Source code for libertem_blobfinder.base.correlation

import os
from typing import Union, Tuple

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import numba
import sparseconverter

fft = np.fft
zeros = np.zeros

# Necessary to work with JIT disabled for coverage and testing purposes
if os.getenv('NUMBA_DISABLE_JIT'):
    def to_fixed_tuple(array, length):
        return tuple(array)
    from import to_fixed_tuple

def _upsampled_dft(
    corrspecs: npt.NDArray,
    frequencies: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray],
    upsampled_region_size: int,
    axis_offsets: Tuple[float, float],
) -> np.ndarray:
    Heavily adapted from
    which is itself based on code by Manuel Guizar released initially under a
    BSD 3-Clause license @

    :meta private:
    im2pi = -1j * 2 * np.pi
    upsampled = corrspecs
    for (ax_freq, ax_offset) in zip(frequencies[::-1], axis_offsets[::-1]):
        kernel = np.linspace(
            (-ax_offset + upsampled_region_size - 1),
        kernel = np.exp(kernel[:, None] * ax_freq * im2pi, dtype=np.complex64)
        # Equivalent to:
        #   data[i, j, k] = kernel[i, :] @ data[j, k].T
        upsampled = np.tensordot(kernel, upsampled, axes=(1, -1))
    return upsampled

def refine_center_upsampling(
    corrmap_center: npt.NDArray,
    upsample_pos: npt.NDArray,
    corrspecs: npt.NDArray,
    frequencies: Tuple[npt.NDArray, npt.NDArray],
    upsample_factor: int,
) -> npt.NDArray:
    corrmap_center : np.ndarray[(2,), np.float32]
        The centre of the correlation map resulting from irfft(corrspecs)
    upsample_pos : np.ndarray[(2,), np.float32]
        (y, x) coordinates of the argmax position within the correlation map
    corrspecs : np.ndarray[(2,), np.float32]
        The rfft2 of the correlation map (last dimension halved + 1, normally)
    frequencies : Tuple[np.ndarray[(2,), np.float32]]
        The fft frequencies corresponding to the axes of corrspecs
    upsample_factor : int
        The number of upsampled pixels per pixel in the original correlation map
        when finding the refined position. Directly determines the precision of the
        result (e.g. 20 => 0.05 pixel precision).

    refined : np.ndarray[(2,), np.float32]
        The position of the refined maximum

    :meta private:
    # Same license info as in the function _upsampled_dft

    # Move the real position in corr to the position
    # in the fft (essentially apply fftshift without wrapping)
    shift = upsample_pos - corrmap_center
    shift_us = np.round(shift * upsample_factor)

    upsampled_region_size = np.ceil(upsample_factor * 1.5)
    dftshift = np.fix(upsampled_region_size / 2.0)
    sample_region_offset = dftshift - shift_us

    cross_correlation_us = _upsampled_dft(

    # Find the argmax in the upsampled corrmap
    maxima = np.unravel_index(
    maxima = np.stack(maxima).astype(np.float32, copy=False)
    maxima -= dftshift

    # Transform the maximum back into the coordinate system of corr
    shift += maxima / upsample_factor
    shift += corrmap_center
    return shift.astype(np.float32)

def center_of_mass(arr):
    r_y = r_x = np.float32(0)
    for y in range(arr.shape[0]):
        for x in range(arr.shape[1]):
            r_y += np.float32(arr[y, x]*y)
            r_x += np.float32(arr[y, x]*x)
    s = arr.sum()
    return (np.float32(r_y/s), np.float32(r_x/s))

def refine_center(center, r, corrmap):
    (y, x) = center
    s = corrmap.shape
    r = min(r, y, x, s[0] - y - 1, s[1] - x - 1)
    if r <= 0:
        return (np.float32(y), np.float32(x))
        # FIXME See and compare with Extension of Phase Correlation to Subpixel Registration
        # Hassan Foroosh
        # That one or a close/similar/cited one
        cutout = corrmap[y-r:y+r+1, x-r:x+r+1]
        m = np.min(cutout)
        ry, rx = center_of_mass(cutout - m)
        refined_y = y + ry - r
        refined_x = x + rx - r
        # print(y, x, refined_y, refined_x, "\n", cutout)
        return (np.float32(refined_y), np.float32(refined_x))

