Source code for libertem.common.slice

import math
from typing import Any, Optional, overload
from import Generator, Sequence

import numpy as np

from libertem.common.math import prod, count_nonzero
from libertem.common.shape import Shape, ShapeLike

[docs] class SliceUsageError(ValueError): """ Raised when a Slice is incorrectly instantiated or used """
[docs] class Slice: """ A n-dimensional slice, defined by origin and shape Parameters ---------- origin : tuple of int global "top-left" coordinates of this slice shape : Shape instance the size of this slice """ __slots__ = ["origin", "shape"] def __init__(self, origin: Sequence[int], shape: Shape): self.origin = tuple(origin) self.shape = shape if len(self.origin) != len(self.shape): raise SliceUsageError( ("cannot build slice with dimensionality of shape/origin mismatch (%d vs %d); " "origin=%r, shape=%r") % ( len(self.origin), len(self.shape), self.origin, self.shape, ) ) if not isinstance(shape, Shape): raise SliceUsageError("please use libertem.common.Shape instance as shape parameter") def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Slice origin={self.origin!r} shape={self.shape!r}>" def __hash__(self) -> int: # enables using a Slice as a key in dict, an item in sets etc. # in this case important for use as cache key for our mask container return hash((self.origin, tuple(self.shape))) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return isinstance(other, Slice) and ( self.shape == other.shape and self.origin == other.origin )
[docs] @classmethod def from_shape(cls, shape: Sequence[int], sig_dims: int) -> "Slice": """ Construct a `Slice` at zero-origin from `shape` and `sig_dims`. """ return Slice( origin=(0,) * len(shape), shape=Shape(shape, sig_dims=sig_dims), )
[docs] def intersection_with(self, other: "Slice") -> "Slice": """ Calculate the intersection between this slice and `other`. May result in dimensions that are zero, which means that there is no intersection. Returns ------- slice : Slice the intersection between this and the other slice """ if len(self.origin) != len(other.origin): raise SliceUsageError( ("cannot intersect slices with different dimensionality (%s vs %s); " "self.origin=%r, other.origin=%r") % ( len(self.origin), len(other.origin), self.origin, other.origin, ) ) if self.shape.sig.dims != other.shape.sig.dims: raise SliceUsageError( "cannot intersect slices with different signal dimensionality ({} vs {})".format( self.shape.sig.dims, other.shape.sig.dims ) ) new_origin = tuple( max(o1, o2) for (o1, o2) in zip(self.origin, other.origin) ) new_shape = [ min( (o1 + s1) - no, (o2 + s2) - no, ) for (o1, o2, no, s1, s2) in zip( self.origin, other.origin, new_origin, self.shape, other.shape ) ] new_shape = [max(0, s) for s in new_shape] result = Slice( origin=new_origin, shape=Shape(new_shape, sig_dims=self.shape.sig.dims), ) return result
[docs] def is_null(self) -> bool: """ If any part of our shape is zero, this slice doesn't span any data and is null / empty. """ return any(s == 0 for s in self.shape)
[docs] def shift(self, other: "Slice") -> "Slice": """ make a new ``Slice`` with origin relative to ``other.origin`` and the same shape as this ``Slice`` useful for translating to the local coordinate system of ``other`` """ if len(self.origin) != len(other.origin): raise SliceUsageError( "cannot shift slices with different " f"dimensionality ({self.origin} vs {other.origin})" ) return Slice(origin=tuple(our_coord - their_coord for (our_coord, their_coord) in zip(self.origin, other.origin)), shape=self.shape)
[docs] def shift_by(self, offset: Sequence[int]) -> "Slice": """ Return a new slice with the origin moved by the supplied offset and the same shape """ if len(self.origin) != len(offset): raise SliceUsageError( "cannot shift slices with different " f"dimensionality ({self.origin} vs {offset})" ) return Slice( origin=tuple( our_coord + off for (our_coord, off) in zip(self.origin, offset) ), shape=self.shape, )
@overload def get( self, arr: None = None, sig_only: bool = False, nav_only: bool = False ) -> tuple[slice, ...]: ... @overload def get( self, arr: np.ndarray, sig_only: bool = False, nav_only: bool = False ) -> np.ndarray: ...
[docs] def get( self, arr: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, sig_only: bool = False, nav_only: bool = False ): """ Get a standard python tuple-of-slice-object which can be used to slice any compatible numpy.ndarray Parameters ---------- arr something implementing the slice interface. if given, returns arr[slice] sig_only : bool get a signal-only slice for frames/masks nav_only : bool get a nav-only slice, for example for indexing something that is shaped like the navigation dimensions of this Slice. Returns ------- tuple of slice objects returns standard python slices computed from our origin+shape model or arr indexed with this slicing if arr is given Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from libertem.common import Slice, Shape >>> s = Slice(shape=Shape((16, 16, 4, 4), sig_dims=2), origin=(0, 0, 12, 12)) >>> data = np.ones((16, 16)) >>> data[s.get(sig_only=True)] array([[1., 1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1., 1.]]) """ if sig_only: o, s = self.origin, self.shape slice_ = tuple( slice(o[i], (o[i] + s[i])) for i in range(s.nav.dims, s.sig.dims + s.nav.dims) ) elif nav_only: o, s = self.origin, self.shape slice_ = tuple( slice(o[i], (o[i] + s[i])) for i in range(s.nav.dims) ) else: slice_ = self._get() if arr is not None: if sig_only: # Skip the supposed nav dimensions of the data return arr[(Ellipsis, ) + slice_] else: # for nav_only, we return the full remaining dimensions anyway # if arr has more dimensions than the slice return arr[slice_] else: return slice_
