Changelog ========= .. _continuous: 0.7.0.dev0 (continuous) ####################### .. toctree:: :glob: changelog/*/* .. _latest: .. _`v0-6-1`: 0.6.1 / 2024-04-17 ################## .. image:: :target: This is a no-change release to hopefully fix our zenodo integration. .. _`v0-6-0`: 0.6.0 / 2024-04-17 ################## This version now supports Python up to 3.12 and requires at least Python 3.9. We are now using hatchling to build the package. Features -------- * Fourier upsampling is now implemented for calculating the 'refineds' peak positions in correlation UDFs. This approach can give more precise results when peak shifts are sub-pixel at the expense of increased computation, and is available using the :code:`upsample=True` argument to UDF and associated functions (see :issue:`39`, :pr:`70`). * All correlation UDFs now support GPU processing with :code:`cupy`, in addition to sparse input with the Fast and Sparse correlation UDFs. Conversion from unsupported backends is automatically handled using the `sparseconverter `_ package. (see :pr:`61`) Misc ---- * The :mod:`libertem_blobfinder.common` module and associated tests have been refactored to remove any dependency on LiberTEM. notably this includes all mask-generating functions previously found in :mod:`libertem.masks`, which are now found also in :mod:`libertem_blobfinder.base.masks`. As part of this change the :code:`common` extra dependency group has been removed (:pr:`87`). * Move :code:`gridmatching` and :code:`fullmatch` from :code:`libertem.analysis` to :mod:`libertem_blobfinder.common.gridmatching` and :mod:`libertem_blobfinder.common.fullmatch` since they make more sense here (:pr:`83`). .. _`v0-5-0`: 0.5.0 / 2023-05-08 ################## .. image:: :target: This version now supports Python up to version 3.11, and drops support for Python 3.6. Features -------- * Integration of peak intensities at per-frame positions using :class:`libertem_blobfinder.udf.integration.IntegrationUDF`. This can be used if peaks are shifted so much that integration at equal positions for all frames using :meth:`libertem_blobfinder.common.patterns.feature_vector` doesn't work anymore. (:pr:`27`) * The :code:`run_*` functions that wrap various UDFs now support the :code:`progress` argument of :meth:`libertem.api.Context.run_udf` that was introduced in LiberTEM 0.5.0.dev0. (:pr:`22`) * Allow specifying per-frame origin shift (:pr:`23`) * Introduce the :code:`zero_shift` parameter to :class:`libertem_blobfinder.udf.correlation.CorrelationUDF`, :meth:`libertem_blobfinder.udf.correlation.run_fastcorrelation` and :meth:`libertem_blobfinder.udf.refinement.run_refine` to specify a per-frame shift of the zero order position. This allows processing data with strong descan error. .. _`v0-4-1`: 0.4.1 ##### Bug fixes --------- * Ensure compatibility with numba>=0.50 :pr:`28` .. _`v0-4-0`: 0.4.0 ##### .. image:: :target: The first release independent of LiberTEM. Changes relative to LiberTEM version 0.3.0: Bug fixes --------- * Fix bounds checking, size and index calculation bugs (, Features -------- * Access to the correlation pattern for peak finding through :meth:`~libertem_blobfinder.common.correlation.get_correlation` ( Misc ---- * The code was extracted from LiberTEM and restructured. See :pr:`1,14,16` and :ref:`blobfinder api` for details on the new structure! Obsolescence ------------ * Importing blobfinder from LiberTEM is deprecated and will only be supported until 0.6.0. Import from this new package instead.