[docs]@numba.njit def peak_elevation(center, corrmap, height, r_min=1.5, r_max=np.inf): ''' Return the slope of the tightest cone around :code:`center` with height :code:`height` that touches :code:`corrmap` between :code:`r_min` and :code:`r_max`. The correlation of two disks -- mask and perfect diffraction spot -- has the shape of a cone. The function's return value correlates with the quality of a correlation. Higher slope means a strong peak and no side maxima, while weak signal or side maxima lead to a flatter slope. Parameters ---------- center : numpy.ndarray (y, x) coordinates of the center within the :code:`corrmap` corrmap : numpy.ndarray Correlation map height : float The height is provided as a parameter since center can be float values from refinement and the height value is conveniently available from the calling function. r_min : float, optional Masks out a small local plateau around the peak that would distort and dominate the calculation. r_max : float, optional Mask out neighboring peaks if a large area with several legitimate peaks is correlated. Returns ------- elevation : float Elevation of the tightest cone that fits the correlation map within the given parameter range. ''' peak_y, peak_x = center (size_y, size_x) = corrmap.shape result = np.float32(np.inf) for y in range(size_y): for x in range(size_x): dist = np.sqrt((y - peak_y)**2 + (x - peak_x)**2) if (dist >= r_min) and (dist < r_max): result = min((result, np.float32((height - corrmap[y, x]) / dist))) return max(0, result)
[docs]def do_correlations(template, crop_parts, with_specs: bool = False): ''' Calculate the correlation of the pre-calculated template with a stack of cropped peaks using fast correlation. Parameters ---------- template : numpy.ndarray Real Fourier transform of the correlation pattern. The source pattern should have the same size as the cropped parts. Please note that the real Fourier transform (fft.rfft2) of the source pattern has a different shape! crop_parts : numpy.ndarray Stack of peaks cropped from the frame. with_specs: bool, optional Whether to return the FFT correlation maps before inversion, used for FFT upsampling. By default, False. Returns ------- corrs : numpy.ndarray Correlation of the correlation pattern and the peaks. corrspecs : numpy.ndarray The FFT correlation maps before inversion, returned only if with_specs is True. ''' spec_parts = fft.rfft2(crop_parts) corrspecs = template * spec_parts corrs = fft.ifftshift( fft.irfft2( corrspecs, s=crop_parts.shape[-2:], ), axes=(-2, -1), ) if with_specs: return corrs, corrspecs return corrs
@numba.njit def unravel_index(index, shape): sizes = np.zeros(len(shape), dtype=np.int64) result = np.zeros(len(shape), dtype=np.int64) sizes[-1] = 1 for i in range(len(shape) - 2, -1, -1): sizes[i] = sizes[i + 1] * shape[i + 1] remainder = index for i in range(len(shape)): result[i] = remainder // sizes[i] remainder %= sizes[i] return to_fixed_tuple(result, len(shape)) @numba.njit def evaluate_correlations(corrs, peaks, crop_size, out_centers, out_refineds, out_heights, out_elevations): for i in range(len(corrs)): corr = corrs[i] center = unravel_index(np.argmax(corr), corr.shape) refined = np.array(refine_center(center, 2, corr), dtype=np.float32) height = np.float32(corr[center]) out_centers[i] = _shift(np.array(center), peaks[i], crop_size) out_refineds[i] = _shift(refined, peaks[i], crop_size) out_heights[i] = height out_elevations[i] = np.float32(peak_elevation(refined, corr, height)) def evaluate_upsampling(corrspecs, corrs, peaks, crop_size, sig_shape, upsample_factor, out_centers, out_refineds): """ Evaluate the refined peak positions using DFT upsampling Internally re-inverts corrspecs with upsampling around the positions found in