Source code for libertem_live.detectors.dectris.common

from typing import NamedTuple, Union, TYPE_CHECKING
from typing_extensions import Literal
from libertem_live.detectors.base.connection import (

    import libertem_dectris

TriggerMode = Union[
    Literal['exte'],  # acquire one image for each trigger, `ntrigger` times
    Literal['exts'],  # acquire series of `nimages` with a single trigger
    Literal['ints'],  # internal software triggering
    Literal['inte'],  # internal software enable -> one image for each soft-trigger

class AcquisitionParams(NamedTuple):
    sequence_id: int
    nimages: int

class DetectorConfig(NamedTuple):
    x_pixels_in_detector: int
    y_pixels_in_detector: int
    bit_depth: int

[docs] class DectrisPendingAcquisition(PendingAcquisition): def __init__(self, detector_config: "libertem_dectris.DetectorConfig", series: int): self._detector_config = detector_config self._series = series @property def detector_config(self): return self._detector_config @property def series(self): return self._series @property def nimages(self) -> int: return self.detector_config.get_num_frames() def __repr__(self): return f"<DectrisPendingAcquisition series={self.series} config={self.detector_config}>"