Source code for

import logging
import inspect
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np

from libertem import masks
from libertem.web.rpc import ProcedureProtocol
from .base import AnalysisResult, AnalysisResultSet
from .masks import BaseMasksAnalysis

from .helper import GeneratorHelper

# Keep imports for backwards compatibility!
from import (  # noqa: 401
    com_masks_factory, com_masks_generic, center_shifts, apply_correction,
    divergence, curl_2d, magnitude,
    coordinate_check, GuessResult, guess_corrections

    from libertem.web.rpc import RPCContext

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ComTemplate(GeneratorHelper):
    short_name = "com"
    api = "create_com_analysis"
    temp = GeneratorHelper.temp_analysis
    temp_analysis = temp + ["print(com_result)"]
    channels = [

    def __init__(self, params):
        self.params = params

    def get_dependency(self):
        return [
            "from empyre.vis.colors import ColormapCubehelix"

    def get_docs(self):
        title = "COM Analysis"
        from libertem.api import Context
        docs_rst = inspect.getdoc(Context.create_com_analysis)
        docs = self.format_docs(title, docs_rst)
        return docs

    def convert_params(self):
        params = ['dataset=ds']
        for k in ['cx', 'cy']:
        if self.params.get('flip_y', False):
        if self.params.get('scan_rotation') is not None:
        if self.params.get('ri') is not None:
        return ', '.join(params)

    def get_plot(self):
        plot = [
            "fig, axes = plt.subplots()",
            "x_centers, y_centers = com_result.field.raw_data",
            "ch = ColormapCubehelix(start=1, rot=1, minLight=0.5, maxLight=0.5, sat=2)",
            "axes.imshow(ch.rgb_from_vector((x_centers, y_centers, 0)))"
        for channel in self.channels[1:3]:
            plot.append("fig, axes = plt.subplots()")

        return ['\n'.join(plot)]

    def get_save(self):
        save = []
        for channel in self.channels:
            save.append(f"'com_result_{channel}.npy', com_result['{channel}'].raw_data)")

        return '\n'.join(save)

