if kind == "r" and bit_depth in (24,):
return mib_r24_get_read_ranges(**kwargs)
return default_get_read_ranges(**kwargs)
elif layout == (2, 2):
if kind == "r":
return mib_2x2_get_read_ranges(**kwargs)
return default_get_read_ranges(**kwargs)
raise NotImplementedError(
f"No support for layout {layout} yet - please contact us!"
class MIBDataSet(DataSet):
# FIXME include sample file for doctest, see Issue #86
MIB data sets consist of one or more `.mib` files, and optionally
a `.hdr` file. The HDR file is used to automatically set the
`nav_shape` parameter from the fields "Frames per Trigger" and "Frames
in Acquisition." When loading a MIB data set, you can either specify
the path to the HDR file, or choose one of the MIB files. The MIB files
are assumed to follow a naming pattern of some non-numerical prefix,
and a sequential numerical suffix.
Note that if you are using a per-pixel or per-scan trigger setup, LiberTEM
won't be able to deduce the x scanning dimension - in that case, you will
need to specify the `nav_shape` yourself.
Currently, we support all integer formats, and most RAW formats. Especially,
the following configurations are not yet supported for RAW files:
* Non-2x2 layouts with more than one chip
* 24bit with more than one chip
.. versionadded:: 0.9.0
Support for the raw quad format was added
>>> # both examples look for files matching /path/to/default*.mib:
>>> ds1 = ctx.load("mib", path="/path/to/default.hdr") # doctest: +SKIP
>>> ds2 = ctx.load("mib", path="/path/to/default64.mib") # doctest: +SKIP
path: str
Path to either the .hdr file or one of the .mib files
nav_shape: tuple of int, optional
A n-tuple that specifies the size of the navigation region ((y, x), but
can also be of length 1 for example for a line scan, or length 3 for
a data cube, for example)
sig_shape: tuple of int, optional
Common case: (height, width); but can be any dimensionality
sync_offset: int, optional
If positive, number of frames to skip from start
If negative, number of blank frames to insert at start
disable_glob : bool, default False
Usually, MIB data sets are stored as a series of .mib files, and we can reliably
guess the whole set from a single path. If you instead save your data set into
a single .mib file, and have multiple of these in a single directory with the same prefix
(for example, a.mib, a1.mib and a2.mib), loading a.mib would include a1.mib and a2.mib
in the data set. Setting :code:`disable_glob` to :code:`True` will only load the single
.mib file specified as :code:`path`.
def __init__(self, path, tileshape=None, scan_size=None, disable_glob=False,
nav_shape=None, sig_shape=None, sync_offset=0, io_backend=None):
self._sig_dims = 2
self._path = str(path)
self._nav_shape = tuple(nav_shape) if nav_shape else nav_shape
self._sig_shape = tuple(sig_shape) if sig_shape else sig_shape
self._sync_offset = sync_offset
# handle backwards-compatibility:
if tileshape is not None:
"tileshape argument is ignored and will be removed after 0.6.0",
if scan_size is not None:
"scan_size argument is deprecated. please specify nav_shape instead",
if nav_shape is not None:
raise ValueError("cannot specify both scan_size and nav_shape")
self._nav_shape = tuple(scan_size)
if self._nav_shape is None and not self._path.lower().endswith(".hdr"):
raise ValueError(
"either nav_shape needs to be passed, or path needs to point to a .hdr file"
self._filename_cache = None
self._files_sorted: Optional[Sequence[MIBHeaderReader]] = None
# ._preread_headers() in _do_initialize() filles self._headers
self._headers = {}
self._meta = None
self._total_filesize = None
self._sequence_start = None
self._disable_glob = disable_glob
def _do_initialize(self):
filenames = self._filenames()
self._headers = self._preread_headers(filenames)
self._files_sorted = list(sorted(self._files(),
key=lambda f: f.fields['sequence_first_image']))
first_file = self._files_sorted[0]
except IndexError:
raise DataSetException("no files found")
self._sequence_start = first_file.fields['sequence_first_image']
# _files_sorted is initially created with _sequence_start = None
# now that we know the first file we can set the correct value
for f in self._files_sorted:
f.sequence_start = self._sequence_start
if self._nav_shape is None:
hdr = read_hdr_file(self._path)
self._nav_shape = nav_shape_from_hdr(hdr)
if self._sig_shape is None:
self._sig_shape = first_file.fields['image_size']
elif int(prod(self._sig_shape)) != int(prod(first_file.fields['image_size'])):
raise DataSetException(
"sig_shape must be of size: %s" % int(prod(first_file.fields['image_size']))
self._sig_dims = len(self._sig_shape)
shape = Shape(self._nav_shape + self._sig_shape, sig_dims=self._sig_dims)
dtype = first_file.fields['dtype']