out_centers, and places the argmax of these new corrmaps into out_refineds. This function operates either on a full-frame corrspecs (ndim of 2) or a stack of corrspecs (ndim of 3) when using the 'fast' processing mode (crops of the frame). Parameters ---------- corrspecs : numpy.ndarray The rFFT correlations before inversion. If :code:`ndim == 3` we are processing a stack of crops from a frame, while if :code:`ndim == 2` we are processing the correlation map of the whole frame. corrs : numpy.ndarray Stack of correlation maps, either matching the stack of corrspecs (fast processing), or crops from the full-frame correlation map. peaks : np.ndarray List of peaks of shape (n_peaks, 2) in full-frame frame coordinates, matching the order of corrs if processing crops. crop_size : int Half the size of the correlation pattern used to compute corrspecs. sig_shape : Tuple[int, int] The shape of the full frame upsample_factor : int The degree to upsample the frame, determines the precision of the result (:code:`1 / upsample_factor`). out_centers : np.ndarray Buffer filled with for unrefined peak positions of shape (n_peaks, 2). These are read to know the upsampling location. out_refineds : np.ndarray Output buffer for refined center positions of shape (n_peaks, 2) and float dtype, values will be overwritten with the upsampled coordinates. :meta private: """ # A corrspec stack means we are processing corrspecs of crops of the frame # and corrs are the irfft2 of each corrspec. Otherwise, corrspecs is the single rfft2 # of the whole frame and corrs are the crops from the irfft2 of corrspecs. # An alternative to these gynmastics is specialise evaluate_upsampling into # evaluate_upsampling_fast and evaluate_upsampling_full corrspec_stack = corrspecs.ndim == 3 corr_shape = corrs.shape[1:] if corrspec_stack else sig_shape corr_center = np.ceil(np.asarray(corr_shape) / 2, dtype=np.float32) frequencies = ( fft.fftfreq(corr_shape[0], upsample_factor), fft.rfftfreq(corr_shape[1], upsample_factor), ) for i in range(len(corrs)): corrspec = corrspecs[i] if corrspec_stack else corrspecs center = out_centers[i] if corrspec_stack: center = _unshift(center, peaks[i], crop_size) out_refineds[i] = refine_center_upsampling( corr_center, center, corrspec, frequencies, upsample_factor=upsample_factor ) if corrspec_stack: out_refineds[i] = _shift(out_refineds[i], peaks[i], crop_size) def log_scale(data, out): return np.log(data - np.min(data) + 1, out=out) def log_scale_cropbufs_inplace(crop_bufs): m = np.min(crop_bufs, axis=(-1, -2)) - 1 np.log(crop_bufs - m[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis], out=crop_bufs) @numba.njit def crop_disks_from_frame(peaks, frame, crop_size, out_crop_bufs): def frame_coord_y(peak, y): return y + peak[0] - crop_size def frame_coord_x(peak, x): return x + peak[1] - crop_size fy, fx = frame.shape for i in range(len(peaks)): peak = peaks[i] for y in range(out_crop_bufs.shape[1]): yy = frame_coord_y(peak, y) y_outside = yy < 0 or yy >= fy for x in range(out_crop_bufs.shape[2]): xx = frame_coord_x(peak, x) x_outside = xx < 0 or xx >= fx if y_outside or x_outside: out_crop_bufs[i, y, x] = 0 else: out_crop_bufs[i, y, x] = frame[yy, xx] def crop_disks_from_frame_slicing(peaks, frame, crop_size, out_crop_bufs): def frame_coord_y(peak, y): return y + peak[0] - crop_size def frame_coord_x(peak, x): return x + peak[1] - crop_size fy, fx = frame.shape target_backend = sparseconverter.get_backend(out_crop_bufs) for i in range(len(peaks)): peak = peaks[i] origin_y = frame_coord_y(peak, 0) origin_x = frame_coord_x(peak, 0) end_y = frame_coord_y(peak, out_crop_bufs.shape[1]) end_x = frame_coord_x(peak, out_crop_bufs.shape[2]) skip_y = max(-origin_y, 0) skip_x = max(-origin_x, 0) cut_y = fy - end_y if cut_y >= 0: cut_y = None cut_x = fx - end_x if cut_x >= 0: cut_x = None out_crop_bufs[i, skip_y:cut_y, skip_x:cut_x] = sparseconverter.for_backend( frame[ max(origin_y, 0):max(end_y, 0), max(origin_x, 0):max(end_x, 0) ], target_backend ) @numba.njit def _shift(relative_center, anchor, crop_size): return relative_center + anchor - np.array((crop_size, crop_size)) @numba.njit def _unshift(center, anchor, crop_size): return center - anchor + np.array((crop_size, crop_size))