def _get(self): """ Direct conversion from Slice to tuple(slice, ...) without options """ return tuple(slice(o, (o + s)) for (o, s) in zip(self.origin, self.shape))
[docs] def discard_nav(self) -> "Slice": """ returns a copy with the origin/shape zeroed in the nav dimensions this is used to create uniform cache keys """ o, s, sig_dims = self._discard_nav_key() new_shape = Shape(s, sig_dims=sig_dims) return Slice(origin=o, shape=new_shape)
def _discard_nav_key(self) -> tuple[tuple[int, ...], tuple[int, ...], int]: """ Construct a hashable tuple of the Slice with a zero-length nav dimensions Functions as discard_nav but avoids Shape and Slice constructor overheads """ o, s = self.origin, self.shape nav_dims = s.nav_dims zero_nav = (0,) * nav_dims return (zero_nav + o[nav_dims:], zero_nav + s._sig_shape, s.sig_dims)
[docs] def subslices(self, shape: ShapeLike) -> Generator["Slice", None, None]: """ Generator for all subslices of this slice with dimensions specified by ``shape``. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple of int or Shape the shape of each sub-slice Yields ------ Slice all subslices, in fast-access order """ # example: self.shape=(3, 1, 1, 1), subslice shape=(2, 1, 1, 1) # math.ceil(3/2) = math.ceil(1.5) = 2 -> we need two subslices across the y dimension shape = Shape(shape, sig_dims=self.shape.sig.dims) if self.shape.dims != shape.dims: raise SliceUsageError( ("cannot create subslices with different dimensionality (%d vs %d); " "self.shape=%r, shape=%r") % ( self.shape.dims, shape.dims, self.shape, shape, ) ) ni = tuple(math.ceil(s1 / s) for (s1, s) in zip(self.shape, shape)) def _make_slice(origin: tuple[int, ...], new_shape: Shape) -> Slice: sig_dims = new_shape.sig.dims # this makes sure that the border tiles have the correct shape set new_shape_tuple = tuple( min(ns, so + s - o) for (ns, so, s, o) in zip(new_shape, self.origin, self.shape, origin) ) new_shape = Shape(new_shape_tuple, sig_dims=sig_dims) for x in new_shape_tuple: assert x > 0, \ "invalid shape: {!r} while subslicing {!r} with {!r} (origin={!r})".format( new_shape, self.shape, shape, origin ) return Slice( origin=origin, shape=new_shape, ) return ( _make_slice(origin=tuple( o + i * s for (o, i, s) in zip(self.origin, indexes, shape) ), new_shape=Shape(tuple(shape), sig_dims=self.shape.sig.dims)) for indexes in np.ndindex(ni) )
@property def nav(self) -> "Slice": """ Returns a new Slice, with sig_dims=0, limited to the nav part """ return Slice( origin=self.origin[:self.shape.nav.dims], shape=self.shape.nav, ) @property def sig(self) -> "Slice": """ Returns a new Slice, limited to the sig part """ return Slice( origin=self.origin[self.shape.nav.dims:], shape=self.shape.sig, )
[docs] def flatten_nav(self, containing_shape: ShapeLike) -> "Slice": sig_dims = self.shape.sig.dims nav_dims = self.shape.dims - sig_dims containing_shape = tuple(containing_shape)[:nav_dims] origin = self.origin[:nav_dims] # validation for the nav_shape: # what are the preconditions that allow flattening? # # - nav part of the shape: must be in the form of: # # (1, 1, ..., N, M, M, ...) # # where N<=M and M is the corresponding part of # the shape of the dataset. # # - the origin must match the shape in the following way: # # (o1, o2, ..., oi, 0, 0, ...) # # where all oj are arbitraty (but in bounds) # state = 0 for cs, s, o in zip(containing_shape, self.shape.nav, origin): if state == 0: if s != 1: state = 1 assert s <= cs, "invalid nav_shape #1" elif state == 1: assert s == cs, "invalid nav_shape #2" assert o == 0, "invalid origin" nav_origin = np.ravel_multi_index( origin, containing_shape ) nav_shape = prod(self.shape.nav) return Slice( origin=(nav_origin,) + self.origin[nav_dims:], shape=Shape((nav_shape,) + tuple(self.shape.sig), sig_dims=sig_dims) )
[docs] def adjust_for_roi(self, roi: Optional[np.ndarray]) -> "Slice": """ Make a new slice that has origin and shape modified according to `roi`. """ if roi is None: return self roi = roi.reshape(-1) assert self.shape.nav.dims == 1 s_o = self.origin[0] s_s = self.shape[0] # We need to find how many 1s there are for all previous partitions, to know # the origin; then we count how many 1s there are in our partition # to find our shape. origin = count_nonzero(roi[:s_o]) shape = count_nonzero(roi[s_o:s_o + s_s]) sig_dims = self.shape.sig.dims return Slice( origin=(origin,) + self.origin[-sig_dims:], shape=Shape((shape,) + tuple(self.shape.sig), sig_dims=sig_dims), )
[docs] def clip_to(self, shape: Shape): other_slice = Slice((0,) * shape.dims, shape) return self.intersection_with(other_slice)
def __getstate__(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return { k: getattr(self, k) for k in self.__slots__ } def __setstate__(self, state: dict[str, Any]) -> None: for k, v in state.items(): setattr(self, k, v)