Source code for

import os
import re
import csv
from glob import glob, escape
import typing
import logging
import warnings
import configparser

import numba
from numba.typed import List
import as sio
import numpy as np

from libertem.common.math import prod
from import CorrectionSet
from libertem.common import Shape, Slice
from libertem.common.math import flat_nonzero
from libertem.common.messageconverter import MessageConverter
from .base import (
    DataSet, DataSetException, DataSetMeta,
    FileSet, BasePartition, File, Decoder,
    TilingScheme, make_get_read_ranges, IOBackend,

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
READOUT_MODE_PAT = re.compile(

# file header: 1024 bytes, at the beginning of each file
file_header_dtype = [
    ('header_size', '<u2'),        # fixed value: 1024
    ('frame_header_size', '<u2'),  # fixed value: 64
    ('padding_1', (bytes, 3)),
    ('version', '<u1'),            # fixed value: 6
    ('comment_1', (bytes, 80)),
    ('width', '<u2'),              # -> columns
    ('height', '<u2'),             # -> rows
    ('comment_2', (bytes, 928)),
    ('num_frames', '<u4'),

# frame header: 64 bytes, before each frame
frame_header_dtype = [
    ('padding_1', (bytes, 4)),
    ('timestamp_s', '<u4'),
    ('timestamp_us', '<u4'),
    ('frame_number', '<u4'),
    ('padding_2', (bytes, 12)),
    ('comment', (bytes, 36)),

class FRMS6DatasetParams(MessageConverter):
    SCHEMA = {
        "$schema": "",
        "$id": "",
        "title": "FRMS6DatasetParams",
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "type": {"const": "FRMS6"},
            "path": {"type": "string"},
            "nav_shape": {
                "type": "array",
                "items": {"type": "number", "minimum": 1},
                "minItems": 2,
                "maxItems": 2
            "sig_shape": {
                "type": "array",
                "items": {"type": "number", "minimum": 1},
                "minItems": 2,
                "maxItems": 2
            "sync_offset": {"type": "number"},
            "io_backend": {
                "enum": IOBackend.get_supported(),
        "required": ["type", "path"]

    def convert_to_python(self, raw_data):
        data = {
            k: raw_data[k]
            for k in ["path"]
        if "nav_shape" in raw_data:
            data["nav_shape"] = tuple(raw_data["nav_shape"])
        if "sig_shape" in raw_data:
            data["sig_shape"] = tuple(raw_data["sig_shape"])
        if "sync_offset" in raw_data:
            data["sync_offset"] = raw_data["sync_offset"]
        return data

class GainMapCSVDialect(csv.excel):
    delimiter = ';'

def _unbin(tile_data, factor):
    tile_data should have shape (num_frames, y, x)
    s = tile_data.shape

    # insert a binning dimension:
    tile_data = tile_data.reshape((s[0], s[1], 1, s[2]))
    unbinned = tile_data.repeat(factor, axis=2)
    # FIXME: should we scale the data by the binning factor?
    return unbinned.reshape((s[0], factor * s[1], s[2]))

def _get_base_filename(_path):
    path, ext = os.path.splitext(_path)
    if ext == ".hdr":
        base = path
    elif ext == ".frms6":
        base = re.sub(r'_[0-9]+$', '', path)
        raise DataSetException("unknown extension: %s" % ext)
    return base

def _read_dataset_hdr(fname):
    if not os.path.exists(fname):
        raise DataSetException(
            "Could not find .hdr file {}".format(