[docs]def get_buf_count(crop_size, n_peaks, dtype, limit=2**19): ''' Calculate the optimal number of peaks in a stack to fit within the limit. Parameters ---------- crop_size : int The cropped parts will have size (2 * crop-size, 2 * crop_size) n_peaks : int Number of peaks dtype : numpy.dtype dtype of the data for size calculation limit : int, optional Upper limit, default 1/2 MB to be L3 cache friendly Returns ------- int ''' dtype = np.dtype(dtype) full_size = (2 * crop_size)**2 * dtype.itemsize return min(max(1, limit // full_size), n_peaks)
[docs]def allocate_crop_bufs(crop_size, n_peaks, dtype, limit=2**19, xp=np): ''' Allocate buffer for stack of cropped peaks The size is optimized to fit within :code:`limit`. An aligned buffer for the FFT back-end is created if possible. Parameters ---------- crop_size : int The cropped parts will have size (2 * crop-size, 2 * crop_size) n_peaks : int Number of peaks dtype : numpy.dtype dtype of the buffer limit : int, optional Upper limit, default 1/2 MB to be L3 cache friendly Returns ------- crop_bufs: np.ndarray Shape (n, 2*crop_size, 2*crop_size) ''' buf_count = get_buf_count(crop_size, n_peaks, dtype, limit) crop_bufs = xp.zeros((buf_count, 2 * crop_size, 2 * crop_size), dtype=dtype) return crop_bufs
[docs]def process_frame_fast( template, crop_size, frame, peaks, out_centers, out_refineds, out_heights, out_elevations, crop_bufs, upsample: Union[bool, int] = False, crop_function=crop_disks_from_frame, ): ''' Find the parameters of peaks in a diffraction pattern by correlation with a template This function is designed to be used in an optimized pipeline with a pre-calculated Fourier transform of the match pattern and optional pre-allocated buffers. It is the engine of the :class:`libertem_blobfinder.udf.correlation.FastCorrelationUDF` for stand-alone use independent of LiberTEM. :meth:`libertem_blobfinder.common.correlation.process_frames_fast` offers a more convenient interface for batch processing. Parameters ---------- template : numpy.ndarray Real Fourier transform of the correlation pattern. The source pattern shape should match the shape[1:] of crop_bufs. Please note that the real Fourier transform (fft.rfft2) of the source pattern has a different shape! crop_size : int Half the size of the correlation pattern. Given as a parameter since real Fourier transform changes the size. frame : np.ndarray Frame data. Currently, only Real values are supported. peaks : np.ndarray List of peaks of shape (n_peaks, 2) out_centers : np.ndarray Output buffer for center positions of shape (n_peaks, 2) and integer dtype. out_refineds : np.ndarray Output buffer for refined center positions of shape (n_peaks, 2) and float dtype. out_heights : np.ndarray Output buffer for peak height in log scaled frame. Shape (n_peaks, ) and float dtype. out_elevations : np.ndarray Output buffer for peak elevation in log scaled frame. Shape (n_peaks, ) and float dtype. crop_bufs : np.ndarray Temporary buffers for cropping. Shape (n, 2 * crop_size, 2 * crop_size) and float dtype. n doesn't have to match the number of peaks. Instead, it should be chosen for good L3 cache efficiency. :meth:`allocate_crop_bufs` can be used to allocate this buffer. upsample : Union[bool, int], optional Whether to use