[docs] class COMResultSet(AnalysisResultSet): """ Running a :class:`COMAnalysis` via :meth:`` on a dataset returns an instance of this class. This analysis is usually applied to datasets with real values. If the dataset contains complex numbers, this result contains the keys :attr:`x_real`, :attr:`y_real`, :attr:`x_imag`, :attr:`y_imag` instead of the vector field. By default, the shift is given in pixel coordinates, i.e. positive x shift goes to the right and positive y shift goes to the bottom. See also :ref:`concepts`. .. versionchanged:: 0.6.0 The COM analysis now supports flipping the y axis and rotating the vectors. .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 Attributes ---------- field : libertem.analysis.base.AnalysisResult Center of mass shift relative to the center given to the analysis within the given radius as a vector field with components (x, y). The visualized result uses a cubehelix color wheel. magnitude : libertem.analysis.base.AnalysisResult Magnitude of the center of mass shift. divergence : libertem.analysis.base.AnalysisResult Divergence of the center of mass vector field at a given point curl : libertem.analysis.base.AnalysisResult Curl of the center of mass 2D vector field at a given point. .. versionadded:: 0.6.0 x : libertem.analysis.base.AnalysisResult X component of the center of mass shift y : libertem.analysis.base.AnalysisResult Y component of the center of mass shift x_real : libertem.analysis.base.AnalysisResult Real part of the x component of the center of mass shift (complex dataset only) y_real : libertem.analysis.base.AnalysisResult Real part of y component of the center of mass shift (complex dataset only) x_imag : libertem.analysis.base.AnalysisResult Imaginary part of the x component of the center of mass shift (complex dataset only) y_imag : libertem.analysis.base.AnalysisResult Imaginary part of y component of the center of mass shift (complex dataset only) """ pass
class ParameterGuessProc: async def __call__(self, rpc_context: "RPCContext") -> dict: comp_ana = rpc_context.get_compound_analysis() analyses = comp_ana["details"]["analyses"] analysis_details = [ rpc_context.get_analysis_details(a) for a in analyses ] try: com_analysis = [ a for a in analysis_details if a["details"]["analysisType"] == "CENTER_OF_MASS" ][0] except IndexError: return { "status": "error", "message": "no CoM analysis found", } com_analysis_id = com_analysis["analysis"] if not rpc_context.have_analysis_results(com_analysis_id): # run with the current analysis parameters as set in the GUI: await rpc_context.run_analysis(com_analysis_id) result_info = rpc_context.get_analysis_results(com_analysis_id) res = result_info.results old_params = result_info.details["parameters"] guess = await rpc_context.run_sync(guess_corrections, res.y.raw_data, res.x.raw_data) # NOTE: convert guess results to absolute values to make sure we don't # run into any nasty synchronization issues, for example, if state goes # stale after the guess button was clicked. flip_y = bool(old_params["flip_y"]) != bool(guess.flip_y) backtransformed = apply_correction( y_centers=np.array((, )), x_centers=np.array((, )), scan_rotation=old_params["scan_rotation"], flip_y=old_params["flip_y"], forward=False, ) return { 'status': 'ok', 'guess': { 'cx': backtransformed[1][0] + old_params["cx"], 'cy': backtransformed[0][0] + old_params["cy"], 'scan_rotation': guess.scan_rotation + old_params["scan_rotation"], 'flip_y': flip_y, }, } class COMAnalysis(BaseMasksAnalysis, id_="CENTER_OF_MASS"): TYPE = 'UDF' def get_udf_results(self, udf_results, roi, damage): data = udf_results['intensity'].data img_sum, img_y, img_x = ( data[..., 0], data[..., 1], data[..., 2], ) return self.get_generic_results(img_sum, img_y, img_x, damage=damage) def get_generic_results(self, img_sum, img_y, img_x, damage): from libertem.viz import CMAP_CIRCULAR_DEFAULT, visualize_simple ref_x = self.parameters["cx"] ref_y = self.parameters["cy"] y_centers_raw, x_centers_raw = center_shifts(img_sum, img_y, img_x, ref_y, ref_x) shape = y_centers_raw.shape y_centers, x_centers = apply_correction( y_centers_raw, x_centers_raw, scan_rotation=self.parameters["scan_rotation"], flip_y=self.parameters["flip_y"] ) if img_sum.dtype.kind == 'c': x_real, x_imag = np.real(x_centers), np.imag(x_centers) y_real, y_imag = np.real(y_centers), np.imag(y_centers) return COMResultSet([ AnalysisResult(raw_data=x_real, visualized=visualize_simple(x_real, damage=damage), key="x_real", title="x [real]", desc="x component of the center"), AnalysisResult(raw_data=y_real, visualized=visualize_simple(y_real, damage=damage), key="y_real", title="y [real]", desc="y component of the center"), AnalysisResult(raw_data=x_imag, visualized=visualize_simple(x_imag, damage=damage), key="x_imag", title="x [imag]", desc="x component of the center"), AnalysisResult(raw_data=y_imag, visualized=visualize_simple(y_imag, damage=damage), key="y_imag", title="y [imag]", desc="y component of the center"), ]) else: damage = damage & np.isfinite(x_centers) & np.isfinite(y_centers) # Make sure that an all-False `damage` is handled since np.max() # trips on an empty array. # As a remark -- the NumPy error message # "zero-size array to reduction operation maximum which has no identity" # is probably wrong since -np.inf is the identity element for maximum on # floating point numbers and should be returned here. if np.count_nonzero(damage) > 0: vmax = np.sqrt(np.max(x_centers[damage]**2 + y_centers[damage]**2)) else: vmax = 1 f = CMAP_CIRCULAR_DEFAULT.rgb_from_vector((x_centers, y_centers, 0), vmax=vmax) m = magnitude(y_centers, x_centers) # Create results which are valid for any nav_shape results_list = [ AnalysisResult( raw_data=(x_centers, y_centers), visualized=f, key="field", title="field", desc="cubehelix colorwheel visualization", include_in_download=False ), AnalysisResult( raw_data=m, visualized=visualize_simple(m, damage=damage), key="magnitude", title="magnitude", desc="magnitude of the vector field" ), AnalysisResult( raw_data=x_centers, visualized=visualize_simple(x_centers, damage=damage), key="x", title="x", desc="x component of the center" ), AnalysisResult( raw_data=y_centers, visualized=visualize_simple(y_centers, damage=damage), key="y", title="y", desc="y component of the center" ), ] # Add results which depend on np.gradient, i.e. all(nav_shape) > 1 if all([s > 1 for s in shape]): d = divergence(y_centers, x_centers) c = curl_2d(y_centers, x_centers) extra_results = [ AnalysisResult( raw_data=d, visualized=visualize_simple(d, damage=damage), key="divergence", title="divergence", desc="divergence of the vector field" ), AnalysisResult( raw_data=c, visualized=visualize_simple(c, damage=damage), key="curl", title="curl", desc="curl of the 2D vector field" ), ] # Insert the results at position 2 for backwards compatibility/tests # This could later be replaced with results_list.extend(extra_results) results_list[2:2] = extra_results return COMResultSet(results_list) def get_mask_factories(self): if self.dataset.shape.sig.dims != 2: raise ValueError("can only handle 2D signals currently") if self.parameters.get('ri'): # annular CoM: return com_masks_generic( detector_y=self.dataset.shape.sig[0], detector_x=self.dataset.shape.sig[1], base_mask_factory=lambda: masks.ring( imageSizeY=self.dataset.shape.sig[0], imageSizeX=self.dataset.shape.sig[1], centerY=self.parameters['cy'], centerX=self.parameters['cx'], radius=self.parameters['r'], radius_inner=self.parameters['ri'], ) ) else: # CoM with radius cut-off: return com_masks_factory( detector_y=self.dataset.shape.sig[0], detector_x=self.dataset.shape.sig[1], cx=self.parameters['cx'], cy=self.parameters['cy'], r=self.parameters['r'], ) def get_parameters(self, parameters: dict) -> dict: (detector_y, detector_x) = self.dataset.shape.sig cx = parameters.get('cx', detector_x / 2) cy = parameters.get('cy', detector_y / 2) r = parameters.get('r', float('inf')) ri = parameters.get('ri', 0.0) scan_rotation = parameters.get('scan_rotation', 0.) flip_y = parameters.get('flip_y', False) use_sparse = parameters.get('use_sparse', False) return { 'cx': cx, 'cy': cy, 'r': r, 'ri': ri, 'scan_rotation': scan_rotation, 'flip_y': flip_y, 'use_sparse': use_sparse, 'mask_count': 3, 'mask_dtype': np.float32, } @classmethod def get_template_helper(cls) -> type[GeneratorHelper]: return ComTemplate @classmethod def get_rpc_definitions(cls) -> dict[str, type[ProcedureProtocol]]: return { "guess_parameters": ParameterGuessProc, } def need_rerun(self, old_params: dict, new_params: dict) -> bool: """ Don't need to re-run UDF if only `flip_y` or `scan_rotation` have changed. """ ignore_keys = {"flip_y", "scan_rotation"} old_without_ignored = { k: v for k, v in old_params.items() if k not in ignore_keys } new_without_ignored = { k: v for k, v in new_params.items() if k not in ignore_keys } return old_without_ignored != new_without_ignored