Source code for

import os
import warnings

import numpy as np

from libertem.common.math import prod
from libertem.common import Shape
from .base import (
    DataSet, DataSetException, DataSetMeta,
    BasePartition, FileSet, File, IOBackend,
from libertem.common.messageconverter import MessageConverter

MAGIC_EXPECT = (258, 259)

class BLODatasetParams(MessageConverter):
    SCHEMA = {
      "$schema": "",
      "$id": "",
      "title": "BLODatasetParams",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "type": {"const": "BLO"},
        "path": {"type": "string"},
        "nav_shape": {
            "type": "array",
            "items": {"type": "number", "minimum": 1},
            "minItems": 2,
            "maxItems": 2
        "sig_shape": {
            "type": "array",
            "items": {"type": "number", "minimum": 1},
            "minItems": 2,
            "maxItems": 2
        "sync_offset": {"type": "number"},
        "io_backend": {
            "enum": IOBackend.get_supported(),
      "required": ["type", "path"],

    def convert_to_python(self, raw_data):
        data = {
            k: raw_data[k]
            for k in ["path"]
        if "nav_shape" in raw_data:
            data["nav_shape"] = tuple(raw_data["nav_shape"])
        if "sig_shape" in raw_data:
            data["sig_shape"] = tuple(raw_data["sig_shape"])
        if "sync_offset" in raw_data:
            data["sync_offset"] = raw_data["sync_offset"]
        return data

# stolen from hyperspy
def get_header_dtype_list(endianess='<'):
    end = endianess
    dtype_list = \
            ('ID', (bytes, 6)),
            ('MAGIC', end + 'u2'),
            ('Data_offset_1', end + 'u4'),      # Offset VBF
            ('Data_offset_2', end + 'u4'),      # Offset DPs
            ('UNKNOWN1', end + 'u4'),           # Flags for ASTAR software?
            ('DP_SZ', end + 'u2'),              # Pixel dim DPs
            ('DP_rotation', end + 'u2'),        # [degrees ( * 100 ?)]
            ('NX', end + 'u2'),                 # Scan dim 1
            ('NY', end + 'u2'),                 # Scan dim 2
            ('Scan_rotation', end + 'u2'),      # [100 * degrees]
            ('SX', end + 'f8'),                 # Pixel size [nm]
            ('SY', end + 'f8'),                 # Pixel size [nm]
            ('Beam_energy', end + 'u4'),        # [V]
            ('SDP', end + 'u2'),                # Pixel size [100 * ppcm]
            ('Camera_length', end + 'u4'),      # [10 * mm]
            ('Acquisition_time', end + 'f8'),   # [Serial date]
        ] + [
            ('Centering_N%d' % i, 'f8') for i in range(8)
        ] + [
            ('Distortion_N%02d' % i, 'f8') for i in range(14)

    return dtype_list

class BloFileSet(FileSet):

