Source code for libertem_blobfinder.udf.utils

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import libertem_blobfinder.common.gridmatching as grm

[docs]def visualize_frame(ctx, ds, result, indices, r, y, x, axes, colors=None, stretch=10): ''' Visualize the refinement of a specific frame in matplotlib axes ''' # Get the frame from the dataset get_sample_frame = ctx.create_pick_analysis(dataset=ds, y=y, x=x) sample_frame = if y is None: select = (x, ) else: select = (y, x) d = sample_frame[0].raw_data.astype(np.float32) pcm = axes.imshow(np.log(d - np.min(d) + 1)) refined = result['refineds'].data[select] elevations = result['peak_elevations'].data[select] selector = result['selector'].data[select] max_elevation = np.max(elevations) # Calclate the best fit positions to compare with the # individual peak positions. # A difference between best fit and individual peaks highlights outliers. calculated = grm.calc_coords( zero=result['zero'].data[select], a=result['a'].data[select], b=result['b'].data[select], indices=indices ) paint_markers( axes=axes, r=r, refined=refined, normalized_elevations=elevations/max_elevation, calculated=calculated, selector=selector, zero=result['zero'].data[select], a=result['a'].data[select], b=result['b'].data[select], colors=colors, stretch=stretch, ) return pcm
def paint_markers(axes, r, refined, normalized_elevations, calculated, selector, zero, a, b, colors=None, stretch=10): if colors is None: colors = { 'marker': 'w', 'arrow': 'r', 'missing': 'r', 'a': 'b', 'b': 'g', } axes.arrow(*np.flip(zero), *(np.flip(a)), color=colors['a']) axes.arrow(*np.flip(zero), *(np.flip(b)), color=colors['b']) # Plot markers for the individual peak positions. # The alpha channel represents the peak elevation, which is used as a weight in the fit. for i in range(len(refined)): p = np.flip(refined[i]) a = max(0, normalized_elevations[i]) p0 = np.flip(calculated[i]) if selector[i]: axes.add_artist(plt.Circle(p, r, color=colors['marker'], fill=False, alpha=a)) axes.add_artist(plt.Circle(p0, 1, color=colors['arrow'], fill=True, alpha=a)) axes.arrow(*p0, *(p-p0)*stretch, color=colors['arrow'], alpha=a) else: (yy, xx) = calculated[i] xy = (xx - r, yy - r) axes.add_artist(plt.Rectangle(xy, 2*r, 2*r, color=colors['missing'], fill=False))