API Reference

Holography UDFs

class libertem_holo.udf.HoloReconstructUDF(*, out_shape: tuple[int, int], sb_position: tuple[float, float], aperture: ndarray, precision: bool = True)[source]

Reconstruct off-axis electron holograms using a Fourier-based method.

Running run_udf() on an instance of this class will reconstruct a complex electron wave. Use the wave key to access the raw data in the result.

See Usage for detailed application example

New in version 0.3.0.


>>> shape = tuple(dataset.shape.sig)
>>> sb_position = [2, 3]
>>> sb_size = 4.4
>>> aperture = disk_aperture(out_shape=shape, radius=sb_size)
>>> holo_udf = HoloReconstructUDF(
...     out_shape=shape,
...     sb_position=sb_position,
...     aperture=aperture,
... )
>>> wave = ctx.run_udf(dataset=dataset, udf=holo_udf)['wave'].data
classmethod with_default_aperture(*, out_shape: tuple[int, int], sb_size: float, sb_position: tuple[float, float], precision: bool = True) HoloReconstructUDF[source]

Instantiate with a default disk-shaped aperture.


>>> udf = HoloReconstructUDF.with_default_aperture(
...     out_shape=(128, 128),
...     sb_size=7.6,
...     sb_position=(32, 32),
... )

Base holography functions


Core reconstruction functions of LiberTEM-holo.

This includes both FFT-based and phase-shifting approaches.

libertem_holo.base.reconstr.display_fft_image(image: ndarray, sb_position: tuple, slice_fft: ndarray, mask: ndarray = 1, detail: bool = True) None[source]

Display an fft image.

This function helps to show the steps of the reconstruction and to define the best length and width of line mask

  • image (array) – the input image

  • sb_position (tuple) – the sideband position (y, x), referred to the non-shifted FFT.

  • fft (slice) – contain minimum and maximum value in y and x axis.

  • mask (array) – contain the aperture and line mask

  • detail (bolean) –

libertem_holo.base.reconstr.estimate_omega(image: ndarray, sideband_position: tuple[float, float], *, flip: bool = False) tuple[float, float][source]

Estimates the frequency carrier of the hologram.

  • image (array) – Holographic data array

  • sideband_position (tuple) – The sideband position (y, x), referred to the non-shifted FFT.

  • flip – ??? TODO


omega – frequency carrier in y and x axis

Return type


libertem_holo.base.reconstr.get_phase(hologram: ~numpy.ndarray, params: ~libertem_holo.base.utils.HoloParams, xp: ~typing.Any = <module 'numpy' from '/home/runner/work/LiberTEM-holo/LiberTEM-holo/.tox/docs-build-ci/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py'>) ndarray[source]

Reconstruct hologram using HoloParams and extract and unwrap phase.

libertem_holo.base.reconstr.phase_offset_correction(aligned_stack, wtype: ~typing.Union[~typing.Literal['weighted'], ~typing.Literal['unweighted']] = 'weighted', threshold: float = 1e-12, return_stack: bool = False, xp=<module 'numpy' from '/home/runner/work/LiberTEM-holo/LiberTEM-holo/.tox/docs-build-ci/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py'>) tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray | None][source]

This part of the code is to correct for the phase drift in the holograms due to the biprism drift with time. Since we are dealing with the phase of the image which wraps from -pi to pi a simple scalar correction of the phase doesnt work as the phase wraps around the phase axis. So the options for a solution would be either iterative solution which is computationally heavy or an eigenvalue solution which is implemented here.

We start with a stack of holograms acquired using Holoworks or stack acquisition and this function returns a phase corrected complex image and optionally a stack of the phase corrected complex images before averaging.

Adapted from a function by oleh.melnyk: https://github.com/Ptychography-4-0/ptychography/blob/master/src/ptychography40/stitching/stitching.py for more details, see https://arxiv.org/pdf/2005.02032.pdf

  • aligned_stack – Array of shape (N, sy, sx) where N is the number of complex images; should have dtype complex64 or complex128.

  • threshold – Minimum absolute value to be considered in finding the phase match for stitching.

  • wtype – Selected type of weights to be used in the angular synchronization There are 2 possible choices: ‘unweighted’ or ‘weighted’, depending on usage or not of the weights for angular synchronization (explained above)

  • return_stack – Also returns a stack shaped like the input stack, where the phase offset correction is applied.

  • xp – Either numpy or cupy for GPU support

libertem_holo.base.reconstr.reconstruct_bf(frame: ~numpy.ndarray, aperture: ~numpy.ndarray, slice_fft: tuple[slice, slice], *, xp=<module 'numpy' from '/home/runner/work/LiberTEM-holo/LiberTEM-holo/.tox/docs-build-ci/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py'>) ndarray[source]

Reconstruct a brightfield image from a hologram.

