.. _`asi tpx3`: Amsterdam Scientific Instruments CheeTah TPX3 ============================================= .. versionadded:: 0.2 This detector is experimentally supported for now, and needs matching Serval and Accos versions running. At this time, only the passive mode is implemented, which relies on configuring the detector and acquisition from the outside. Adding active mode support is planned for the future. Usage examples -------------- .. testsetup:: :skipif: not HAVE_TPX3_TESTDATA from libertem_live.detectors.asi_tpx3.sim import TpxCameraSim from libertem_live.api import LiveContext server = TpxCameraSim( paths=[TPX3_TESTDATA_PATH], port=0, cached='MEM', sleep=0.1, ) server.start() server.wait_for_listen() TPX3_DATA_PORT = server.server_t.port ctx = LiveContext() .. testcode:: :skipif: not HAVE_TPX3_TESTDATA from libertem.viz.bqp import BQLive2DPlot from libertem_live.api import LiveContext from libertem.udf.sum import SumUDF ctx = LiveContext(plot_class=BQLive2DPlot) with ctx.make_connection('asi_tpx3').open( data_host="", data_port=TPX3_DATA_PORT, chunks_per_stack=16, bytes_per_chunk=1500000, buffer_size=2048, # MiB ) as conn: # If the timeout is hit, pending_aq is None. # In a real situation, make sure to test for this, # for example by looping until a pending acquisition pending_aq = conn.wait_for_acquisition(timeout=10.0) # prepare for acquisition aq = ctx.make_acquisition( conn=conn, frames_per_partition=4096, pending_aq=pending_aq, ) # run one or more UDFs on the live data stream: ctx.run_udf(dataset=aq, udf=SumUDF()) .. testcleanup:: :skipif: not HAVE_TPX3_TESTDATA ctx.close() conn.close() server.stop() server.maybe_raise()