upsampling DFT for refinement. False to deactivate (default) or a positive integer >1 to upsample by this factor when refining the correlation peak positions. Upsample True will choose a sensible upsampling factor. Returns ------- None The values are placed in the provided output buffers. Example ------- >>> from libertem_blobfinder.common.patterns import RadialGradient >>> from libertem_blobfinder.base.correlation import allocate_crop_bufs >>> from libertem_blobfinder.base.utils import cbed_frame >>> >>> frames, indices, peaks = cbed_frame(radius=4) >>> pattern = RadialGradient(radius=4) >>> crop_size = pattern.get_crop_size() >>> template = pattern.get_template(sig_shape=(2 * crop_size, 2 * crop_size)) >>> >>> centers = np.zeros((len(frames), len(peaks), 2), dtype=np.uint16) >>> refineds = np.zeros((len(frames), len(peaks), 2), dtype=np.float32) >>> heights = np.zeros((len(frames), len(peaks)), dtype=np.float32) >>> elevations = np.zeros((len(frames), len(peaks)), dtype=np.float32) >>> >>> crop_bufs = allocate_crop_bufs(crop_size, len(peaks), frames.dtype) >>> >>> for i, f in enumerate(frames): ... process_frame_fast( ... template=template, crop_size=crop_size, ... frame=f, peaks=peaks.astype(np.int32), ... out_centers=centers[i], out_refineds=refineds[i], ... out_heights=heights[i], out_elevations=elevations[i], ... crop_bufs=crop_bufs ... ) >>> assert np.allclose(refineds[0], peaks, atol=0.1) ''' if upsample is True: upsample = 20 buf_count = len(crop_bufs) block_count = (len(peaks) - 1) // buf_count + 1 for block in range(block_count): start = block * buf_count stop = min((block + 1) * buf_count, len(peaks)) size = stop - start crop_function( peaks=peaks[start:stop], frame=frame, crop_size=crop_size, out_crop_bufs=crop_bufs[:size] ) log_scale_cropbufs_inplace(crop_bufs[:size]) corrs, corrspecs = do_correlations( template, crop_bufs[:size], with_specs=True ) corrs = sparseconverter.for_backend( corrs, sparseconverter.NUMPY, ) corrspecs = sparseconverter.for_backend( corrspecs, sparseconverter.NUMPY, ) evaluate_correlations( corrs=corrs, peaks=peaks[start:stop], crop_size=crop_size, out_centers=out_centers[start:stop], out_refineds=out_refineds[start:stop], out_heights=out_heights[start:stop], out_elevations=out_elevations[start:stop] ) if int(upsample) > 1: evaluate_upsampling( corrspecs=corrspecs, corrs=crop_bufs[:size], peaks=peaks[start:stop], crop_size=crop_size, sig_shape=frame.shape, upsample_factor=int(upsample), out_centers=out_centers[start:stop], out_refineds=out_refineds[start:stop], )
[docs]def process_frame_full(template, crop_size, frame, peaks, out_centers=None, out_refineds=None, out_heights=None, out_elevations=None, frame_buf=None, buf_count=None, upsample: Union[bool, int] = False, crop_function=crop_disks_from_frame): ''' Find the parameters of peaks in a diffraction pattern by correlation with a template This function is designed to be used in an optimized pipeline with a pre-calculated Fourier transform of the match pattern and optional pre-allocated buffers. It is the engine of the :class:`libertem_blobfinder.udf.correlation.FullFrameCorrelationUDF` for stand-alone use independent of LiberTEM. :meth:`libertem_blobfinder.common.correlation.process_frames_full` offers a more convenient interface for batch processing. Parameters ---------- template : numpy.ndarray Real Fourier transform of the correlation pattern. The source pattern shape should match the argument crop_size, either the supplied shape or (2 * crop_size, 2 * crop_size) if default. Please note that the real Fourier transform (fft.rfft2) of the source pattern has a different shape! crop_size : int Half the size of the correlation pattern. Given as a parameter since real Fourier transform changes the