Source code for libertem_live.udf.monitor

import numpy as np

from libertem.udf import UDF

[docs] class SignalMonitorUDF(UDF): ''' Return the most recently processed signal space element (frame). This is useful for live processing as a beam monitor. Individual frames in an offline dataset are more easily accessible with :class:`~libertem.udf.raw.PickUDF`. The result is most likely the last frame of each partition for the individual merge steps. The end result depends on the merge order. ''' def get_backends(self): '' return [ backend for backend in self.BACKEND_ALL if backend not in {self.BACKEND_CUPY_SCIPY_COO, self.BACKEND_SCIPY_COO} ] # def get_preferred_input_dtype(self): # '' # return self.USE_NATIVE_DTYPE def get_result_buffers(self): '' return { "intensity": self.buffer(kind='sig', dtype=self.meta.input_dtype, where='device') } def process_tile(self, tile): '' # Assign the portion from the last frame within the tile # to the result buffer self.results.intensity[:] = self.forbuf(tile[-1], self.results.intensity) def merge(self, dest, src): '' dest.intensity[:] = src.intensity
# Largely copied from SumUDF, but separate implementation is # desirable, for example since `merge_all()` doesn't make sense # here.
[docs] class PartitionMonitorUDF(UDF): """ Sum up frames in a partition and update result with the latest partition result. This is useful for live processing as a beam monitor if individual frames contain not enough signal. Partial sums of an offline dataset are more easily accessible with :class:`~libertem.udf.sum.SumUDF` with a ROI. The result is the sum of the partition that was merged last. The end result depends on the merge order. Parameters ---------- dtype : numpy.dtype, optional Preferred dtype for computation, default 'float32'. The actual dtype will be determined from this value and the dataset's dtype using :meth:`numpy.result_type`. See also :ref:`udf dtype`. """ def __init__(self, dtype='float32'): super().__init__(dtype=dtype) def get_preferred_input_dtype(self): '' return self.params.dtype def get_backends(self): '' return self.BACKEND_ALL def get_result_buffers(self): '' return { 'intensity': self.buffer( kind='sig', dtype=self.meta.input_dtype, where='device' ) } def process_tile(self, tile): '' self.results.intensity[:] += self.forbuf( np.sum(tile, axis=0), self.results.intensity ) def merge(self, dest, src): '' dest.intensity[:] = src.intensity