Please use libertem_holo.base.filter.central_line_filter to filter out fresnel fringes as appropriate.

libertem_holo.base.reconstr.reconstruct_direct(stack: ndarray, omega: tuple[float, float]) ndarray[source]

Reconstruct a stack of phase shifted holograms.

This is using the direct reconstruction method.

  • stack (array_like) – Stack of holograms

  • number_of_images (int) – The number of images inside the stack

  • omega (tuple) – frequency carrier in y and x axis


phase final – the reconstructed phase image

Return type

2D array

libertem_holo.base.reconstr.reconstruct_direct_euler(image: ndarray, omega: tuple[float, float]) ndarray[source]

Reconstruct a stack of phase shifted holograms.

This is using the direct reconstruction method by Ru et.al. 1994 (euler form)

  • image (array) – Holographic data array

  • omega (tuple) – frequency carrier in y and x axis


phase final – the reconstructed phase image

Return type

2D array

libertem_holo.base.reconstr.reconstruct_double_resolution(frames: ~numpy.ndarray, sb_pos: tuple[float, float], aperture: ~numpy.ndarray, slice_fft: tuple[slice, slice], *, precision: bool = True, xp: ~typing.Any = <module 'numpy' from '/home/runner/work/LiberTEM-holo/LiberTEM-holo/.tox/docs-build-ci/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py'>) ndarray[source]

Reconstruct a stack of phase shifted holography with double resolution method.

  • frames (array_like) – Two holograms taken at a phase offset of π; shape (2, height, width)

  • sb_pos – The sideband position, for example as returned by estimate_sideband_position

  • aperture – A numpy or cupy array containing the aperture to apply in fourier space

  • slice_fft – A slice to crop to the selected output shape in fourier space, as returned by get_slice_fft.

  • precision – Defines precision of the reconstruction, True for complex128 for the resulting complex wave, otherwise results will be complex64

  • xp – Pass in either the numpy or cupy module to select CPU or GPU processing


wav – the reconstructed complex image

Return type

complex array

libertem_holo.base.reconstr.reconstruct_frame(frame: ~numpy.ndarray, sb_pos: tuple[float, float], aperture: ~numpy.ndarray, slice_fft: tuple[slice, slice], *, precision: bool = True, xp: ~typing.Any = <module 'numpy' from '/home/runner/work/LiberTEM-holo/LiberTEM-holo/.tox/docs-build-ci/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py'>) ndarray[source]

Reconstruct a single hologram.

  • frame – A numpy or cupy array containing the input hologram

  • sb_pos – The sideband position, for example as returned by estimate_sideband_position

  • aperture – A numpy or cupy array containing the aperture to apply in fourier space

  • slice_fft – A slice to crop to the selected output shape in fourier space, as returned by get_slice_fft.

  • precision – Defines precision of the reconstruction, True for complex128 for the resulting complex wave, otherwise results will be complex64

  • xp – Pass in either the numpy or cupy module to select CPU or GPU processing

Image filtering and aperture building

Useful image filtering helpers.

libertem_holo.base.filters.butterworth_disk(shape: tuple[int, int], radius: float, order: int = 12, xp=<module 'numpy' from '/home/runner/work/LiberTEM-holo/LiberTEM-holo/.tox/docs-build-ci/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py'>)[source]

Generate a filered disk-shaped aperture.

The edges are filtered with a butterworth filter of the given order.

  • shape – output shape of the aperture

  • radius – radius in pixels

  • order – order of the butterworth filter

  • xp – Either numpy or cupy

libertem_holo.base.filters.butterworth_line(shape: tuple[int, int], width: float, sb_position: tuple[int, int], length_ratio: float = 0.9, order: int = 12, xp=<module 'numpy' from '/home/runner/work/LiberTEM-holo/LiberTEM-holo/.tox/docs-build-ci/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py'>)[source]

Generate a line filter.

This is useful to remove fresnel fringes.

  • shape – output shape of the aperture

  • width – width of the line in pixels

  • order – order of the butterworth filter

  • xp – Either numpy or cupy

libertem_holo.base.filters.central_line_filter(sb_position, out_shape, orig_shape, length_ratio=0.9, width=20, crop_to_out_shape=False)[source]

Return a line filter for the central band, that can be applied by multiplying it with the aperture.

libertem_holo.base.filters.clipped(img: ndarray, sigma: float = 6)[source]

Mask out outliers.

Return img, but with pixels deviating more than sigma from the mean masked out.

