import logging
import numba
from numba.typed import List as NumbaList
import numpy as np
from sparseconverter import check_shape
from libertem.common.numba import numba_ravel_multi_index_single as _ravel_multi_index, cached_njit
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _default_px_to_bytes(
bpp, frame_in_file_idx, slice_sig_size, sig_size, sig_origin,
frame_footer_bytes, frame_header_bytes, file_header_bytes,
file_idx, read_ranges,
Convert from a slice (sig_origin, slice_sig_size) to a byte slice (start, stop)
and append the result to the read_ranges numba List
# we are reading a part of a single frame, so we first need to find
# the offset caused by headers and footers:
footer_offset = frame_footer_bytes * frame_in_file_idx
header_offset = frame_header_bytes * (frame_in_file_idx + 1)
byte_offset = file_header_bytes + footer_offset + header_offset
# now let's figure in the current frame index:
# (go down into the file by full frames; `sig_size`)
offset = byte_offset + frame_in_file_idx * sig_size * bpp // 8
# offset in px in the current frame:
sig_origin_bytes = sig_origin * bpp // 8
start = offset + sig_origin_bytes
# size of the sig part of the slice:
sig_size_bytes = slice_sig_size * bpp // 8
stop = start + sig_size_bytes
read_ranges.append((file_idx, start, stop))
@numba.njit(boundscheck=True, nogil=True)
def _find_file_for_frame_idx(fileset_arr, frame_idx):
Find the file in `fileset_arr` that contains
`frame_idx` and return its index using binary search.
Worst case: something like 2**20 files, each containing
a single frame.
`fileset_arr` is an array of shape (number_files, 4)
where `fileset_arr[i]` is:
(start_idx, end_idx, file_header_size, file_idx)
It must be sorted by `start_idx` and the defined intervals must not overlap.
while True:
num_files = fileset_arr.shape[0]
mid = num_files // 2
mid_file = fileset_arr[mid]
if mid_file[0] <= frame_idx and mid_file[1] > frame_idx:
return mid_file[2]
elif mid_file[0] > frame_idx:
fileset_arr = fileset_arr[:mid]
fileset_arr = fileset_arr[mid + 1:]
def _default_read_ranges_tile_block(
slices_arr, fileset_arr, slice_sig_sizes, sig_origins,
inner_indices_start, inner_indices_stop, frame_indices, sig_size,
px_to_bytes, bpp, frame_header_bytes, frame_footer_bytes, file_idxs,
slice_offset, extra, sig_shape,
result = NumbaList()
# positions in the signal dimensions:
for slice_idx in range(slices_arr.shape[0]):
# (offset, size) arrays defining what data to read (in pixels)
# NOTE: assumes contiguous tiling scheme
# (i.e. a shape like (1, 1, ..., 1, X1, ..., XN))
# where X1 is <= the dataset shape at that index, and X2, ..., XN are
# equal to the dataset shape at that index
slice_origin = slices_arr[slice_idx][0]
slice_shape = slices_arr[slice_idx][1]
slice_sig_size = slice_sig_sizes[slice_idx]
sig_origin = sig_origins[slice_idx]
read_ranges = NumbaList()
# inner "depth" loop along the (flat) navigation axis of a tile:
for i, inner_frame_idx in enumerate(range(inner_indices_start, inner_indices_stop)):
inner_frame = frame_indices[inner_frame_idx]
file_idx = file_idxs[i]
f = fileset_arr[file_idx]
frame_in_file_idx = inner_frame - f[0]
file_header_bytes = f[3]
# px_to_bytes is the format-specific translation of pixel
# coordinates (slice_sig_size, sig_size, sig_origin)
# to bytes, which are appended as tuples (file_idx, start, stop)
# to the `read_ranges` list.
# the indices are compressed to the selected frames
compressed_slice = np.array([
[slice_offset + inner_indices_start] + [i for i in slice_origin],
[inner_indices_stop - inner_indices_start] + [i for i in slice_shape],
result.append((slice_idx, compressed_slice, read_ranges))
return result
def make_get_read_ranges(
Translate the `TilingScheme` combined with the `roi` into (pixel)-read-ranges,
together with their tile slices.
Dataset-global first frame index to read
Stop before this frame index
Description on how the data should be tiled
Array of shape (number_of_files, 3) where the last dimension contains
the following values: `(start_idx, end_idx, file_idx)`, where
`[start_idx, end_idx)` defines which frame indices are contained
in the file.