    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    parsed = {}
    sections = config.sections()
    if 'measurementInfo' not in sections:
        raise DataSetException(
            "measurementInfo missing from .hdr file {}, have: {}".format(
    msm_info = config['measurementInfo']
    int_fields = {'darkframes', 'dwelltimemicroseconds', 'gain', 'signalframes'}
    for key in msm_info:
        value = msm_info[key]
        if key in int_fields:
            parsed[key] = int(value)
            parsed[key] = value
    # FIXME: are the dimensions the right way aroud? is there a sample file with a non-square
    # scan region?
    parsed['stemimagesize'] = tuple(int(p) for p in parsed['stemimagesize'].split('x'))
    match = READOUT_MODE_PAT.match(parsed['readoutmode'])
    if match is None:
        raise DataSetException("could not parse readout mode")
    readout_mode = match.groupdict()
    parsed['readoutmode'] = {k: int(v) for k, v in readout_mode.items()}
    return parsed

def _read_file_header(path):
    header_raw = np.fromfile(path, dtype=file_header_dtype, count=1)
    header = {}
    for field, dtype in file_header_dtype:
        if type(dtype) is not str:
        header[field] = header_raw[field][0]
        # to prevent overflows in following computations:
        if np.dtype(dtype).kind == "u":
            header[field] = int(header[field])
    header['filesize'] = os.stat(path).st_size
    header['path'] = path
    return header

def _pattern(path):
    path, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
    if ext == ".hdr":
        pattern = "%s_*.frms6" % escape(path)
    elif ext == ".frms6":
        pattern = "%s*.frms6" % (
            escape(re.sub(r'[0-9]+$', '', path))
        raise DataSetException("unknown extension: %s" % ext)
    return pattern

def get_filenames(path, disable_glob=False):
    if disable_glob:
        return [path]
        return list(sorted(glob(_pattern(path))))

def _get_sig_shape(path, bin_factor):
    filenames = get_filenames(path)
    header = _read_file_header(filenames[0])
    sig_shape = 2 * header['height'], header['width'] // 2
    if bin_factor > 1:
        sig_shape = (sig_shape[0] * bin_factor, sig_shape[1])
    return sig_shape

def _header_valid(header):
    if not (header['header_size'] == 1024
            and header['frame_header_size'] == 64
            and header['version'] == 6):
        return False
    # TODO: file size sanity check?
    return True

def _num_frames(header):
    if header['num_frames'] != 0:
        return header['num_frames']
    # older FRMS6 files don't contain the number of frames in the header,
    # so calculate from filesize:
    w, h = header['width'], header['height']
    bytes_per_frame = w * h * 2
    assert header['filesize'] is not None
    num = (header['filesize'] - 1024)
    denum = (bytes_per_frame + 64)
    res = num // denum
    if num % denum != 0:
        raise DataSetException("could not determine number of frames")
    return res

def _map_y(y, xs, binning, num_rows):

    binning : int
        Binning factor (1, 2, 4)

    num_rows : int
        Total number of rows (should be 264, if not windowing)
    half = num_rows // 2 // binning
    if y < half:
        return (y, 0)
        return (((num_rows // binning) - y - 1), xs)

def _frms6_read_ranges_tile_block(
    slices_arr, fileset_arr, slice_sig_sizes, sig_origins,
    inner_indices_start, inner_indices_stop, frame_indices, sig_size,
    px_to_bytes, bpp, frame_header_bytes, frame_footer_bytes, file_idxs,
    slice_offset, extra, sig_shape,
    Read ranges for frms6: create read ranges line-by-line
    result = List()

    # positions in the signal dimensions:
    for slice_idx in range(slices_arr.shape[0]):
        # (offset, size) arrays defining what data to read (in pixels)
        slice_origin = slices_arr[slice_idx][0]
        slice_shape = slices_arr[slice_idx][1]

        read_ranges = List()

        x_shape = slice_shape[1]
        stride = 2 * x_shape

        binning = extra[0]
        num_rows = sig_shape[0]

        # inner "depth" loop along the (flat) navigation axis of a tile:
        for i, inner_frame_idx in enumerate(range(inner_indices_start, inner_indices_stop)):
            inner_frame = frame_indices[inner_frame_idx]
            file_idx = file_idxs[i]
            f = fileset_arr[file_idx]
            frame_in_file_idx = inner_frame - f[0]
            file_header_bytes = f[3]

            # we are reading a part of a single frame, so we first need to find
            # the offset caused by headers:
            header_offset = file_header_bytes + frame_header_bytes * (frame_in_file_idx + 1)

