Source code for libertem_blobfinder.udf.refinement

import numpy as np

from libertem_blobfinder.base.utils import frame_peaks
import libertem_blobfinder.common.gridmatching as grm

from libertem_blobfinder.common.patterns import MatchPattern
from libertem_blobfinder.udf.correlation import (
    FastCorrelationUDF, SparseCorrelationUDF, FullFrameCorrelationUDF

[docs]class RefinementMixin(): ''' To be combined with a :class:`libertem_blobfinder.CorrelationUDF` using multiple inheritance. The mixin must come before the UDF in the inheritance list. The subclasses implement a :code:`postprocess` method that calculates a refinement of start_zero, start_a and start_b based on the correlation result and populates the appropriate result buffers with this refinement result. This allows combining arbitrary implementations of correlation-based matching with arbitrary implementations of the refinement by declaring an ad-hoc class that inherits from one subclass of RefinementMixin and one subclass of CorrelationUDF. '''
[docs] def get_result_buffers(self): """ This adds :code:`zero`, :code:`a`, :code:`b`, :code:`selector`, :code:`error` to the superclass result buffer declaration. :code:`zero`, :code:`a`, :code:`b`: Grid refinement parameters for each frame. :code:`selector`: Boolean mask of the peaks that were used in the fit. :code:`error`: Residual of the fit. See source code for the exact buffer declaration. """ super_buffers = super().get_result_buffers() num_disks = len(self.params.peaks) my_buffers = { 'zero': self.buffer( kind="nav", extra_shape=(2,), dtype="float32" ), 'a': self.buffer( kind="nav", extra_shape=(2,), dtype="float32" ), 'b': self.buffer( kind="nav", extra_shape=(2,), dtype="float32" ), 'selector': self.buffer( kind="nav", extra_shape=(num_disks,), dtype="bool" ), 'error': self.buffer( kind="nav", dtype="float32", ), } super_buffers.update(my_buffers) return super_buffers
[docs] def apply_match(self, index, match): """ Override this method to change how a match is saved in the result buffers, for example to support binned processing or ragged result arrays. """ r = self.results # We cast from float64 to float32 here[index] = r.a[index] = match.a r.b[index] = match.b r.selector[index] = match.selector r.error[index] = match.error
[docs]class FastmatchMixin(RefinementMixin): ''' Refinement using :meth:`~libertem_blobfinder.common.gridmatching.Matcher.fastmatch` '''
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Parameters ---------- matcher : libertem_blobfinder.common.gridmatching.Matcher Instance of :class:`~libertem_blobfinder.common.gridmatching.Matcher` start_zero : numpy.ndarray Approximate value (y, x) in px for "zero" point (origin, zero order peak) start_a : numpy.ndarray Approximate value (y, x) in px for "a" vector. start_b : numpy.ndarray Approximate value (y, x) in px for "b" vector. ''' super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def postprocess(self): super().postprocess() p = self.params r = self.results for index in range(len(self.results.centers)): match = p.matcher.fastmatch( centers=r.centers[index], refineds=r.refineds[index], peak_values=r.peak_values[index], peak_elevations=r.peak_elevations[index], zero=p.start_zero + self.get_zero_shift(index), a=p.start_a, b=p.start_b, ) self.apply_match(index, match)
[docs]class AffineMixin(RefinementMixin): ''' Refinement using :meth:`~libertem_blobfinder.common.gridmatching.Matcher.affinematch` '''
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Parameters ---------- matcher : libertem_blobfinder.common.gridmatching.Matcher Instance of :class:`~libertem_blobfinder.common.gridmatching.Matcher` indices : numpy.ndarray List of indices [(h1, k1), (h2, k2), ...] of all peaks. The indices can be non-integer and relative to any base vectors, including virtual ones like (1, 0); (0, 1). See documentation of :meth:`~libertem_blobfinder.common.gridmatching.Matcher.affinematch` for details. ''' super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def postprocess(self): super().postprocess() p = self.params r = self.results for index in range(len(self.results.centers)): match = p.matcher.affinematch( centers=r.centers[index], refineds=r.refineds[index], peak_values=r.peak_values[index], peak_elevations=r.peak_elevations[index], indices=p.indices, ) self.apply_match(index, match)