Region of interest (for the full dataset)
bpp : int
Bits per pixel, including padding
(tile_slice, read_ranges)
read_ranges is an ndarray with shape (number_of_tiles, depth, 3)
where the last dimension contains: file index, start_byte, stop_byte
@cached_njit(boundscheck=True, cache=True, nogil=True)
def _get_read_ranges_inner(
start_at_frame, stop_before_frame, roi_nonzero, depth,
slices_arr, fileset_arr, sig_shape,
bpp, sync_offset=0, extra=None, frame_header_bytes=0, frame_footer_bytes=0,
result = NumbaList()
# Use NumPy prod for Numba compilation
sig_size =
if roi_nonzero is None:
frame_indices = np.arange(max(0, start_at_frame), stop_before_frame)
# in case of a negative sync_offset, start_at_frame can be negative
if start_at_frame < 0:
slice_offset = abs(sync_offset)
slice_offset = start_at_frame - sync_offset
shifted_roi = roi_nonzero + sync_offset
roi_mask = np.logical_and(shifted_roi >= max(0, start_at_frame),
shifted_roi < stop_before_frame)
frame_indices = shifted_roi[roi_mask]
if start_at_frame < 0:
slice_offset = np.sum(roi_nonzero < abs(sync_offset))
slice_offset = np.sum(roi_nonzero < start_at_frame - sync_offset)
num_indices = frame_indices.shape[0]
# indices into `frame_indices`:
inner_indices_start = 0
inner_indices_stop = min(depth, num_indices)
# this should be `prod(..., axis=-1)``, which is not supported by numba yet:
# slices that divide the signal dimensions:
slice_sig_sizes = np.array([
# Use NumPy prod for Numba compilation[slice_idx, 1, :].astype(np.int64))
for slice_idx in range(slices_arr.shape[0])
sig_origins = np.array([
_ravel_multi_index(slices_arr[slice_idx][0], sig_shape)
for slice_idx in range(slices_arr.shape[0])
# outer "depth" loop skipping over `depth` frames at a time:
while inner_indices_start < num_indices:
file_idxs = np.array([
_find_file_for_frame_idx(fileset_arr, frame_indices[inner_frame_idx])
for inner_frame_idx in range(inner_indices_start, inner_indices_stop)
for slice_idx, compressed_slice, read_ranges in read_ranges_tile_block(
slices_arr, fileset_arr, slice_sig_sizes, sig_origins,
inner_indices_start, inner_indices_stop, frame_indices, sig_size,
px_to_bytes, bpp, frame_header_bytes, frame_footer_bytes, file_idxs,
slice_offset, extra=extra, sig_shape=sig_shape,
result.append((compressed_slice, read_ranges, slice_idx))
inner_indices_start = inner_indices_start + depth
inner_indices_stop = min(inner_indices_stop + depth, num_indices)
result_slices = np.zeros((len(result), 2, 1 + len(sig_shape)), dtype=np.int64)
for tile_idx, res in enumerate(result):
result_slices[tile_idx] = res[0]
if len(result) == 0:
return (
np.zeros((len(result), depth, 3), dtype=np.int64),
np.zeros((len(result)), dtype=np.int64),
lengths = [len(res[1])
for res in result]
max_rr_per_tile = max(lengths)
slice_indices = np.zeros(len(result), dtype=np.int64)
# read_ranges_tile_block can decide how many entries there are per read range,
# so we need to generate a result array with the correct size:
rr_num_entries = max(3, len(result[0][1][0]))
result_ranges = np.zeros((len(result), max_rr_per_tile, rr_num_entries), dtype=np.int64)
for tile_idx, res in enumerate(result):
for depth_idx, read_range in enumerate(res[1]):
result_ranges[tile_idx][depth_idx] = read_range
slice_indices[tile_idx] = res[2]
return result_slices, result_ranges, slice_indices
return _get_read_ranges_inner
default_get_read_ranges = make_get_read_ranges()
class DataTile:
def __init__(self, data, tile_slice, scheme_idx):
if isinstance(data, DataTile):
data =
check_shape(data, tile_slice.shape)
self._data = data
self.tile_slice = tile_slice
self.scheme_idx = scheme_idx
def flat_data(self) -> np.ndarray:
Flatten the data.
The result is a 2D array where each row contains pixel data
from a single frame. It is just a reshape, so it is a view into
the original data.
shape = self.tile_slice.shape
tileshape = (
shape.nav.size, # stackheight, number of frames we process at once
shape.sig.size, # framesize, number of pixels per tile
return self._data.reshape(tileshape)
def dtype(self):
return self._data.dtype
def shape(self):
return tuple(self.tile_slice.shape)
def size(self):
return self.tile_slice.shape.size
def data(self):
return self._data
def c_contiguous(self):
return self._data.flags.c_contiguous
except AttributeError:
return None
def __repr__(self):
return "<DataTile %r scheme_idx=%d>" % (self.tile_slice, self.scheme_idx)