Useful for plotting:

>>> plt.imshow(img, vmax=np.max(clipped(img)))  
libertem_holo.base.filters.disk_aperture(out_shape: tuple[int, int], radius: float, xp=<module 'numpy' from '/home/runner/work/LiberTEM-holo/LiberTEM-holo/.tox/docs-build-ci/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py'>) ndarray[source]

Generate a disk-shaped aperture, fft-shifted.

  • out_shape (interger) – Shape of the output array

  • radius (float) – Radius of the disk

  • xp – Either numpy or cupy


2d array containing aperture

Return type


libertem_holo.base.filters.exclusion_mask(img: ndarray, sigma: float = 6) ndarray[source]

Generate outlier mask.

Return a mask with True entries for pixels deviating more than sigma from the mean.

libertem_holo.base.filters.highpass(img: ndarray, sigma: float = 2) ndarray[source]

Return highpass by subtracting a gaussian lowpass filter.

libertem_holo.base.filters.line_filter(sb_position, out_shape, orig_shape, length_ratio=0.9, width=20, crop_to_out_shape=True)[source]

Return a line filter for the sideband.

It can be applied by multiplying it with the aperture. The filter has the zero frequency at the center of the image.

libertem_holo.base.filters.phase_ramp_finding(img, order=1)[source]

Find a phase ramp in img.

A phase ramp finding function that is used to find the phase ramp across the field of view.

  • img (2d nd array) – Complex image or phase image.

  • order (int) – Phase ramp, 1 (default) is linear.

  • ramp (2d tuple, ()) – Phase ramp in y, x, if not None.

Return type

ramp, order, tuple, float

libertem_holo.base.filters.phase_ramp_removal(size, order=1, ramp=None)[source]

Remove phase ramp.

A phase ramp removal function that finds and removes a phase ramp across the field of view.

  • size (2d tuple, ()) – Size of the Complex image or phase image

  • order (int) – Phase ramp, 1 (default) is linear.

  • ramp (2d tuple, ()) – Phase ramp in y, x, if not None.

Return type

2d nd array of the corrected image


A phase_unwrap function that is unwrap the complex / wrapped phase image.


image (2d nd array) – Complex or Wrapped phase image

Return type

2d nd array of the unwrapped phase image


A ramp or wedge compensation for a 2D image with a linear optimization methods.


image (2D-Array) – Input array

libertem_holo.base.filters.remove_dead_pixels(img, sigma_lowpass=2.0, sigma_exclusion=6.0)[source]

Remove dead pixels.

  • img (np.array) – Input array

  • sigma_lowpass (float) – How much of the low frequencies should be removed before finding bad pixels

  • sigma_exclusion (float) – Pixels deviating more than this value from the mean will be removed

libertem_holo.base.filters.window_filter(input_array, window_type, window_shape)[source]

Apply window-based filter.

Return a filtered array with the same size of the input array

  • input_array (array) – Input array

  • window_type (string, float or tuple) – The type of window to be created. Any window type supported by scipy.signal.get_window is allowed here. See notes below for a current list, or the SciPy documentation for the version of SciPy on your machine.

  • window_shape (tuple of int or int) – The shape of the window. If an integer is provided, a 2D window is generated.


This function is based on scipy.signal.get_window and thus can access all of the window types available to that function (e.g., "hann", "boxcar"). Note that certain window types require parameters that have to be supplied with the window name as a tuple (e.g., ("tukey", 0.8)). If only a float is supplied, it is interpreted as the beta parameter of the Kaiser window. https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.signal.windows.get_window.html

it is recommended to check the that after fft shift, the input array has value of 0 at the border.


libertem_holo.base.generate.hologram_frame(amp, phi, counts=1000.0, sampling=5.0, visibility=1.0, f_angle=30.0, gaussian_noise=None, poisson_noise=None, xp=<module 'numpy' from '/home/runner/work/LiberTEM-holo/LiberTEM-holo/.tox/docs-build-ci/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py'>)[source]

Generates holograms using phase and amplitude as an input

See Usage for detailed application example

New in version 0.3.0.


Theoretical basis for hologram simulations see in: Lichte, H., and M. Lehmann. Rep. Prog. Phys. 71 (2008): 016102. doi:10.1088/0034-4885/71/1/016102 [LL08]

  • amp (np.ndarray, 2d) – normalized amplitude and phase images of the same shape

  • phi (np.ndarray, 2d) – normalized amplitude and phase images of the same shape

  • counts (float, default: 1000.) – Number of electron counts in vacuum

  • sampling (float, default: 5.) – Hologram fringe sampling (number of pixels per fringe)

  • visibility (float, default: 1.) – Hologram fringe visibility (aka fringe contrast)

  • f_angle (float, default: 30.) – Angle in degrees of hologram fringes with respect to X-axis

  • gaussian_noise (float or int or None, default: None.) – Amount of Gaussian smoothing determined by sigma parameter applied to the hologram simulating effect of focus spread or PSF of the detector.

