.. _`examples`: Examples ======== See also https://github.com/LiberTEM/LiberTEM-blobfinder/tree/master/examples for a folder with the notebooks. Strain map of a transistor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This example shows a typical strain map of a transistor with monocrystalline strained silicon. .. toctree:: strainmap-SiGe Strain map of polycrystalline materials ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LiberTEM allows to segment a scan into regions of interest to process grains with different orientations and lattice parameters separately. This example uses clustering of a feature vector to process a polycrystalline sample in a fully automated fashion. .. toctree:: strainmap-poly Upsampling refinement ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This example shows the usage of upsampling refinement to improve precision on data with small shifts. .. toctree:: upsampling