Source code for libertem_holo.base.mask

"""Functions for building apertures."""
from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np
from libertem.masks import radial_bins
from skimage.draw import line

[docs]def disk_aperture(out_shape: tuple[int, int], radius: float, xp=np) -> np.ndarray: """Generate a disk-shaped aperture, fft-shifted. Parameters ---------- out_shape : interger Shape of the output array radius : float Radius of the disk xp Either numpy or cupy Returns ------- aperture 2d array containing aperture """ center = int(out_shape[0] / 2), int(out_shape[1] / 2) bins = xp.asarray(radial_bins( centerX=center[1], centerY=center[0], imageSizeX=out_shape[1], imageSizeY=out_shape[0], radius=float(radius), n_bins=1, use_sparse=False, )) return xp.fft.fftshift(bins[0])
[docs]def line_filter( orig_shape: tuple[int, int], sb_pos: tuple[int, int], width: int, length: int, slice_fft: slice, ) -> np.ndarray: """Remove Fresnel fringes from biprism with a line filter in fourier space. The starting point is the sideband position. The end points depend on the length and in the direction to top right image. Parameters ---------- orig_shape the shape of the image. sb_pos Position of the sideband that is used for reconstruction of holograms. width Width of the line (rectangle) in pixels. length Length of the line (rectangle) in pixels. slice_fft A slice in fft shifted coordinates Returns ------- 2d array containing line filter """ start_pos = (sb_pos[0], sb_pos[1]) angle = np.arctan2(sb_pos[0], orig_shape[1] - sb_pos[1]) end_pos = (sb_pos[0] - int(np.floor(length * np.sin(angle))), sb_pos[1] + int(np.floor(length * np.cos(angle)))) # FIXME: replace with `skimage.draw.polygon`? rr, cc = line(start_pos[0], start_pos[1], end_pos[0], end_pos[1]) mask = np.ones(orig_shape) mask[rr, cc] = 0 for i in range(int(np.ceil(width/2))): rr, cc = line(start_pos[0], start_pos[1] + i, end_pos[0] + i, end_pos[1]) mask[rr, cc] = 0 rr, cc = line(start_pos[0], start_pos[1] - i, end_pos[0], end_pos[1] - i) mask[rr, cc] = 0 return np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftshift(mask)[slice_fft])