self._total_filesize = sum(
for f in self._files_sorted
self._image_count = self._num_images()
self._nav_shape_product = int(prod(self._nav_shape))
self._sync_offset_info = self.get_sync_offset_info()
self._meta = DataSetMeta(
return self
def initialize(self, executor):
return executor.run_function(self._do_initialize)
def get_diagnostics(self):
assert self._files_sorted is not None
first_file = self._files_sorted[0]
header = first_file.fields
return [
{"name": "Bits per pixel",
"value": str(header['bits_per_pixel'])},
{"name": "Data kind",
"value": str(header['mib_kind'])},
{"name": "Layout",
"value": str(header['sensor_layout'])},
def get_msg_converter(cls):
return MIBDatasetParams
def get_supported_extensions(cls):
return {"mib", "hdr"}
def detect_params(cls, path, executor):
pathlow = path.lower()
if pathlow.endswith(".mib"):
image_count, sig_shape = executor.run_function(get_image_count_and_sig_shape, path)
nav_shape = make_2D_square((image_count,))
elif pathlow.endswith(".hdr") and executor.run_function(is_valid_hdr, path):
hdr = executor.run_function(read_hdr_file, path)
image_count, sig_shape = executor.run_function(get_image_count_and_sig_shape, path)
nav_shape = nav_shape_from_hdr(hdr)
return False
return {
"parameters": {
"path": path,
"nav_shape": nav_shape,
"sig_shape": sig_shape
"info": {
"image_count": image_count,
"native_sig_shape": sig_shape,
def _preread_headers(filenames):
# Avoid overhead of creating the Pool on low-file-count datasets
if len(filenames) > 512:
# Default ThreadPoolExecutor allocates 5 threads per CPU on the machine
# In testing this was found to be far too many on Linux, and sometimes
# a good number on Windows but sometimes too many
max_workers = 2
if platform.system() == "Windows":
num_cores = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)
max_workers = max(max_workers, int(num_cores * 0.5))
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as p:
header_and_size =, filenames)
header_and_size = tuple(map(MIBHeaderReader._read_header_bytes, filenames))
res = {}
for path, (header, filesize) in zip(filenames, header_and_size):
res[path] = MIBHeaderReader._parse_header_bytes(header, filesize)
return res
def _filenames(self):
if self._filename_cache is not None:
return self._filename_cache
fns = get_filenames(self._path, disable_glob=self._disable_glob)
num_files = len(fns)
if num_files > 16384:
f"Saving data in many small files (here: {num_files}) is not efficient, "
"please increase the \"Images Per File\" parameter when acquiring data. If "
"this leads to \"Too many open files\" errors, on POSIX systems you can increase "
"the maximum open files limit using the \"ulimit\" shell command.",
self._filename_cache = fns
return fns
def _files(self) -> Generator[MIBHeaderReader, None, None]:
for path, fields in self._headers.items():
f = MIBHeaderReader(path, fields=fields,
yield f
def _num_images(self):
return sum(f.fields['num_images'] for f in self._files_sorted)
def dtype(self):
return self._meta.raw_dtype
def shape(self):
the shape specified or imprinted by nav_shape from the HDR file
return self._meta.shape
def check_valid(self):
def get_cache_key(self):
return {
"path": self._path,
# shape is included here because the structure will be invalid if you open
# the same .mib file with a different nav_shape; should be no issue if you
# open via the .hdr file
"shape": tuple(self.shape),
"sync_offset": self._sync_offset,
def get_decoder(self) -> Decoder:
assert self._files_sorted is not None
first_file = self._files_sorted[0]
assert self.meta is not None
return MIBDecoder(
def _get_fileset(self):
assert self._sequence_start is not None
first_file = self._files_sorted[0]
header_size = first_file.fields['header_size_bytes']
return MIBFileSet(files=[
end_idx=f.start_idx + f.num_frames,
for f in self._files_sorted
], header=first_file.fields, frame_header_bytes=header_size)
def get_base_shape(self, roi: Optional[np.ndarray]) -> tuple[int, ...]:
# With R-mode files, we are constrained to tile sizes that are a
# multiple of 64px in the fastest dimension!
# If we make sure full "x-lines" are taken, we are fine (this is the
# case by default)
base_shape = super().get_base_shape(roi)
assert self.meta is not None and base_shape[-1] == self.meta.shape[-1]
return base_shape
def get_partitions(self):
first_file = self._files_sorted[0]
fileset = self._get_fileset()
kind = first_file.fields['mib_kind']
for part_slice, start, stop in self.get_slices():
yield MIBPartition(
num_frames=stop - start,
def __repr__(self):
return f"<MIBDataSet of {self.dtype} shape={self.shape}>"
class MIBPartition(BasePartition):
def __init__(self, kind, bit_depth, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._kind = kind
self._bit_depth = bit_depth