  • poisson_noise (float or int or None, default: None.) – Amount of Poisson applied to the hologram.


holo – hologram image

Return type

np.ndarray, 2d

Utility functions

Utility functions for working with holography data.

class libertem_holo.base.utils.HoloParams(sb_size: tuple[float, float], sb_position: tuple[float, float], aperture: np.ndarray, orig_shape: tuple[int, int], out_shape: tuple[int, int], scale_factor: float, xp: XPType)[source]

Holoparams class contians all parameters necessary for reconstruction.

aperture: ndarray

Alias for field number 2

classmethod from_hologram(hologram: ~numpy.ndarray, *, central_band_mask_radius: int, out_shape: tuple = None, line_filter_length: float = 0.9, line_filter_width: float | None = 20, xp: ~typing.Any = <module 'numpy' from '/home/runner/work/LiberTEM-holo/LiberTEM-holo/.tox/docs-build-ci/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py'>) HoloParams[source]

Determine reconstruction parameters from a hologram.

Automatically estimates sideband position and size, and returns the main parameters needed for holography reconstruction.

  • hologram – A single hologram, can be either a numpy or a cupy array

  • central_band_mask_radius – When estimating the sideband position, use a mask of this size to remove the central band

  • out_shape – The reconstruction shape, should be larger than the sideband size

  • line_filter_length – Length ratio of the line filter; as a fraction of the distance between the central band and the sideband

  • line_filter_width – Width of the line filter, in pixels. Passing in None will disable the line filter completely

  • xp – Pass in either the numpy or cupy module to select CPU or GPU processing

orig_shape: tuple[int, int]

Alias for field number 3

out_shape: tuple[int, int]

Alias for field number 4

sb_position: tuple[float, float]

Alias for field number 1

property sb_position_int: tuple[int, int]

Sideband position from float to int.

sb_size: tuple[float, float]

Alias for field number 0

scale_factor: float

Alias for field number 5

xp: Any

Alias for field number 6

libertem_holo.base.utils.estimate_sideband_position(holo_data: ~numpy.ndarray, holo_sampling: tuple[float, float], central_band_mask_radius: float | None = None, sb: ~typing.Literal['lower', 'upper'] = 'lower', xp: ~typing.Any = <module 'numpy' from '/home/runner/work/LiberTEM-holo/LiberTEM-holo/.tox/docs-build-ci/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py'>) tuple[float, float][source]

Find the position of the sideband and return its position.

  • holo_data (ndarray) – The data of the hologram.

  • holo_sampling (tuple) – The sampling rate in both image directions.

  • central_band_mask_radius (float, optional) – The aperture radius used to mask out the centerband.

  • sb (str, optional) – Chooses which sideband is taken. ‘lower’ or ‘upper’

  • xp – Pass in either the numpy or cupy module to select CPU or GPU processing

Return type

Tuple of the sideband position (y, x), referred to the unshifted FFT.

libertem_holo.base.utils.estimate_sideband_size(sb_position: tuple[float, float], holo_shape: tuple[int, int], sb_size_ratio: float = 0.5, xp: ~typing.Any = <module 'numpy' from '/home/runner/work/LiberTEM-holo/LiberTEM-holo/.tox/docs-build-ci/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py'>) float[source]

Estimate the size of sideband filter.

  • holo_shape (array_like) – Holographic data array

  • sb_position (tuple) – The sideband position (y, x), referred to the non-shifted FFT.

  • sb_size_ratio (float, optional) – Size of sideband as a fraction of the distance to central band

  • xp – Pass in either the numpy or cupy module to select CPU or GPU processing


sb_size – Size of sideband filter

Return type


libertem_holo.base.utils.freq_array(shape: tuple[int, int], sampling: tuple[float, float] = (1.0, 1.0), xp=<module 'numpy' from '/home/runner/work/LiberTEM-holo/LiberTEM-holo/.tox/docs-build-ci/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py'>) ndarray[source]

Generate a frequency array.

  • shape ((int, int)) – The shape of the array.

  • sampling ((float, float), optional, (Default: (1., 1.))) – The sampling rates of the array.

Return type

Array of the frequencies.

libertem_holo.base.utils.get_slice_fft(out_shape: tuple[int, int], sig_shape: tuple[int, int]) tuple[slice, slice][source]

Get a slice in fourier space to achieve the given output shape.

libertem_holo.base.utils.other_sb(sb_position, shape)[source]

Given the sb_position (as from the estimate function in fft coordinates), and the shape of the hologram, calculate the position of the other sideband position (also in fft coordinates)