Changelog ========= .. _continuous: 0.3.0.dev0 ########## .. toctree:: :glob: changelog/*/* .. _latest: .. _`v0-2-1`: 0.2.1 / 2023-05-09 ################## .. image:: :target: Updated the packaging to include the tests in the sdist (:pr:`99`), and add tests that don't require "real" test data (:pr:`102`, :pr:`103`). .. _`v0-2-0`: 0.2.0 / 2023-04-21 ################## .. image:: :target: This release updates LiberTEM-live to use the new features of LiberTEM v0.11 and the pipelined executor (:pr:`51`), and adds support for streaming data from two new detectors. It introduces a new, more convenient API for connecting to detectors and running UDFs in an active or passive way. It also includes enhancements for Merlin Medipix support. Certain parts of LiberTEM-live are now implemented in Rust with Python bindings, these now live in `the LiberTEM-rs repository `_. Among other things, this includes receiving data directly into a shared memory area. This release also drops support for Python 3.6, which is no longer supported upstream. New features ------------ * Support for DECTRIS detectors, like QUADRO or ARINA (:pr:`51`, :pr:`74`). * Initial support for ASI TPX3 detectors (:pr:`81`). * Support for 2x2 layouts of Merlin Medipix, including 1/6/12bit raw data formats (:pr:`36`, :issue:`34`). * :ref:`recording` with :class:`~libertem_live.udf.record.RecordUDF` (:pr:`51`). * Updated user-facing APIs (:pr:`74`). * Most operations are now reachable just by importing the :class:`libertem_live.api.LiveContext`, no need to manually import detector-specific classes etc. * Introduce :class:`libertem_live.hooks.Hooks` as a replacement for the trigger function that is open for future enhancements. * Generic interface :meth:`libertem_live.api.LiveContext.make_acquisition` for creating acquisition objects; the detector specific parameters are now mostly specified in :meth:`libertem_live.api.LiveContext.make_connection`. Connecting and creating an acquisition object is now a two-step process. * Support for a passive acquisition workflow using :meth:`libertem_live.detectors.base.connection.DetectorConnection.wait_for_acquisition`. * Automatically determine :code:`nav_shape` if possible (:pr:`74`). * This is only possible in passive mode, as we have to know the :code:`nav_shape` in active mode. * If the automatic mode doesn't work for you, it's still possible to manually specify the shape, or to override :meth:`libertem_live.hooks.Hooks.on_determine_nav_shape` which takes precedence over the automatic detection. * It's now possible to have placeholders in the :code:`nav_shape`, which will be filled with the remainder of the shape. For example, It's possible to specify :code:`(-1, -1)` and get a 2D shape, or something like :code:`(128, -1)` to fill the last dimension automatically, based on the number of frames in the acquisition. Bugfixes -------- * Fix for the low level Merlin Medipix API, adding async and iterator support (:pr:`30`). * Fix flakyness in the Merlin Medipix receiver, which could misbehave at the end of an acquisition (:pr:`31`). Obsolescence ------------ * Drop Python 3.6 support (:pr:`68`). * All acquisition objects now take the same parameter set, meaning scripts using the early Merlin Medipix support need to be adjusted to the new API (:pr:`27` and others). .. _`v0-1-0`: 0.1.0 / 2021-06-29 ################## .. image:: :target: Initial release with support for Quantum Detectors Merlin.