size. frame : np.ndarray Frame data. Currently, only real values are supported. peaks : np.ndarray List of peaks of shape (n_peaks, 2) out_centers : np.ndarray, optional Output buffer for center positions of shape (n_peaks, 2) and integer dtype. Will be allocated if needed. out_refineds : np.ndarray, optional Output buffer for refined center positions of shape (n_peaks, 2) and float dtype. Will be allocated if needed. out_heights : np.ndarray, optional Output buffer for peak height in log scaled frame. Shape (n_peaks, ) and float dtype. Will be allocated if needed. out_elevations : np.ndarray, optional Output buffer for peak elevation in log scaled frame. Shape (n_peaks, ) and float dtype. Will be allocated if needed. frame_buf : np.ndarray Temporary buffer for the FFT back-end. Shape of a frame and float dtype. :meth:`` can be used. buf_count : int Number of peaks to process per outer loop iteration. This allows optimization of L3 cache efficiency. upsample : Union[bool, int], optional Whether to use upsampling DFT for refinement. False to deactivate (default) or a positive integer >1 to upsample by this factor when refining the correlation peak positions. Upsample True will choose a sensible upsampling factor. Returns ------- None The values are placed in the provided output buffers. Example ------- >>> from libertem_blobfinder.common.patterns import RadialGradient >>> from libertem_blobfinder.base.correlation import get_buf_count, zeros >>> from libertem_blobfinder.base.utils import cbed_frame >>> >>> frames, indices, peaks = cbed_frame() >>> pattern = RadialGradient(radius=4) >>> crop_size = pattern.get_crop_size() >>> template = pattern.get_template(sig_shape=frames[0].shape) >>> >>> centers = np.zeros((len(frames), len(peaks), 2), dtype=np.uint16) >>> refineds = np.zeros((len(frames), len(peaks), 2), dtype=np.float32) >>> heights = np.zeros((len(frames), len(peaks)), dtype=np.float32) >>> elevations = np.zeros((len(frames), len(peaks)), dtype=np.float32) >>> >>> frame_buf = zeros(frames[0].shape, dtype=np.float32) >>> buf_count = get_buf_count(crop_size, len(peaks), frame_buf.dtype) >>> >>> for i, f in enumerate(frames): ... process_frame_full( ... template=template, crop_size=crop_size, ... frame=f, peaks=peaks.astype(np.int32), ... out_centers=centers[i], out_refineds=refineds[i], ... out_heights=heights[i], out_elevations=elevations[i], ... frame_buf=frame_buf, buf_count=buf_count ... ) >>> assert np.allclose(refineds[0], peaks, atol=0.1) ''' if upsample is True: upsample = 20 log_scale(frame, out=frame_buf) spec_part = fft.rfft2(frame_buf) corrspec = template * spec_part corr = fft.ifftshift( fft.irfft2( corrspec, s=frame_buf.shape[-2:], ), axes=(-2, -1), ) corr = sparseconverter.for_backend( corr, sparseconverter.NUMPY, ) corrspec = sparseconverter.for_backend( corrspec, sparseconverter.NUMPY, ) crop_shape = (2 * crop_size, 2 * crop_size) crop_bufs = np.zeros((buf_count, *crop_shape), dtype=corr.dtype) block_count = (len(peaks) - 1) // buf_count + 1 for block in range(block_count): start = block * buf_count stop = min(len(peaks), (block + 1) * buf_count) size = stop - start crop_function( peaks=peaks[start:stop], frame=corr, crop_size=crop_size, out_crop_bufs=crop_bufs[:size] ) evaluate_correlations( corrs=crop_bufs[:size], peaks=peaks[start:stop], crop_size=crop_size, out_centers=out_centers[start:stop], out_refineds=out_refineds[start:stop], out_heights=out_heights[start:stop], out_elevations=out_elevations[start:stop] ) if int(upsample) > 1: evaluate_upsampling( corrspecs=corrspec, corrs=crop_bufs[:size], peaks=peaks[start:stop], crop_size=crop_size, sig_shape=frame.shape, upsample_factor=int(upsample), out_centers=out_centers[start:stop], out_refineds=out_refineds[start:stop], )