
Currently, LiberTEM-live can be used within Jupyter notebooks or other applications that allow Python scripting. Support for live data processing in the web GUI is not implemented at this time.

Usage is deliberately similar to the LiberTEM Python API. It differs in only a few aspects:

We currently support the following detectors:

Computations on the live stream use the LiberTEM user-defined functions (UDF) interface. There are some useful UDFs shipped with both LiberTEM and LiberTEM-live, or you can implement your own, custom processing methods.

Common setup code

As with LiberTEM itself, we have a main entry point for all interaction, which is the LiveContext:

from libertem_live.api import LiveContext

ctx = LiveContext()

This creates the appropriate resources for computation, in other words, it starts worker processes and prepares them for receiving data. As it may take a while for the LiveContext to spawn the worker processes, it’s best to keep the instance around as long as possible.

The next step is to prepare a connection to the detector system; in most cases you’ll specify network hostnames, IP addresses and/or ports here.

conn = ctx.make_connection('your_detector_type').open(

For example, for DECTRIS SIMPLON based detectors, creating a connection looks like this:

conn = ctx.make_connection('dectris').open(

The connection is usually persistent, so it’s important to clean up after yourself:


Or use the context manager based interface instead, which automatically cleans up after the with-block:

with ctx.make_connection('dectris').open(
    api_port=DCU_API_PORT,  # 80 by default
    data_port=DCU_DATA_PORT,  # 9999 by default
) as conn:
    # your code using the connection here
# `conn` is closed here

Coordinating live processing

As a general design goal, LiberTEM should behave similarly between offline and live processing. Once created, live acquisition objects can be used very similarly to offline datasets. However, the creation process is different: In offline processing, most relevant parameters are pre-determined by an existing dataset, and most datasets share very similar user-controlled parameters. Datasets backed by files can be read at any time and in any sequence.

In contrast, parameters and actions for live processing are dynamic and have to be coordinated correctly in a sequence between microscope, scan engine, detector and LiberTEM processing so that the setup generates the data that LiberTEM expects to receive. Data can only be read sequentially and has to be consumed in a short time window to prevent dropping frames. Furthermore, the parameters and actions can be rather different between different setups and may have to be customized to a higher degree than offline datasets.

Live acquisitions are therefore created in a multi-step procedure to separate concerns of detector interface, detector parameters, hooks for synchronization and customization, and generic LiberTEM parameters. Both an “active mode” where LiberTEM sets parameters and initiates an acquisition, and a “passive mode” where LiberTEM reads parameters and waits for an acquisition are available.

Passive mode

New in version 0.2.

Possibly the easiest way of using LiberTEM-live is by passively listening to events on the detector, and starting processing once the data starts to arrive. Configuration, arming and triggering is assumed to be done by an external program, for example from the detector vendor.

See below for the description of the active mode, where the detector is configured and the acquisition is actively controlled via LiberTEM-live.

In passive mode, you usually use the wait_for_acquisition() to wait for an acquisition to start:

from libertem.udf.sum import SumUDF

with ctx.make_connection('dectris').open(
) as conn:
    # NOTE: this is the part that is usually done by an external software,
    # but we include it here to have a running example:
    ec = conn.get_api_client()

    # if the timeout, specified in seconds as float here, is hit,
    # `pending_aq` will be `None`. This is useful if you need to
    # regularly do some other work in your code between acquisitions.
    pending_aq = conn.wait_for_acquisition(timeout=10.0)

    if pending_aq is not None:
        aq = ctx.make_acquisition(
            nav_shape=(128, 128),

        # run one or more UDFs on the live data stream:
        ctx.run_udf(dataset=aq, udf=SumUDF())

This mode works with all detectors in the same way, the only difference will be the connection parameters.

Active mode

Changed in version 0.2: The API has changed in 0.2 to seamlessly support different detectors, and to allow connecting independently of the acquisition object.

Passive mode is a good way to use LiberTEM-live, if you already have configuration, arming and triggering set up externally. If you want to integrate this more tightly, and control everything from one place, you can use active mode instead.

In active mode, the acquisition is actively controlled by LiberTEM-live. That includes setting detector settings, up to arming the detector. Depending on your setup, you can also integrate configuration of your microscope, STEM settings, control your scan engine and start a STEM scan etc.

from libertem.udf.sum import SumUDF

with ctx.make_connection('dectris').open(
) as conn:
    # NOTE: we are no longer passing `pending_aq`, like in the passive mode.
    # Instead we pass a controller object:
    aq = ctx.make_acquisition(
        nav_shape=(128, 128),
            # NOTE: parameters here are detector-specific

    # run one or more UDFs on the live data stream:
    ctx.run_udf(dataset=aq, udf=SumUDF())


Changed in version 0.2: This is a replacement for the previously used trigger function, and should be an equivalent replacement. The new hooks API is more open for future improvements while being backwards-compatible.