[docs]def run_refine( ctx, dataset, zero, a, b, match_pattern: MatchPattern, matcher: grm.Matcher, correlation='fast', match='fast', indices=None, steps=5, zero_shift=None, upsample=False, **kwargs): ''' Wrapper function to refine the given lattice for each frame by calculating approximate peak positions and refining them for each frame using a combination of :class:`libertem_blobfinder.CorrelationUDF` and :class:`libertem_blobfinder.RefinementMixin`. .. versionchanged:: 0.3.0 Support for :class:`FullFrameCorrelationUDF` through parameter :code:`correlation = 'fullframe'` Parameters ---------- ctx : libertem.api.Context Instance of a LiberTEM :class:`~libertem.api.Context` dataset : Instance of a :class:`` zero : numpy.ndarray Approximate value for "zero" point (y, x) in px (origin, zero order peak) a : numpy.ndarray Approximate value for "a" vector (y, x) in px. b : numpy.ndarray Approximate value for "b" vector (y, x) in px. match_pattern : MatchPattern Instance of :class:`~MatchPattern` matcher : libertem_blobfinder.common.gridmatching.Matcher Instance of :class:`~libertem_blobfinder.common.gridmatching.Matcher` to perform the matching correlation : {'fast', 'sparse', 'fullframe'}, optional 'fast', 'sparse' or 'fullframe' to select :class:`~FastCorrelationUDF`, :class:`~SparseCorrelationUDF` or :class:`~FullFrameCorrelationUDF` match : {'fast', 'affine'}, optional 'fast' or 'affine' to select :class:`~FastmatchMixin` or :class:`~AffineMixin` indices : numpy.ndarray, optional Indices to refine. This is trimmed down to positions within the frame. As a convenience, for the indices parameter this function accepts both shape (n, 2) and (2, n, m) so that numpy.mgrid[h:k, i:j] works directly to specify indices. This saves boilerplate code when using this function. Default: numpy.mgrid[-10:10, -10:10]. steps : int, optional Only for correlation == 'sparse': Correlation steps. See :meth:`~SparseCorelationUDF.__init__` for details. zero_shift : Union[AUXBufferWrapper, numpy.ndarray, None], optional Zero shift, for example descan error. Can be :code:`None`, :code:`numpy.array((y, x))` or AUX data with :code:`(y, x)` for each frame. Only supported for correlation methods :code:`fast` and `fullframe`. upsample: Union[bool, int], optional Use DFT upsampling for the refinement step, by default False. Supplying True will choose a reasonable default upsampling factor, while any positive integer > 1 will upsample the correlation peak by this factor. DFT upsampling can provide more accurate center values, especially when peak shifts are small, but does require more computation time. kwargs : passed through to :meth:`~libertem.api.Context.run_udf` Returns ------- result : Dict[str, BufferWrapper] Result buffers of the UDF. See :meth:`libertem_blobfinder.correlation.CorrelationUDF.get_result_buffers` and :meth:`RefinementMixin.get_result_buffers` for details on the available buffers. used_indices : numpy.ndarray The peak indices that were within the frame. Examples -------- >>> dataset = ctx.load( ... filetype="memory", ... data=np.zeros(shape=(2, 2, 128, 128), dtype=np.float32) ... ) >>> (result, used_indices) = run_refine( ... ctx, dataset, ... zero=(64, 64), a=(1, 0), b=(0, 1), ... match_pattern=libertem_blobfinder.common.patterns.RadialGradient(radius=4), ... matcher=grm.Matcher() ... ) >>> result['centers'].data #doctest: +ELLIPSIS array(...) ''' if indices is None: indices = np.mgrid[-10:11, -10:11] if upsample is True: upsample = 20 (fy, fx) = tuple(dataset.shape.sig) indices, peaks = frame_peaks( fy=fy, fx=fx, zero=zero, a=a, b=b,, indices=indices ) peaks = peaks.astype('int') if correlation == 'fast': method = FastCorrelationUDF elif correlation == 'sparse': method = SparseCorrelationUDF elif correlation == 'fullframe': method = FullFrameCorrelationUDF else: raise ValueError( "Unknown correlation method %s. Supported are 'fast' and 'sparse'" % correlation ) if match == 'affine': mixin = AffineMixin elif match == 'fast': mixin = FastmatchMixin else: raise ValueError( "Unknown match method %s. Supported are 'fast' and 'affine'" % match ) # The inheritance order matters: FIRST the mixin, which calls # the super class methods. class MyUDF(mixin, method): pass udf = MyUDF( peaks=peaks, indices=indices, start_zero=zero, start_a=a, start_b=b, match_pattern=match_pattern, matcher=matcher, steps=steps, zero_shift=zero_shift, upsample=upsample, ) result = ctx.run_udf( dataset=dataset, udf=udf, **kwargs ) return (result, indices)