[docs] class BloDataSet(DataSet): # FIXME include sample file for doctest, see Issue #86 """ Read Nanomegas .blo files Examples -------- >>> ds = ctx.load("blo", path="/path/to/file.blo") # doctest: +SKIP Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the file endianess: str either '<' or '>' for little or big endian nav_shape: tuple of int, optional A n-tuple that specifies the size of the navigation region ((y, x), but can also be of length 1 for example for a line scan, or length 3 for a data cube, for example) sig_shape: tuple of int, optional Signal/detector size (height, width) sync_offset: int, optional If positive, number of frames to skip from start If negative, number of blank frames to insert at start """ def __init__(self, path, tileshape=None, endianess='<', nav_shape=None, sig_shape=None, sync_offset=0, io_backend=None): super().__init__(io_backend=io_backend) # handle backwards-compatability: if tileshape is not None: warnings.warn( "tileshape argument is ignored and will be removed after 0.6.0", FutureWarning ) self._path = path self._header = None self._endianess = endianess self._shape = None self._filesize = None self._nav_shape = tuple(nav_shape) if nav_shape else nav_shape self._sig_shape = tuple(sig_shape) if sig_shape else sig_shape self._sync_offset = sync_offset def initialize(self, executor): self._header = h = executor.run_function(self._read_header) metadata = executor.run_function(self._read_metadata) dtype = self._try_read_bitdepth(metadata) NY = int(h['NY'][0]) NX = int(h['NX'][0]) DP_SZ = int(h['DP_SZ'][0]) self._image_count = NY * NX if self._nav_shape is None: self._nav_shape = (NY, NX) if self._sig_shape is None: self._sig_shape = (DP_SZ, DP_SZ) elif int(prod(self._sig_shape)) != (DP_SZ * DP_SZ): raise DataSetException( "sig_shape must be of size: %s" % (DP_SZ * DP_SZ) ) self._nav_shape_product = int(prod(self._nav_shape)) self._sync_offset_info = self.get_sync_offset_info() self._shape = Shape(self._nav_shape + self._sig_shape, sig_dims=len(self._sig_shape)) self._meta = DataSetMeta( shape=self._shape, raw_dtype=np.dtype(dtype), sync_offset=self._sync_offset, image_count=self._image_count, ) self._filesize = executor.run_function(self._get_filesize) return self @classmethod def detect_params(cls, path, executor): try: ds = cls(path, endianess='<') ds = ds.initialize(executor) if not executor.run_function(ds.check_valid): return False return { "parameters": { "path": path, "nav_shape": tuple(ds.shape.nav), "sig_shape": tuple(ds.shape.sig), "tileshape": (1, 8) + tuple(ds.shape.sig), "endianess": "<", }, "info": { "image_count": int(prod(ds.shape.nav)), "native_sig_shape": tuple(ds.shape.sig), } } except Exception: return False @classmethod def get_msg_converter(cls): return BLODatasetParams @classmethod def get_supported_extensions(cls): return {"blo"} @property def dtype(self): return self._meta.raw_dtype @property def shape(self): if self._shape is None: raise RuntimeError("please call initialize() before using the dataset") return self._shape def _read_header(self): # FIXME: do this read via the IO backend! with open(self._path, 'rb') as f: return np.fromfile(f, dtype=get_header_dtype_list(self._endianess), count=1) def _read_metadata(self) -> tuple[str]: """ Read metadata from the block after the inital 64 byte header but before the first Data section (as interpreted from the header). In the files alrady seen, this is a Windows-delimited sequence of lines of text starting at byte 240. As we aren't confident in the format this function doesn't try to decode the metadata, it just loads it and cleans up any null bytes or extra whitespace. """ if self._header['MAGIC'] == 259: metadata_start_pos = 240 data_start_byte = int(self._header['Data_offset_1'].item()) with open(self._path, 'rb') as f: metadata_bytes = - metadata_start_pos) metadata = metadata_bytes.decode(errors='ignore').strip('\x00') metadata = (m.strip() for m in metadata.splitlines()) return tuple(m for m in metadata if len(m) > 0) return tuple() @staticmethod def _try_read_bitdepth(metadata: tuple[str, ...]) -> str: """ Try to extract a bitdepth from the metadata items using the key in the post-header section of the file like: Blo Bit Depth: 16 bits Falls back to u1 dtype if metadata is missing or does not exactly conform to the format already seen. If metadata is missing (older format) this is a no-op. The alternative to this function is to infer the bit depth using the filesize, data_offset and nav/sig shapes. """ for m in metadata: if not m.lower().startswith('blo bit depth:'): continue for p in m.split(':'): p = p.strip().lower() if not p.endswith(' bits'): continue try: bitdepth = int(p.replace(' bits', '')) return f"u{bitdepth // 8}" except ValueError: break return "u1" def _get_filesize(self): return os.stat(self._path).st_size @property def header(self): if self._header is None: raise RuntimeError("please call initialize() before using the dataset") return self._header def check_valid(self): try: header = self._read_header() magic = header['MAGIC'][0] if magic not in MAGIC_EXPECT: raise DataSetException( f"invalid magic number: {magic:x} " f"not in {tuple(hex(x) for x in MAGIC_EXPECT)}" ) return True except OSError as e: raise DataSetException("invalid dataset: %s" % e) from e def get_cache_key(self): return { "path": self._path, "endianess": self._endianess, "shape": tuple(self.shape), "sync_offset": self._sync_offset, } def _get_fileset(self): return BloFileSet([ File( path=self._path, start_idx=0, end_idx=self._image_count, native_dtype=( self._endianess + self.meta.raw_dtype.kind + str(self.meta.raw_dtype.itemsize) ), sig_shape=self.shape.sig, frame_header=6, file_header=int(self.header['Data_offset_2'][0]), ) ], frame_header_bytes=6) def get_partitions(self): fileset = self._get_fileset() for part_slice, start, stop in self.get_slices(): yield BasePartition( meta=self._meta, fileset=fileset, partition_slice=part_slice, start_frame=start, num_frames=stop - start, io_backend=self.get_io_backend(), ) def __repr__(self): return f"<BloDataSet of {self.dtype} shape={self.shape}>"