            # now let's figure in the current frame index:
            # (go down into the file by full frames; `sig_size`)
            offset = header_offset + frame_in_file_idx * (sig_size // binning) * bpp // 8

            y_start = slice_origin[0] // binning
            y_stop = (slice_origin[0] + slice_shape[0]) // binning

            for y in range(y_start, y_stop):
                mapped_y, x_offset = _map_y(y, x_shape, binning, num_rows)
                start = offset + (stride * mapped_y + x_offset) * bpp // 8
                        start, start + x_shape * bpp // 8

        # the indices are compressed to the selected frames
        compressed_slice = np.array([
            [slice_offset + inner_indices_start] + [i for i in slice_origin],
            [inner_indices_stop - inner_indices_start] + [i for i in slice_shape],

        result.append((slice_idx, compressed_slice, read_ranges))
    return result

frms6_get_read_ranges = make_get_read_ranges(

def _make_decode_frms6(binning):
    def _decode_frms6(inp, out, idx, native_dtype, rr, origin, shape, ds_shape):
        Row-for-row decoding of frms6 data
        inp_decoded = inp.reshape((-1,)).view(native_dtype)
        out_3d = out.reshape(out.shape[0], -1, shape[-1])

        num_rows_binned = ds_shape[-2] // binning
        origin_y_binned = origin[1] // binning

        # how many rows need to be *read* for this tile
        # if we are un-binning, we need to read only
        rows_in_tile = shape[1] // binning

        # broadcast the row we read to (start, stop) rows:
        start = (idx % rows_in_tile) * binning
        stop = start + binning

        depth = idx // rows_in_tile

        # print(depth, start, stop, rows_in_tile, origin_y_binned)

        if origin_y_binned + (idx % rows_in_tile) < num_rows_binned // 2:
            out_3d[depth, start:stop, :] = inp_decoded
            out_3d[depth, start:stop, :] = inp_decoded[::-1]
    return _decode_frms6

decode_frms6_b1 = _make_decode_frms6(1)
decode_frms6_b2 = _make_decode_frms6(2)
decode_frms6_b4 = _make_decode_frms6(4)

class FRMS6Decoder(Decoder):
    def __init__(self, binning):
        self._binning = binning

    def get_decode(self, native_dtype, read_dtype):
        return {
            1: decode_frms6_b1,
            2: decode_frms6_b2,
            4: decode_frms6_b4,

class FRMS6FileSet(FileSet):
    def __init__(self, global_header, *args, **kwargs):
        self._global_header = global_header
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def _clone(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.__class__(
            *args, **kwargs

    def get_read_ranges(
        self, start_at_frame: int, stop_before_frame: int,
        dtype, tiling_scheme: TilingScheme, sync_offset: int = 0,
        roi: typing.Union[np.ndarray, None] = None,
        fileset_arr = self.get_as_arr()
        binning = self._global_header['readoutmode']['bin']
        roi_nonzero = None
        if roi is not None:
            roi_nonzero = flat_nonzero(roi)
        return frms6_get_read_ranges(
            bpp=np.dtype(dtype).itemsize * 8,