In order to integrate LiberTEM-live into your experimental setup, we provide a way to hook into different points during the lifecycle of an acquisition.


Right now, the most important hook is on_ready_for_data().

This hook is called in active mode, when LiberTEM is ready to receive data. Depending on the setup and the detector, you can then trigger a STEM scan, and possibly control other devices, such as signal generators, in-situ holders with heating etc.

from libertem_live.api import Hooks

class MyHooks(Hooks):
    def on_ready_for_data(self, env):
        You can trigger the scan here, if you have a microscope control API
        height, width =
        microscope.trigger_scan(width, height, dwelltime=10e-6)

with conn:
    aq = ctx.make_acquisition(
        nav_shape=(128, 128),

    # run one or more UDFs on the live data stream:
    ctx.run_udf(dataset=aq, udf=SumUDF())

on_ready_for_data() is not called for passive acquisitions, as we cannot accurately synchronize to the beginning of the acquisition in this case. Also, you will probably have different code to execute based on active or passive configuration.


Another hook is on_determine_nav_shape(). In passive mode, the nav_shape is needed to make an acquisition instance. As the scanning parameters can change over time, we now have added the possibility to leave out the nav_shape parameter, or set it to None, which means it will automatically be determined. As this automatism can fail, for example if you are only performing a 1D scan (line scan or generic “time series”), it is now also possible to override this with the on_determine_nav_shape() method.

In active mode, this hook method is not called, as the full nav_shape is passed to make_acquisition().

from libertem_live.api import Hooks

class MyHooks(Hooks):
    def on_determine_nav_shape(self, env):
        print(f"We have {env.nimages} images")
        # We return the actual nav shape we want. It should match the
        # number of images.
        if env.nimages == 16384:
            return (64, 256)
            raise RuntimeError(f"Expected 16384 images, got {env.nimages}")

with conn:
    # NOTE: this is the part that is usually done by an external software,
    # but we include it here to have a running example:
    ec = conn.get_api_client()

    pending_aq = conn.wait_for_acquisition(timeout=10.0)
    aq = ctx.make_acquisition(
We have 16384 images

See DetermineNavShapeEnv for details on the passed env parameter.


If you don’t override this hook, LiberTEM-live tries to determine or guess the nav_shape based on the following method:

  1. If a concrete tuple of integers is passed into make_acquisition(), this tuple is used as-is.

  2. The nav_shape can contain placeholders, i.e. values of -1. These are handled similarly as numpy does for reshaping arrays, so if you give (-1, 64) for an acquisition of 16384 images, the final shape will be (256, 64). For (4, -1, -1), it would be (4, 64, 64), so two placeholders are filled with a square shape. Up to two placeholders are allowed.

  3. If no nav_shape is given, it is either determined by asking the detector API, or, if this is not available, it is assumed to be a 2D square.

Live visualization

The easiest way to get a live visualization going in a Jupyter notebook is to pass plots=True to libertem.api.Context.run_udf(), which will automatically add a live-updating plot to the notebook cell output.

In some cases, updating the plot can become a bottleneck - one way to circumvent this is to use bqplot for visualization. Please see the examples for usage.

Handling partial results

If you’d like to access partial results while the acquisition is running, you can use libertem.api.Context.run_udf_iter(). It returns a generator of libertem.udf.base.UDFResults, which you can use like this:

import contextlib

with ctx.make_connection('dectris').open(
) as conn:
    aq = ctx.make_acquisition(
        nav_shape=(128, 128),
            # NOTE: parameters here are detector-specific

    part_iter = ctx.run_udf_iter(dataset=aq, udf=SumUDF())

    with contextlib.closing(part_iter):
        for part_result in part_iter:
            sum_arr = part_result.buffers[0]['intensity']

part_result.buffers is a list that has an entry for each UDF that is run, so in this case, it only has one entry for the SumUDF. Each list entry is a dict of buffer names to their values.


Note the use contextlib.closing() - this makes sure that resources are reliably released in case the iterator is not fully consumed.

Included UDFs

In addition to the UDFs included with LiberTEM, we ship a few additional UDFs with LiberTEM-live that are mostly useful for live processing.

Recording data

The RecordUDF allows to record the input data as NPY file.

from libertem_live.udf.record import RecordUDF

conn = ctx.make_connection('dectris').open(

aq = ctx.make_acquisition(
    nav_shape=(128, 128),

ctx.run_udf(dataset=aq, udf=RecordUDF(filename))