"""Useful image filtering helpers."""
import numpy as np
import sparse
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy.optimize import least_squares
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
from skimage.filters import window
from skimage.restoration import unwrap_phase
[docs]def highpass(img: np.ndarray, sigma: float = 2) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return highpass by subtracting a gaussian lowpass filter."""
return img - ndimage.gaussian_filter(img, sigma=sigma)
[docs]def exclusion_mask(img: np.ndarray, sigma: float = 6) -> np.ndarray:
"""Generate outlier mask.
Return a mask with `True` entries for pixels deviating more
than `sigma` from the mean.
return np.abs(img) > (img.mean() + sigma * img.std())
[docs]def clipped(img: np.ndarray, sigma: float = 6):
"""Mask out outliers.
Return `img`, but with pixels deviating more than `sigma` from the mean
masked out.
Useful for plotting:
>>> plt.imshow(img, vmax=np.max(clipped(img))) # doctest: +SKIP
sigma_mask = exclusion_mask(img, sigma=sigma)
sigma_mask = ~sigma_mask
return img[sigma_mask]
[docs]def phase_ramp_finding(img, order=1):
"""Find a phase ramp in `img`.
A phase ramp finding function that is used to find the phase ramp across the
field of view.
img : 2d nd array
Complex image or phase image.
order : int
Phase ramp, 1 (default) is linear.
ramp : 2d tuple, ()
Phase ramp in y, x, if not None.
ramp, order, tuple, float
# The ramp is determined by the maximum and minimum values of the image.
# TODO least-square-fitting, polynomial order
# TODO How to find phase ramps in complex images
if img.dtype.kind != 'c':
if order == 1:
ramp_x = np.mean(np.gradient(img, axis=0))
ramp_y = np.mean(np.gradient(img, axis=1))
ramp = (ramp_y, ramp_x)
raise ValueError(f"can only handle `order=1` for now, not order={order}")
raise ValueError(f"cannot handle input of type {img.dtype}")
return ramp
[docs]def phase_ramp_removal(size, order=1, ramp=None):
"""Remove phase ramp.
A phase ramp removal function that finds and removes a phase ramp across the
field of view.
size : 2d tuple, ()
Size of the Complex image or phase image
order : int
Phase ramp, 1 (default) is linear.
ramp : 2d tuple, ()
Phase ramp in y, x, if not None.
2d nd array of the corrected image
# TODO How to find phase ramps in complex images
img = np.zeros(size)
if ramp is None:
ramp = phase_ramp_finding(size, order=1)
(ramp_y, ramp_x) = ramp
yy = np.arange(0, size[0], 1)
xx = np.arange(0, size[1], 1)
y, x = np.meshgrid(yy, xx)
if order == 1:
img = ramp_x * x + ramp_y * y
# To be expanded.
raise ValueError(f"cannot handle order={order}")
return img
[docs]def phase_unwrap(image):
A phase_unwrap function that is unwrap the complex / wrapped phase image.
image : 2d nd array
Complex or Wrapped phase image
2d nd array of the unwrapped phase image
if image.dtype.kind != 'c':
image_new = unwrap_phase(image)
angle = np.angle(image)
image_new = unwrap_phase(angle)
return image_new
[docs]def remove_dead_pixels(img, sigma_lowpass=2.0, sigma_exclusion=6.0):
"""Remove dead pixels.
img : np.array
Input array
sigma_lowpass : float
How much of the low frequencies should be removed before
finding bad pixels
sigma_exclusion : float
Pixels deviating more than this value from the mean will be
from libertem.corrections.detector import correct
mask = exclusion_mask(highpass(img, sigma=sigma_lowpass), sigma=sigma_exclusion)
coords = sparse.COO(mask)
return correct(
buffer=img.reshape((1, *img.shape)),
[docs]def window_filter(input_array, window_type, window_shape):
"""Apply window-based filter.
Return a filtered array with the same size of the input array
input_array: array
Input array
window_type : string, float or tuple
The type of window to be created. Any window type supported by
``scipy.signal.get_window`` is allowed here. See notes below for a
current list, or the SciPy documentation for the version of SciPy
on your machine.
window_shape : tuple of int or int
The shape of the window. If an integer is provided,
a 2D window is generated.
This function is based on ``scipy.signal.get_window`` and thus can access
all of the window types available to that function
(e.g., ``"hann"``, ``"boxcar"``). Note that certain window types require
parameters that have to be supplied with the window name as a tuple
(e.g., ``("tukey", 0.8)``). If only a float is supplied, it is interpreted
as the beta parameter of the Kaiser window.
it is recommended to check the that after fft shift, the input array has value of 0
at the border.
if isinstance(window_shape, int):
window_shape = (window_shape, window_shape)
win = window(window_type, window_shape)
array_filtered = np.fft.fftshift(fftconvolve(np.fft.fftshift(input_array), win, mode="same"))
return array_filtered / np.max(array_filtered)
[docs]def ramp_compensation(image):
A ramp or wedge compensation for a 2D image with a linear optimization methods.
image : 2D-Array
Input array
def linear_gradient(c, dy, dx, y, x):
return c+y*dy+x*dx
x = np.linspace(0, image.shape[0]-1, image.shape[0])
y = np.linspace(0, image.shape[1]-1, image.shape[1])
def fun(initial_value):
function = image_not_compensated - linear_gradient(initial_value[0], initial_value[1],
initial_value[2], yv, xv)
return function.reshape((-1, ))
yv, xv = np.meshgrid(y, x)
image_not_compensated = np.copy(image)
m_initial = np.gradient(image_not_compensated)
dy_initial = np.mean(m_initial[0])
dx_initial = np.mean(m_initial[1])
c_initial = image[0, 0]
initial_value = np.array([c_initial, dy_initial, dx_initial])
res1 = least_squares(fun, initial_value)
gradient_compensation = linear_gradient(res1.x[0], res1.x[1],
res1.x[2], yv, xv)
return image - gradient_compensation