[docs] class FRMS6DataSet(DataSet): r""" Read PNDetector FRMS6 files. FRMS6 data sets consist of multiple .frms6 files and a .hdr file. The first .frms6 file (matching \*_000.frms6) contains dark frames, which are subtracted if `enable_offset_correction` is true. Parameters ---------- path : string Path to one of the files of the FRMS6 dataset (either .hdr or .frms6) enable_offset_correction : boolean Subtract dark frames when reading data gain_map_path : string Path to a gain map to apply (.mat format) nav_shape: tuple of int, optional A n-tuple that specifies the size of the navigation region ((y, x), but can also be of length 1 for example for a line scan, or length 3 for a data cube, for example) sig_shape: tuple of int, optional Signal/detector size (height, width) sync_offset: int, optional If positive, number of frames to skip from start If negative, number of blank frames to insert at start Examples -------- >>> ds = ctx.load("frms6", path='./path_to_file.hdr', ...) # doctest: +SKIP """ def __init__(self, path, enable_offset_correction=True, gain_map_path=None, dest_dtype=None, nav_shape=None, sig_shape=None, sync_offset=0, io_backend=None): super().__init__(io_backend=io_backend) self._path = path self._gain_map_path = gain_map_path self._dark_frame = None self._enable_offset_correction = enable_offset_correction self._meta = None self._filenames = None self._hdr_info = None self._nav_shape = tuple(nav_shape) if nav_shape else nav_shape self._sig_shape = tuple(sig_shape) if sig_shape else sig_shape self._sync_offset = sync_offset if dest_dtype is not None: warnings.warn( "dest_dtype is now handled per `get_tiles` call, and ignored here", DeprecationWarning ) @property def shape(self): return self._meta.shape def _do_initialize(self): self._filenames = get_filenames(self._path) self._hdr_info = self._read_hdr_info() self._headers = [ _read_file_header(path) for path in self._files() ] header = self._headers[0] raw_frame_size = header['height'], header['width'] # frms6 frames are folded in a specific way, this is the shape after unfolding: frame_size = 2 * header['height'], header['width'] // 2 assert header['width'] % 2 == 0 hdr = self._get_hdr_info() bin_factor = hdr['readoutmode']['bin'] if bin_factor > 1: frame_size = (frame_size[0] * bin_factor, frame_size[1]) preferred_dtype = np.dtype("<u2") self._image_count = int(hdr['signalframes']) if self._nav_shape is None: self._nav_shape = tuple(hdr['stemimagesize']) if self._sig_shape is None: self._sig_shape = frame_size elif int(prod(self._sig_shape)) != int(prod(frame_size)): raise DataSetException( "sig_shape must be of size: %s" % int(prod(frame_size)) ) self._nav_shape_product = int(prod(self._nav_shape)) self._sync_offset_info = self.get_sync_offset_info() if self._enable_offset_correction: preferred_dtype = np.dtype("float32") self._meta = DataSetMeta( raw_dtype=np.dtype("<u2"), dtype=preferred_dtype, metadata={'raw_frame_size': raw_frame_size}, shape=Shape(self._nav_shape + self._sig_shape, sig_dims=len(self._sig_shape)), sync_offset=self._sync_offset, image_count=self._image_count, ) self._dark_frame = self._get_dark_frame() self._gain_map = self._get_gain_map() self._total_filesize = sum( os.stat(path).st_size for path in self._files() ) return self def initialize(self, executor): return executor.run_function(self._do_initialize) @classmethod def detect_params(cls, path, executor): hdr_filename = "%s.hdr" % executor.run_function(_get_base_filename, path) try: hdr = executor.run_function(_read_dataset_hdr, hdr_filename) bin_factor = hdr['readoutmode']['bin'] nav_shape = tuple(hdr['stemimagesize']) image_count = int(prod(nav_shape)) sig_shape = executor.run_function(_get_sig_shape, path, bin_factor) except Exception: return False return { "parameters": { "path": path, "nav_shape": nav_shape, "sig_shape": sig_shape, }, "info": { "image_count": image_count, "native_sig_shape": sig_shape, } } @classmethod def get_supported_extensions(cls): return {"frms6", "hdr"} @classmethod def get_msg_converter(cls): return FRMS6DatasetParams def get_diagnostics(self): global_header = self._get_hdr_info() return [ {"name": "Offset correction available and enabled", "value": str(self._dark_frame is not None)}, ] + [ {"name": str(k), "value": str(v)} for k, v in global_header.items() ] def _read_hdr_info(self): hdr_filename = "%s.hdr" % _get_base_filename(self._path) return _read_dataset_hdr(hdr_filename) def _get_hdr_info(self): return self._hdr_info def _get_dark_frame(self): if not self._enable_offset_correction: return None header = self._headers[0] num_frames = _num_frames(header) shape = (num_frames,) + tuple(self.shape.sig) fs = self._get_fileset([self._headers[0]]) sig_dims = len(self.shape.sig) part_slice = Slice( origin=tuple([0] * len(shape)), shape=Shape(shape, sig_dims=sig_dims) ) p = FRMS6Partition( meta=self._meta, partition_slice=part_slice, fileset=fs, start_frame=0, num_frames=num_frames, header=self._headers[0], io_backend=self.get_io_backend(), decoder=self.get_decoder(), binning=self._get_binning(), ) tileshape = Shape( (128, 8) + (self.shape[-1],), sig_dims=2, ) tiling_scheme = TilingScheme.make_for_shape( tileshape=tileshape, dataset_shape=self.shape, ) tiles = p.get_tiles(tiling_scheme=tiling_scheme, dest_dtype=np.float32) out = np.zeros(self.shape.sig, dtype=np.float32) for tile in tiles: out[tile.tile_slice.get(sig_only=True)] += np.sum(, axis=0) return out / num_frames def _get_gain_map(self): if self._gain_map_path is None: return None _, ext = os.path.splitext(self._gain_map_path) if ext.lower() == '.mat': gain_mat = sio.loadmat(self._gain_map_path) return gain_mat['GainMap'] elif ext.lower() == '.csv': with open(self._gain_map_path) as csv_f: csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_f, dialect=GainMapCSVDialect) csv_gain_data = list(csv_reader) csv_gain_nums = [[float(x) for x in row if x != ''] for row in csv_gain_data] return np.array(csv_gain_nums).T def _files(self): return self._filenames def check_valid(self): try: for header in self._headers: if not _header_valid(header): raise DataSetException( "error while checking validity of %s" % header['path'] ) return True except OSError as e: raise DataSetException("invalid dataset: %s" % e) def get_cache_key(self): return { "path": self._path, "enable_offset_correction": self._enable_offset_correction, "gain_map_path": self._gain_map_path, "shape": tuple(self.shape), "sync_offset": self._sync_offset, } @property def dtype(self): return self._meta.dtype def _get_fileset(self, headers=None): files = [] start_idx = 0 if headers is None: headers = self._headers[1:] # skip first file w/ dark frames... header = headers[0] native_dtype = np.dtype(np.uint16) frame_header_size = header['frame_header_size'] file_header = header['header_size'] for header in headers: path = header['path'] sig_shape = (header['height'], header['width']) num_frames = _num_frames(header) files.append( File( path=path, start_idx=start_idx, end_idx=start_idx + num_frames, native_dtype=native_dtype, sig_shape=sig_shape, file_header=file_header, frame_header=frame_header_size, ) ) start_idx += num_frames global_header = self._get_hdr_info() return FRMS6FileSet( files=files, global_header=global_header, frame_header_bytes=frame_header_size ) def get_correction_data(self): return CorrectionSet( dark=self._dark_frame, gain=self._gain_map, ) def _get_binning(self): return self._get_hdr_info()['readoutmode']['bin'] def get_decoder(self) -> Decoder: return FRMS6Decoder( binning=self._get_binning(), ) def get_base_shape(self, roi): return (1, self._get_binning(), self.shape.sig[-1]) def get_partitions(self): fileset = self._get_fileset() for part_slice, start, stop in self.get_slices(): yield FRMS6Partition( meta=self._meta, partition_slice=part_slice, fileset=fileset, start_frame=start, num_frames=stop - start, binning=self._get_binning(), header=self._headers[0], io_backend=self.get_io_backend(), decoder=self.get_decoder(), )
class FRMS6Partition(BasePartition): def __init__(self, binning, header, *args, **kwargs): self._header = header self._binning = binning super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def validate_tiling_scheme(self, tiling_scheme): binning = self._binning a = len(tiling_scheme.shape) == 3 b = tiling_scheme.shape[1] % binning == 0 c = tiling_scheme.shape[2] == self.meta.shape.sig[1] if not (a and b and c): raise ValueError( "Invalid tiling scheme: needs to be divisible by binning (%d)" % binning )