See also general LiberTEM installation instructions for information on setting up an environment for LiberTEM.
LiberTEM-blobfinder is designed to be installable without the main LiberTEM package to use some of the functionality in other projects. Installing with
$ pip install libertem-blobfinder
only installs the minimum set of dependencies to use libertem_blobfinder
Optional dependencies are managed through extras. The full set of dependencies,
notably LiberTEM, can be installed with
$ pip install libertem-blobfinder[udf]
The extra udf
installs dependencies for
allowing blobfinder to
be used on LiberTEM DataSet
Please note that this package is part of a larger restructuring effort for LiberTEM. That means changes in the set of dependencies and import locations can be expected.
Installing from a Git clone
For using the latest features or development work, you can install from a Git clone:
$ git clone
$ cd LiberTEM-blobfinder
$ pip install -e .