Quantum Detectors Merlin
LiberTEM-live supports the Merlin Medipix detectors using the TCP control and data interface.
Supported are currently 1 bit, 6 bit and 12 bit COUNTERDEPTH
for both the “binary”
) and the “raw binary” format (FILEFORMAT 2
For testing, an acquisition with soft trigger (TRIGGERSTART 5
) is
recommended since internal trigger (TRIGGERSTART 0
) may cause issues
with finding the beginning of the data stream. For a real STEM acquisition a
hardware trigger setup that matches the given instrument is required. See the
MerlinEM User Manual from Quantum Detectors for details!
Hardware and Software Requirements
You can run LiberTEM-live on the PC shipped with the Merlin detector, or you can use an external computer connected using a fast network connection (10Gbit+). Especially in a quad setup, using an external computer is recommended to keep up with the data rates at the fastest frame rates.
Usage examples
Here we briefly show how to connect to the Merlin detector system, and how to run a LiberTEM UDF on the data stream.
from libertem.viz.bqp import BQLive2DPlot
from libertem.udf.sum import SumUDF
from libertem_live.api import LiveContext, Hooks
class MyHooks(Hooks):
def on_ready_for_data(self, env):
You can trigger the scan here, if you have a microscope control API
height, width = env.aq.shape.nav
microscope.trigger_scan(width, height, dwelltime=10e-6)
ctx = LiveContext(plot_class=BQLive2DPlot)
# make a connection to the detector system:
conn = ctx.make_connection('merlin').open(
# prepare for acquisition, setting up scan parameters etc.
aq = ctx.make_acquisition(
nav_shape=(32, 32),
# run one or more UDFs on the live data stream:
ctx.run_udf(dataset=aq, udf=SumUDF())
A simple simulator that replays MIB datasets is included in LiberTEM-live.
Note that it is not a complete simulation of the Merlin software and detector, but rather only meant for integration testing and development without access to a real detector.
The simulator accepts the following parameters:
(libertem) $ libertem-live-mib-sim --help
Usage: libertem-live-mib-sim [OPTIONS] PATH
Minimal Merlin simulator. Point PATH at a .hdr file, and that mib dataset
will be replayed over the data socket.
--nav-shape <INTEGER INTEGER>...
--continuous In untriggered mode, send a single
continuous acquisition by repeating the
input file indefinitely (or `max_runs`
--cached [NONE|MEM|MEMFD]
--host TEXT Address to listen on (data, control, and
trigger sockets)
--data-port INTEGER
--control-port INTEGER
--trigger-port INTEGER
--wait-trigger Wait for a SOFTTRIGGER command on the
control port, or a trigger signal on the
trigger socket
--manual-trigger Wait for a manual trigger by user input
after ARM
--garbage Send garbage before trigger. Implies --wait-
--max-runs INTEGER Maximum number of runs through the input
file in continuous mode
--help Show this message and exit.
A suitable MIB dataset for testing can be downloaded at https://zenodo.org/record/5113449.
See the Merlin reference section for a description of the acquisition parameters.